Expansion Negotiations with House Dufour - Belyea Legacy expansion to Naodaron

Jul 25, 2023
Galactic Credits

Location: Castle Osment, Quympier, Malauth, Vethonny
Outfit: House Courtenay’s Noble Armor
Equipment: Sword
Tags: @Nora Ulfbitenn | @Raîne Courtenay | @Aveline Brinon
Henri was quite happy when the ride to Quympier was complete. Though with Nora’s presence the trip was less annoying that it would have been with his sister and her bodyguard. Other noble women would have probably joined in the hushed whispers and playful giggling that Raîne and, much to Henri’s disappointment in the knightess, Aveline participated in. If it were just Aveline Henri knew that she would have been pleasant company, but whenever Raîne was near Aveline was either over the edge paranoid, or carrying on like a prissy noblewoman.

Nora, besides being beautiful, seemed to be above that. She had been with House Courtenay for a little while now. She was her mother’s representative to attempt to bring High Queen Noémi into the Northern Alliance. Henri acted as the crown’s diplomat and the two negotiating parties worked well together. They came up with a strong agreement for Suthra and Vethonny to become allies, more than allies if the Prince and Duchess hit it off, which from all reports went tremendously.

Asides from work however Henri was quite intrigued by Nora’s company. And he was quite sure that it was mutual. Though Nora was willing to stay in Vethonny for a short time, a demand of the queen that Henri was happy to follow, she was weary of committing to anything without finding a replacement for her role in Duchess Sylvia’s plans. That made this mission even more important to Henri. The hope was that between Aveline’s connection to House Dufour and Amfrie’s familiarity with Naodaron, they would be able to convince Baron Droges to join with the cause of the crown without having to invade.

This would also give Nora an opportunity to see Amfrie in action. If she could be Sylvia’s new diplomat Nora would be able to stay in Vethonny. When Henri made that happen they could begin a relationship in earnest. Once Noémi was back installed on her rightful throne that would make Henri the Duke of Vethonny. And he had every intention of making Nora his Duchess.

”We have arrived,” Henri stated the obvious as the carriage came to a stop. He opened the door and stepped down from the carriage waiting to be sure to offer the noble women a hand. He looked around and was glad to see Baron Turstin Osment and his daughter Amfrie waiting for them. Once the party was out of the carriage Henri led them to their hosts. ”Thank you for seeing the importance of this mission Baron,” he said with a slight bow of respect. ”You know my sister and her bodyguard,” Henri motioned as he spoke. ”Allow me to introduce Lady Nora Ulfbitenn of Suthra.”

The gray-haired Baron nodded his head to Henri, a sign that he respected, but didn’t find the younger Baron to be on the same level just yet. He gave a low bow to the ladies he knew and an even deeper practiced bow of formality to Nora. ”Welcome to Quympier my Lady. Please treat it as home for however long you stay. This is my daughter Amfrie. I understand you will be taking her along to Naodaron. Be careful, she’s got quite a mind and a stubborn streak. But she is also loyal. Whatever actions she takes, be confident she thinks they will better the High Queen in the end.”

The entire way to Naodaron, Nora kept herself busy working on various documents or pouring over the intelligence reports provided to her by Ryou and documents about natural resources provided by Alice. Recently when it came to putting together everything, they needed to bring about the Northern Alliance, the young woman found that such diplomatic task were beyond the scale of anything she had done before. It was not that she was not up to the job… far from it… it was simply… tiring. Two things had made it much easier for her. The first one being the sudden romance that had flared up between her mother and prince Aubin, allowing for a smooth connection between Vethony and Suthra. The second being her newfound relationship with Duke Henri, whom she felt like she could consider him as her rock in these turbulent times.

