Approved Mpira wa Manyoya


Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits


  • Name: Mpira wa Manyoya (Mhm - pira - wa - Man - yoya)
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Esthorhiel
  • Average Lifespan: 10 - 20 standard galactic years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary, these creatures exist only on their home planet and most likely only exist in single numbers outside of this due to adventures taking them home as souvenirs or pets.
  • Description: These four-legged creatures are the most joy-ridden animals that you will have ever met. Mpira wa Manyoya are fur-covered creatures that stride in the fields and mountains of Esthorhiel, they live a life of blissful peace. Sadly their lives are often harvested by the other inhabitants of the planet. Often they will also be held as pets or food sources in the cities of Esthiorhel, the cages would be packed to the brim barely giving them any space to move yet the happy animals couldn't care less and live the best they can. Although these fellows look like bundles of joy one should take care to not fall into an ambush of groups of Mpira wa Manyoya when they are on the hunt. These creatures will often group together and hunt for sole adventures to snack on. On the outside, the creatures look quite normal but if their lush soft fur were to be removed one would be shocked to see the rough insect-like skin and maw that scares the cute image of the Mpira wa Manyoya.
  • Breathes: Type I atmosphere
  • Average Height of Adults: 14 centimeters
  • Average Length of Adults: 20 centimeters
  • Skin colour: Shades of green
  • Hair colour: The colours can vary from, pink, black, white, purple and, turquoise but the most common colour is brown.
  • Distinctions: Mpira wa Manyoya are four-legged with three-pointed claws on each of these feet, some have seen these creatures as being bipedal but mainly they are quadrupedal. Their skin surprisingly resembles that of a bug by being rough and hard, however, the insectoid resemblance does not stop there as these unsuspecting creatures are fitted with insectile-like mouths made for chewing hard substances such as flesh and bone. This includes razor-sharp teeth, mandibles, labrum, labium, and maxillae. Thankfully this is all covered up by extremely thick and lush fur. The incredibly soft fur makes these lovable animals great cuddlers and amazing to pet, just don't get too close to their maws. There is no difference between males and females, except for the reproductive organs. Lastly one will most definitely notice the above-average eye size of the Mpira wa Manyoya, their eyes taking a large percentage of the space on their faces, allowing them to have incredible sight.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Abilities and Traits: These fluffy little angels have the innate ability to fly small distances, due to their small wings with are hidden in their fur at most times.

  • Small size - Their small sizes allow these creatures to blend in with the environment around them, from a distance one could easily overlook these small creatures
  • Sharp Teeth and claws - If ever pushed into combat or when hunting, these animals can definitely defend themselves although in single numbers they are easily defeated
  • Unsuspecting Looks - Their cute and fluffy looks can often be deceiving when they are hunting for their next meal, this allows them to get close even when they are in larger numbers
  • Large Eyes - The above-average eyes of the Mpira wa Manyoya aren't just for show, they allow the creatures incredible sight into the distance and close up
  • Tiny organs - Their tiny bodies only allow forever smaller organs which means Mpira wa Manyoya possess very small hearts that need to pump enough for their entire body, due to their small size these adorable animals have tendencies to die young and suffer from heart desires
  • Small size - Their size difference to other creatures on Esthorhiel often leaves these peaceful animals at a disadvantage when it comes to both their speed and defences. Tiny legs can only carry one fluff ball so far
  • To Friendly - Due to their friendly nature and oblivious lifestyle these primitive beasts can often be abused or captured in masses for the benefit of whoever comes across them
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Communication: They communicate through barks and yelps. The sounds they create are high pitch due to their tiny vocals not being able to produce anything low. In addition, Their voices are happy sounding and one can tell there is a joyous race of little creatures. Some have even mistaken their laughs and sounds as that of children playing due to the sheer positive energy they produce.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behaviour: Most of the time these balls of fur spend their time playing with those around them, their day consists of playing, sleeping, hunting, and eating. The simple lives of the Mpira wa Manyoya can be described as the dream lives of little children, it is simplistic and consists of anything they want it to be, they do whatever they want to do and eat anything they want to eat. However, there is a dark and aggressive part to these creatures. The hunting process of the Mpira wa Monyoya consists of all the creatures in the area gathering in one area and playing games with each other in this process a lot of joyful noises are produced which can lure in any adventures in the area. Once the creatures see any single onlooker coming near them they will surround him before proceeding to lung and attack the unlucky fellow. Other than this gruesome and unsuspecting part of their behaviour the Mpira wa Manyoya live peaceful and energetic lives in the wildlands of Eshtorhiel. In captivity the beasts live similar lives to their free brethren expect for the difference of living in tiny cold cages. Their captivity does not stop these happy animals from living the best lives.

Before the underground demons surfaced and but their large cities and fought their wars, the little Mpira wa Manyoya lived solely to enjoy themselves. Their days were filled with nothing but games and joy. The fluffy creatures could be found in almost every nook and cranny, the fields and even the mountains were populated by these little fellows. This was the reality until the planet's overlords became the Kuonja who now dominate the system and all its inhabitants. The Kuonja have taken a liking to these creatures as they are a fast source of souls to quench their hunger. A large amount of their population has either been destroyed or imprisoned in one of the many cages that fuel the growing armies of the Kuonjan forces. Over the years these creatures have become a source of laughter to the natives of the planet due to their innate cuteness but also dangerous feeding habits, people who fall victim to these furballs are often laughed at due to the circumstances and the overall weakness of the creatures. In addition to being a laughing stock and the food source, Mpira wa Manyoya have been domesticated in some cases and are kept as personal pets by higher-ranking members of the society.
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I love the idea, I do. I’m more than happy to approve this on one condition. I need you to change the pictures. The other Administrators and I would like to avoid using anime photos. Have you considered hyper realistic versions of the Kuriboh?
No problem there, now they look even more creepy haha, hope those new pics are realistic enough :)
I love the idea, I do. I’m more than happy to approve this on one condition. I need you to change the pictures. The other Administrators and I would like to avoid using anime photos. Have you considered hyper realistic versions of the Kuriboh?
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