In fact she had been getting a lot of hints from him that he wanted to make her his Duchess one day, and though they had talked about… subtly. Nora had always politely indicated that now was not the best time. It was hardly a lack of interest on her part. No it was more that she felt that they needed to focus on making sure that High Queen Noemi’s rule was secure, and that this replacement that Henri had suggested would be the perfect fit. At the same time though… there was one thing that Nora had made clear to the Duke… was that when things where all said and done as she had said. He would be her Duke. Nora made no qualms of making sure that the male understood that in a manner that very much reflected her mother’s tribal ways,

“Thank you, your grace…” She smiled softly at him and turned to give a slight nod in the direction of the pair who were waiting for them. As she had been taught, ‘Ulfbitenn’ did not bow. She paid special attention to Amfrie, looking her up and down for a moment. She smiled inwardly thinking that well if anything, if this young woman’s skills where anything like Herni described them then she would certainly fit in among her mother’s ever growing ‘collection’ of female rulers, warriors, and diplomats… as well as bed companions. It wasn’t exactly a secret that her mother’s relationship with the prince of Pottuan was a mutually open one… in the most adorable way of course. Turning her eyes to the Baron she smiled,

“It is good to finally put a face to the name Baron Osmet. My mother Duchess Sylvia Ulfbitenn apologizes she couldn’t make it person for these talks. As you see I do represent the her highness the High Queen. I also come to let you know that your daughter is being looked at for an even higher position than Henri might have let on. As my own replacement as a diplomat in any talks between the member states of the Northern Alliance of which if today’s talks go smoothly… you shall fall under the protection of.”

Nora had chosen her words very carefully, invoking her mother’s name carried with it the weight of the Duchess’s ruthless methods of conducting war. She was known as the Warmaster, The Impaler, and The Iron Lady all for good reasons based on her campaign in Suthra. All of which was fueled by the masterful political mind of King Harrul and his expertise in building up and arranging his realm to commit such a large-scale campaign in a short time. Now she came offering not just the hand of friendship from Vethony as a local neighbor, but also that of Suthra and Elrium as a one who would stand beside Vethony and now Naodaron should the need arise,

“Do not worry though Baron, as a stubborn streak is a common trait of the women of Vestvinfol. I can appreciate anyone who speaks their mind and doesn’t back down. After all we wouldn’t want a timid diplomat to represent our people in further talks now would we… no I think that would be quite improper of my potential student.” She said this as she looked at Amfrie making it somewhat clear that she was there to observe and determine the young woman’s worthiness for this task… or at least if she wanted to observe her further.

Location: Castle Osment, Quympier, Malauth, Vethonny
Outfit: Light Armor
Equipment: Sword
Tags: @Henri Courtenay | @Nora Ulfbitenn


The entire journey was spent in the normal way things went when Aveline and Raîne were together. They gossiped even though there was very little news that one had that the other did not. Raîne played with Aveline’s hair, something the knightess never seemed to put any effort into. Thankfully Aveline wore armor most of the time otherwise she just knew that the Lady of House Courtenay would see to it that she was clothed in proper dresses…Well Aveline wasn’t sure that Raîne being involved in her dressing would be the worst thing. It would certainly take a bit more time than necessary if she were.

When they arrived Aveline did her best to put on her serious knightly face, but Raîne was not on the same page. She gave Aveline a gentle nudge to the side as Nora stepped past to exit. Aveline gave a playful jab to Raîne’s ribs causing the lady to giggle. Aveline then gave a stern look that ended the horseplay. The knightess rolled her eyes as Nora took Henri’s hand to get down from the carriage. Aveline did no such thing and stepped down on her own power.

Though they were in familiar friendly grounds Aveline’s eyes darted around making sure there would be no threats while Raîne exited the carriage, taking her brother’s hand as Nora had before her. That was what a young lady was supposed to do. Aveline didn’t much care for what she was supposed to do. The environment seemed to be secure and seeing Amfrie and her father in the distance gave Aveline reason to relax. She followed between Henri and Raîne as they approached their hosts.

The Baron gave a respectful enough bow to Aveline and Raîne, who did likewise, however Aveline had to stifle a giggle at the look on Baron Turstin Osment’s face when the young lady from the Isles didn’t return his bow. He could not afford to be insulted so he buried the expression quickly, but it was of the utmost humor to Aveline. ”It is good to see you, your Lordship. And you too Lady Amfrie.” Aveline accepted the greeting.

”Yes. I know this trip is for the good of the High Queen and the expansion of her influence, but it will also be good to reconnect Lady Amfrie,” Raîne added with a gentle smile.

It had been the early dawn hours that the pair had landed, Ryou was new at flying the Whirlybird so the journey through the night had been a difficult one within itself. Finding a place to land were they could safely hide it and take off again was another problem entirely. Once they had done so though, in a small clearing far enough from any villages, the pair had set about work on the first thing that they promised Alice they would do before they set off this mission. Hide the Whirlybird so that no one would be able to find it. During the course of this, that was when the samurai talked things over with Sylvie the pair of them making that they both where on the same page when it came to what the mission was and what they needed to do,

“Now Sylvie if your calculations are correct, because you know a bit more about these nuns than me… we should only be about seven kilometers away from their hide out. Yes it is a bit of a walk through the woods, but our approach won’t be seen. They stay up there by themselves and beyond Magnus they don’t allow any men into the area.” This was the reason that despite him wearing his ninja garbs, Ryou had done his hair, ,and make up, in such a way that should they both be caught he could pass as a woman. Only a full strip search would give him away, and instead of using a illusion he had added a little padding to his chest… along with one of his sisters binders. To give him the appearance of a warrior women should things come to that,

“I hope our message got through to Magnus and he can find a excuse to step outside the nunnery for a bit and be close to the wood-line. Long enough for us to talk to him and get a lay of the building and what is going on. Poor thing, if what your mother found out through her magic is true… they have him on a pretty short leash even if they are not doing anything to hurt him.” Ryou did get the sense that the nuns considered Magnus to be one of their own. However, he couldn’t be sure until he heard from the man himself. Something about this entire thing could very well be a trap, but what would the nuns have to gain from that? It would only bring the entire wrath of Vethony down on them to rescue Sylvie. If Noemi was anything she was a mama bear to anyone she cared about.

Location: Castle Osment, Quympier, Malauth, Vethonny
Outfit: House Courtenay’s Noble Armor
Equipment: Sword
Tags: @Nora Ulfbitenn | @Raîne Courtenay | @Aveline Brinon


Henri could only smile as Nora went into diplomat mode with the strange (to her) Baron Osment. She was amazingly smart and charismatic and Henri couldn’t help but stay silent and watch and listen for a moment. That would be a problem if Amfrie worked out as a replacement for Nora and she decided to rule Vethonny by his side once the High Queen had retaken Pottaun. Henri was a powerful man with his own abilities prior to Nora’s arrival. Now that he had found a partner for life he was not planning to just watch her do her thing. No matter how beautiful she was as she did it.

Calling Amfrie stubborn was an understatement, but Henri was hoping the Raîne’s presence would cut into that just a bit. Though the pretty blonde noblewoman always seemed to have a chip on her shoulder because most just saw her as the pretty blonde noblewoman. Henri watched the Baron’s reaction to suggesting that Amfrie might become a diplomat in her own right, and serve the Northern Alliance.

If there was a reason for Baron Osment to object to such an arrangement he didn’t show it in the least. ”I have heard of your mother’s achievements in the Isles. I’m sure that keeps her busy. It would be an honor for House Osment to have Amfrie serve both Duchess Sylvia and Prince Aubin,” The Baron’s own informants knew much of the situation between the High Queen and the Isles to form the Northern Alliance. He was in favor of such a thing, so he didn’t offer his own two cents until stress reached his port. If you’re looking for a smart and aggressive-minded woman to push the needs of the Alliance I think Amfrie is a good choice. And if she happens to find a husband to increase the influence of House Osment all the better.”

Location: Secluded landing spot, Naodaron
Outfit: La Chat d’Ombre
Equipment: Daggers (2), Rope, Custom Curved Short Swords
Tags: @Ryou Kurosawa


For a normal young lady the Whirlybird flight would be equal parts exciting and terrifying. For Sylvie the terrifying parts only added to the excitement. Though she could tell that Ryou was not always confident in his piloting, they managed to make it across the channel from Malath to Naodaron and even over a good portion of the mid-island province. Their target was on the South-facing coast. Where the nuns could sail ships to the De Journoix across the bay.

While Ryou covered the flying machine with natural camouflage, Sylvie drew a circle around it and started to draw protective runes in the dirt. They were not the most secure magic that Sylvie could cast, but if she was going to be of any use on the mission her focus could not be on concealing the machine. The runes and Ryou’s camouflage would have to do. When they were done, Sylvie took a step back and nodded at a combined job well done.

Sylvie gave a nod at the assessment of their distance from the nuns. And she smiled again at the mention that Magnus was the only man allowed. Though Ryou always had soft features, and it was possible he could get by claiming to be female without much embellishment, he had gone all out to convince the women they were focused on changing their current tasks.

”Well it’s a good thing that you can pass for a woman without much trouble then,” Sylvie responded with a giggle. ”I’m ready for a long walk. Don’t worry. Hopefully we can show the nuns what is happening to the mages once they send them off. But if not. My blades are ready to stop them as well.” As always Sylvie spoke a bigger game than she felt in her heart. She didn’t like the idea of using her swords, but she wouldn’t shy away from it either.

”Magnus will get away,” Sylvie stated confidently. ”I’m not strong enough to contact him even from this far, but once we get closer I think we’ll be able to get him a message of some sort. If he isn’t waiting for us when we arrive. Either way. I think it’s time we start walking.”

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“Not only would she be in service to our House, but yours, and every member state in the alliance. Do understand Baron that we plan to expand not only our boarders, but also the number of countries that count themselves as a part of the Northern Alliance.” Giving a soft smile over to Amfrie the woman wanted to make it clear in no uncertain terms how important her job would be. On top of that she had heard much about the young woman’s stubborn nature, but that was something that Nora was counting on. She wanted to make good use of that chip on her shoulder and show her that in the Northern Alliance… well… as things stood at the moment… it was the ladies who ran the show. There wouldn’t be anyone looking down on her as a pretty blonde noblewoman here. Oh no… she would be expected to earn her pay and she would be given the respect she was owed if she proved as useful as Henri claimed,

“I am glad though that you see the benefits to joining the Northern Alliance under the banner of the High Queen, but I don’t think we should get ahead of ourselves. I am nothing if not a fair diplomat and so to not iron this treaty out to the letter would be dishonorable at best. I am most curious Baron what you hope to gain from this treaty beyond protection. Believe me I have done my homework and I know that there is value here in House Osment’s lands…” She kept a neutral face as she also regarded Amfrie as well, wondering what the young woman’s opinion on these matters was, especially in regards to her father suddenly bringing up that he hoped for his daughter to find a husband while she was working for the Isle’s.

Nora had to hold back a chuckle at the implications of this, but she was a bit surprised when Amfrie muttered a gentle complaint over the matter, “Father I thought we agreed I would have time to spread my wings before I choose who I wanted to settle down with.” She had to admit that such a statement right in what was a diplomatic moment indeed reflected the stubborn nature that she had been told about. However it also told her that Amfrie would certainly fit in well with her mother’s inner circle, both in a desire to see the world before she was married, and a desire to do that on her own terms. In was in this moment that despite how it may come off that Nora took up the role of teacher that she planned to play when it came to the young woman,

“Hmm I am sure that eventually Amfrie will find a husband during her time under our service, but do understand Baron that my mother’s people are a matriarchal society and so it will extend to your daughter as well. It will be up to her to choose that husband, but I can promise that she will have plenty of choices.” Looking over at Amfrie she added, “Word of advice my dear, is that in negotiations you shouldn’t play your hand too early. Oh and think on what I have told your father about our society, but also think on his wishes as well. Marrying someone outside of the Northern Alliance strengthens your house and the Alliance, but as per my mother’s laws… who and when is up to you.”

The mischievous smile that spread over Amfrie’s face at all of these details made Nora wonder what the young woman was thinking. It almost made her wonder if she was the exact type of person who would get along well with her mother. Letters had been going back and forth between all parties in the set up for this, but she wasn’t sure what Amfrie and her mother had spoken about. She felt that she had confirmed some things for the young woman, and helped to assuage any worry about her future for the moment, “Thank you Lady Nora, I can see that my time in your service and that of your mother is going to be most interesting should you find me worthy to do so.”
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“Given that the other’s are on a diplomatic mission to bring Naodaron into the fold, it would be best if didn’t have to start a fight with the Nuns. As if that got back to Baron Osmet it wouldn’t go well for the negotiations. So far all of our intelligence at least says that they will be willing to sit down and listen to what we have to say as long as we approach the situation correctly. Let’s just hope that the Mother Superior of this group hasn’t been corrupted by outside influence.” Ryou doubted that this would be the case, because the nunnery was rather isolated. That was another reason he felt that they should get started on their journey as quickly as they could, because the nunnery was in a place that kept it isolated via the environment,

“Once we get closer I am sure he can give us some guidance on where he wants to go and how long we will have to wait there given the approach we might have to take. I am worried that after our conversation if he simply brings us inside to talk to the nuns that this might cause a bit of trouble. We will have to see…” Waiting until everything was finished both when it came to him putting the camouflage down as well as the magic Sylvie drew across the ground the samurai nodded his head in agreement to the fact that they needed to get moving. Slipping into the brush nearby once he was sure that the princess would follow for a journey that given where they had to go would take a few hours. The worst part of it being that they couldn’t follow any roads as they didn’t want to be seen.

Nothing could be allowed that would jeopardize the diplomatic mission that was going on with the Baron. This was a stealth operation that was happening on the side and so whatever they did needed to be quick… in and out… and hopefully would stay between them and the nuns. At least until after the treaty had been signed, but even though. To tell the truth the samurai was sure what kind of relationship the Barony had with the nuns themselves… at least directly, but he wasn’t sure that it wasn’t much because they kept to themselves.

Location: Castle Osment, Quympier, Malauth, Vethonny
Outfit: Simple dress
Equipment: N/A
Tags: @Henri Courtenay | @Nora Ulfbitenn


For a moment as Raîne listened to the exchanges of pleasantries and warnings about Amfrie and the Northern Alliance, the younger Courtenay wondered why she was not considered to be a diplomat like Amfrie was getting the chance. She gave her brother a cold look and decided he probably told Lady Nora that Raîne was lazy and undependable. That was probably the truth when it came to matters that Henri controlled, but getting out into the world and being her own person would hold more interest to the noble woman.

Raîne gave a giggle and nudged Aveline when the mention of a husband was brought up by Baron Osment. ”Amfrie is going to fight the marriage talk. She’s put down every nobleman her father has suggested since Sparniard count visited.”

Aveline smiled, but she didn’t participate in the banter. She also knew that Amfrie would be none to happy with the suggestion. Her response however was the reason why Amfrie was considered to be a diplomat and Raîne was destined to be her brother’s maid until she gave in and got married. Lady Amfrie made her preference known to her father, and the fact that they had discussed the arrangement previously, and then Lady Nora swept in and took the reins to the whole marriage discussion.

”Good to see you again Amfrie,” Aveline said with a smile after following Raîne to the young blonde’s side. ”Seems like you’ll be husband free for a little while longer.”

Raîne moved in and gave Amfrie a hug. ”I know you’re going to do great, but make sure you come and see us before you ship out to the Isles. Is your father going to give you the go ahead to offer aid to Naodaron? That is what the High Queen is expecting.”

”If it was just about aid and supplies we wouldn’t be here,” Aveline inserted into the conversation. ”Don’t pretend that Amfrie hasn’t heard the same rumors that have been heard in Surdris. Baron Dufour’s son is missing. I’m here get my family on board with the treaty and talk my brother into giving more information about his disappearance to hope that we can find the Baron’s son.”

”Well whatever the reason it will be good to have both you around so that I don’t have to spend too much time dealing with my brother’s heavy breathing over the Lady from the Isles.” Raîne was jealous to give up attention, but she honestly hoped that her brother would end up being happy.

Location: Secluded landing spot, Naodaron
Outfit: La Chat d’Ombre
Equipment: Daggers (2), Rope, Custom Curved Short Swords
Tags: @Ryou Kurosawa


What Ryou said made sense to Sylvie as usual. There was a reason why he was her mentor, he knew things that she did not and had experience in the world that she could only build over time. Soon enough she would hope to be the spymaster for her mother’s Queendom, but for now Sylvie was just the student with quite a few tricks up her sleeves. ”The others will get Naodaron under the flag of House Belyea. There are strange things afoot here. Not just the nuns. The others will find there is more than mere negotiations in their future. But I’m pretty sure that Aveline knows that already. Our job is simple. But yes, I think words over weapons is the smarter route in this mission.”

Ryou expressed his belief that Magnus would reach out to them as they got closer. Sylvie wondered about that. Given that he was able to search them out and communicate through dreams meant he could sense them better than they could sense him, but he had the trouble of dealing with the nuns. ”You might have to take a nap when we get closer Sensei,” Sylvie said to Ryou with a smirk. ”I slept before the trip over. We’ll have to be here for more than a week before I get some sleep again.” Avoiding local eyes was Sylvie’s preference on most missions that she undertook. So following after Ryou into the bush and the more rugged terrain.

Baron Droges Dufour​

Location: Castle Osment, Quympier, Malauth, Vethonny
Tags: @Nora Ulfbitenn | @Raîne Courtenay | @Aveline Brinon

Believe me Lady Nora, the best thing for Quympier is a united Vethonny and a united Pottaun. That is our goal here,” the Baron stated with a smile. ”And Pottaun needs the Belyea not the De Journoix.”

As all were getting acquainted another horse and carriage approached. The flags of House Dufour were being held high in the wind by the chevaliers accompanying the carriage. ”Of course there is time for you to find your husband. But if you are to spread your wings and become a diplomat of the Northern Alliance, the least you can do is humor an old man with hopes that his daughter will find a good match and provide grandchildren to be doted upon before I die. Gods know that your brother is dragging his feet even more than you are. I’ll want to be sure the legacy of this house is safe before exiting Terra. If you find a young lady for your brother that would buy you even more time.” Baron Osment said with a chuckle as the carriage grew closer

”It appears that the guest of honor has come to the mainland,” Osment continued. The carriage came to a stop and the chevalier dismounted and opened the door to the carriage. Baron Droges Dufour climbed out of the carriage and looked around at those who were gathered The Baron had previously been a vassal to House Courtenay and gave a bit of a glare to Henri. The death of the High King and the former Duke of House Courtenay were taken advantage of for House Dufour to distance itself a bit. Now however the Barony found itself sandwiched between Belyea and De Journoix. Sides needed to be taken and it seemed that Belyea was at least getting a chance to make a play to lead the way.

As the Baron approached the group another man exited the red-headed male was Aveline’s elder brother. Their father was living, but did not participate in House politics any longer. The presence of Léan would be a surprise to all. Though they had been House Dufour bannermen for some time they had always been the protectors of Naodaron, not the administrators. Perhaps the ailing father had made a request of his son to bring his daughter for a last visit. Perhaps there was more than that. Time would tell.

”Greetings fellow nobles. It is a glorious day on the coast,” Baron Droges blustered in a faux sense of control. In the time that he had isolated his lands from the rest of Vethonny things had only fallen off. He needed help in more ways than he could count. There was very little he would be able to fight, unless he was willing to take up with House De Journoix. And if rumors were true the High Queen was coming for Gallan with force. Droges did not want to be in the wake of that wave.

”Hello sister,” Lord Léan said, nodding to Aveline with a smile. ”Lady Raîne it is good to see you,” the Lord had visited Surdris once after his sister had taken up residence there and formed quite a crush on Lady Raîne. He managed however to correct his stare and bowed to the rest. ”Thank you for having us. And hearing our concerns.”

Lord Léan Brinon​
Ryou gave Sylvie a curious look as she mentioned something that was going on here that Aveline would know about. He had given the princess a bit of autonomy when it came to control over the Belyea spy networks just to see what she could accomplish. Not only had she managed to accomplish something, she had also managed to do it without his knowledge. His apprentice was certainly getting better and better as time went on, “Anything that you want to warn me about Sylvie? If there is something that is going on in the background of this place besides the nun’s then I need to know… unless this is something that is going to end up affecting the negotiations. I just hope that for our sake that Aveline knows that at some point she will need to make sure that our allies know about this information as well.”

He whispered these words quietly as they moved along given that they didn’t have much time to get there considering the distance that they had to travel. He simply hoped that Sylvie was right and when the time came that Magnus would be able to sense them and reach out as well as find a way to get in contact, “Maybe so, but if we are going to stop for a rest, we don’t want to stay there too long. The night is our ally and it would not be a good idea to waste the hours of darkness that we have sleeping. After another couple of miles we can stop and make camp and you can keep watch. Who knows maybe Magnus will use that time to reach out to me in my dreams and let us know what too do…?”

His words were almost playful as he spoke, knowing how long Sylvie could stay awake. It was an advantage that they would have to use carefully. Despite her ability to stay awake for so long, Ryou wondered if she could remain at peek performance the entire time. True she claimed that she was fine whenever he asked if she was ok, but there were times that he wondered. The body needed sleep after-all in order to recharge,

“Just promise that you will let me know if you feel tired for any reason Sylvie. I understand that you can stay up longer than most people, but we wouldn’t want anything slowing you down… especially at a critical time.” He was simply worried about her safety was all… not that he didn’t think she was up to the task, but he knew how his words could come across that way. Still as her Sensei it was his job to make sure that the princess understood all of the risk involved. After that the man would go quiet for awhile and pick up the pace, as he knew that they had awhile to go... and he would really only speak up again whenever they reached that half-way point that he had mentioned, looking around the area he said, "I think somewhere around here would be a good spot to camp... now we just have to find a place... though I would only suggest we rest here for about an hour maybe less..."
“So glad that we have an understanding, though do understand that if this deal goes through that you may find your land on the front lines sooner than you might think. As we will need Naodaron for both defensive purposes to protect Vethonny and offensive purposes for any upcoming invasions that we have planned.” There was a slight coldness to Nora’s voice as she said that, letting the Baron know in no uncertain terms what he was getting himself into. Her eyes turning in the direction which Osment had mentioned whenever he mentioned that someone else was joining there meaning… it was… unexpected. She was used to her mother’s way of conducting things… where it was clear who ruled the land with an iron fist, but here these men had divided up their little fiefdom and were now squabbling over it,

“A glorious day on the coast indeed… Baron Droges I believe it was…” Nora purposefully put a certain note in her voice. It was meant to let the man know that in her mind he was small potato’s especially when it compared to dealing with House Dufour. Sighing softly she would also regard Lord Lean as well, “I am curious on what concerns are those?”

Location: Castle Osment, Quympier, Malauth, Vethonny
Outfit: Light Armor
Equipment: Sword
Tags: @Henri Courtenay | @Nora Ulfbitenn

The arrival of Baron Droges Dufour had a grumble raise through Aveline’s chest and escape out her lips. He was not the reason for the troubles with her family, but House Dufour did nothing to help matters. And this particular Dufour was just plain grading on Aveline’s nerves. He was quite sure of himself and even now he appeared to this accord as if he had anything but support of his lands to offer to High Queen Noémi. Something the Queen could take by force easily if things did not work out for the better now. In fact if it weren’t for the presence of her own family, Aveline would prefer to just take what they needed from House Dufour.

To her brother Aveline tried to stay stoic. It was true that Léan had been the only one of the family to reach out to her since she left Naodaron, but it wasn’t like he brought an olive branch. At least Léan had passed along word that their younger brother had returned safely. The hard line stare faltered however when Léan addressed Raîne and stared with undeniable interest. ”Welcome to the mainland brother,” Aveline said with a smirk nudging Raîne forward.

”Yes it is good to see you Lord Léan. And you too Baron Droges. It was a lovely ride in from Surdris. I hope that the channel gave kind passage,” Raîne gave a bow to each of the men and an extra smile to Léan. The extra smile was just to get under Aveline’s skin though. Raîne knew well of Léan’s crush, but it was not mutual at the moment.

”Naodaron has come to beg for aid, but they never voice it as such,” Aveline. ”The concern is that they get something more than fair trade for bending the knee to the High Queen.”

Location: Forest, Naodaron
Outfit: La Chat d’Ombre
Equipment: Daggers (2), Rope, Custom Curved Short Swords
Tags: @Ryou Kurosawa


Ryou was keen as always and asked for Sylvie to embellish on her vague warning. ”I don’t have firm details. But I can just feel that there are other dark things present in this land. More magic hiding in the shadows. Aveline’s brother claimed to have been taken by monsters a few years back. Everyone dismisses the claim as youthful imagination. But they never found a natural reason for his disappearance. There are creatures of the shadow at work here. Who and why I don’t know. But they aren’t our concern. We move forward to find Magnus and the nuns. I have no doubt that Aveline will be in the midst of this threat, and will make our allies aware of what she knows.”

Ryou advised that they would use the cover of the darkness of night to advance in secret to their destination. Sylvie was not such a novice to disagree. It would be much safer to move during the night, however that gave plenty of daytime for them to rest if needed. Especially if sleep would be required to contact Magnus. Sylvie would not be able to sleep, without some sort of intervention. And she hated waking up after such things. So that meant it would be Ryou who would need to trust her enough to nap. ”Of course Sensei, we will do our thing during the night. Move as much as we can with help from the shadows. Dawn would be a good time to settle down for a bit. You can depend on me to keep things secure and hopefully Magnus will sense us getting closer. Dreams seem to be his realm. It is the best shot we have to make contact before we actually find the nuns.”

Sylvie frowned a bit as she could tell that her tutor was not confident in her abilities as the time between sleep extended. It wasn’t that Sylvie wanted to be awake. It was that she couldn’t fall asleep. Her mind was sharp for as long as her eyes would be open, and she had worked hard with Ryou to make sure her body would be ready when called upon as well. ”I do not force myself to stay awake,” Sylvie stated with a nod. ”It is an affliction I have dealt with for all my life. When sleep tugs on my eyelids you will be the first to know and I will not strain myself to hold it off. If I need sleep, I will take it. I’m not stupid enough to give our opponents such an advantage. I’ve learned from too good a teacher to allow that to happen.”

Ryou pointed to what would be a good spot to set up a camp, Sylvie looked around and smiled as she saw the rays of the rising sun gleaming through the tree canopy. ”You rest for as long as you need. I know better than to ask someone to force themselves to sleep. I’ll be up in that tree keeping an eye on things,” she nodded to a tall tree with strong branches. ”Give the signal when you think it is best we move on.”


Location: Castle Osment, Quympier, Malauth, Vethonny
Outfit: House Courtenay’s Noble Armor
Equipment: Sword
Tags: @Nora Ulfbitenn | @Raîne Courtenay | @Aveline Brinon

Nora and Lady Amfrie being on the same page almost immediately gave Henri hope that the Northern Alliance had found a new diplomat and Nora would be able to continue to focus her attention on Vethonny and helping Henri and the High Queen secure fealty of all its provinces. Once that was complete the next step could be taken. Henri didn’t know what his role would be as House Belyea continued to assert its will moving East, but he was quite sure that as Noémi’s influence grew someone would be entrusted with the title of Duke of Vethonny. That was something that Henri intended to take for himself, and a wife to aid him in ruling was part of his desires. The target for that wife was quickly evident to be Nora.

The arrival of the noble contingents from Naodaron did little to affect Henri’s mood. Droges was exactly what Henri expected. And Léan would be kind and cordial so long as Aveline and Raîne were involved. Henri smirked as the look Léan gave Raîne confirmed that. Nora was right into learning the concerns of the Naodaron nobles, but Henri was a bit surprised at Aveline’s bitter retort. Though he could not help the smirk that formed on his face.

”I can promise you and the Queen that House Osment will be ready to answer the call whenever and wherever it may come. We are patriots. And loyal to the rightful High Queen,” Baron Osment stated, hoping to alleviate any doubts within Nora or Henri.

”With the loyalties of House Osment secured, let’s address the concerns of Naodaron,” Henri turned to the others with a smile. ”We know that House Dufour is always looking to get a leg up, but I’m not seeing there is much leverage in the situation. You’re isolated on an island where you find yourself sandwiched between the Queen’s niece and a quick to anger warmonger. We know certain supplies are growing scarce. So please let’s not play like you have a choice but to accept our help. And we can move on to terms?”

Baron Dufour gave a growl, but it was obvious that he knew when not to dig in his heels. ”You are saying that the High Queen is willing to supply Naodaron. There is only one other thing that troubles my family at the moment. The Baron looked up at Aveline and frowned. ”My son has gone missing. In the same forest that Aveline and Léan’s brother once did. If Lady Aveline and a dispatchment from the Queen would find him. I would gladly bend the knee and kiss the ring, promising to serve House Belyea for all my life.”

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