Approved Migrant Fleet of the Starborn Sect

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Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Fleet Name: Migrant Fleet of the Starborn Sect

Fleet Symbol/Insignia: Stylized Sun

Fleet Motto: "Embrace the shadows of enlightenment, for in the pursuit of knowledge, there are no boundaries." - Darth Fauste

Fleet Commander: Darth Fauste

Fleet Affiliation: Starborn Sect

Fleet Purpose/Objective: The Migrant Fleet serves as the main headquarters and mobile command center of the Starborn Sect. Primarily kept hidden in unoccupied systems, it is equipped for prolonged battle in the event of an attack.


Fleet Composition:

1. Flagship: [x]
- Name: Starborn Sect (SS) Machiavellian
- Class: Subjugator-class Dreadnought
- Role: Command, Heavy Assault
- Description: An imposing sight in the vast expanse of space: an all-white dreadnought, a behemoth of spacefaring power and might. Its sheer size dwarfs nearby starships, casting an ominous shadow across the stars. The hull of the dreadnought is a canvas of gleaming white durasteel, adorned with intricate patterns and Echani insignias that denote its allegiance to the Sith Lord of the Starborn Sect.

Stretching thousands of meters in length, the dreadnought bristles with formidable weaponry, each designed to strike fear into the hearts of its enemies. At the forefront are rows of heavy turbolaser batteries, their massive barrels gleaming in the light of distant stars. These devastating weapons can unleash torrents of energy capable of obliterating enemy capital ships with a single well-placed shot.

Surrounding the dreadnought are squadrons of sleek TIE fighters and interceptors, launched from massive hangar bays hidden within its armored hull. These nimble starfighters serve as the dreadnought's first line of defense, intercepting enemy vessels and protecting the behemoth from harm.

Mounted along the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the dreadnought are long-range ion cannons, capable of disabling enemy ships with electromagnetic pulses from across vast distances. These weapons are often used to neutralize enemy defenses before the dreadnought moves in for the kill, ensuring its victory in even the most heated battles.

In addition to its offensive capabilities, the dreadnought is also equipped with powerful deflector shields and thick layers of armor plating, rendering it nearly impervious to enemy attacks. Its advanced targeting systems and sensor arrays allow it to track and engage multiple targets simultaneously, making it a formidable adversary on the battlefield.

As the dreadnought advances through the depths of space, its engines roaring with the power of a thousand suns, it serves as a symbol of the Starborn Sect’s dominance and unyielding strength. With its all-white exterior and devastating arsenal, it is a force to be reckoned with, striking fear into the hearts of enemies and dissidents across the galaxy.

2. Capital Ships: [x]
- Number: Two (SS Dogma II - SS Apex)
- Classes: Twin Resurgent-class Battlecruisers - Heavy Assault
- Description: Inspired by Sith and Echani knowledge, they are battlecruiser class warships equipped with advanced weaponry and defenses to ensure their dominance in space battles.

The heavy cruisers feature a sleek and imposing design, with a length of a couple thousand meters and a heavily armored hull to withstand enemy attacks. Their angular shape and menacing profile strike fear into adversaries.

Multiple turbolaser batteries are mounted along the ship's hull, providing powerful, long-range firepower to engage enemy capital ships and space stations. Ion cannons are strategically positioned to disable enemy shields and systems, leaving them vulnerable to subsequent attacks. Last, but certainly not least, are the concussion missile launchers. These launchers are capable of firing volleys of guided concussion missiles, devastating enemy starfighters and smaller vessels.

They also possess powerful tractor beams that are installed to immobilize enemy ships or manipulate objects in space, giving the heavy cruisers a tactical advantage.

State-of-the-art deflector shield generators protect the heavy cruisers from enemy fire, absorbing and deflecting energy-based attacks. Thick armor plating covers the hulls of the ships, providing additional protection against physical impacts and projectile weapons. Automated point-defense laser cannons are placed across the ship's surface to intercept incoming enemy missiles and starfighters, defending against smaller threats.

Advanced stealth technology enables the heavy cruiser to evade detection by enemy sensors, allowing it to gather intelligence and strike without warning.

3. Support Vessels:
- Number: Ten (10)
- Types: Munificent-class Frigates, Supply and Transport
- Description: The Munificent-class frigates, originally designed by the Commerce Guild but later utilized by various factions including the Separatists during the Clone Wars, serves as a versatile vessel for supply and troop transport with limited offensive and defensive capabilities.

They feature a distinctive dagger-shaped hull, with a length of approximately eight hundred twenty-five (825) meters. Their sleek and streamlined design allows for swift movement through space while maximizing cargo and troop capacity. The frigate is divided into multiple decks and compartments to accommodate supplies, equipment, and personnel.

Their primary function in the Migrant Fleet is supply and troop transport. They boast spacious cargo holds and barracks to accommodate large quantities of supplies and troops. These include munitions, food supplies, medical equipment, and ground vehicles, ensuring sustained operations in distant theatres of conflict.

While primarily designed for logistics, the Munificent-class frigates are equipped with moderate offensive capabilities to defend itself and its cargo.

Included in their offensive capabilities are turbo laser batteries mounted along the hulls of the ships capable of engaging enemy capital ships and starfighters at medium to long range. Quad laser cannons provide close-range defense against enemy starfighters and boarding parties, offering additional protection during combat engagements. Lastly are limited missile launchers that are installed to launch volleys of guided missiles at enemy targets, augmenting their offensive firepower.

To protect against enemy attacks, the Munificent-class frigates are equipped with the following defensive systems: energy shields provide protection against enemy fire, absorbing and deflecting incoming laser blasts and missile strikes. Reinforced armor plating that covers vital areas of the frigates, enhancing their resilience against enemy attacks and reducing vulnerability to critical hits. Electronic countermeasures and jamming systems are employed to disrupt enemy sensors and targeting systems, reducing the accuracy of incoming enemy fire.

Overall, the Munificent-class frigates serve as a vital asset for transporting supplies and troops to the front lines while providing limited offensive and defensive capabilities to support fleet operations. Their versatility and reliability make them a valued asset for various military organizations across the galaxy.

4. Strike Craft:
- Number: Six Hundred Forty (640)
- Types: TIE/LN Fighters (Model X thru XII), TIE/IN Interceptors (Model XIV thru Model XV)
- Description: The TIE/LN Starfighter, commonly known as the TIE Fighter, is a staple of the Migrant Fleet and renowned for its speed and maneuverability. These agile craft are powered by twin ion engines and lack shields or hyperdrives, emphasizing speed and agility over durability.

Each TIE Fighter is piloted by a single Starborn Sect pilot and is armed with the following weapons: Twin L-s9.3 laser cannons mounted on the ship's wingtips provide primary firepower, capable of targeting enemy starfighters and lightly armored vessels.

Twin ion engines propel the TIE Fighter at high speeds, allowing for rapid maneuvers and hit-and-run tactics. Solar panels on the ship's wings harness energy from nearby stars to power its systems, ensuring continuous operation during extended missions.

The TIE/IN Interceptor, also known simply as the TIE Interceptor, is an advanced variant of the TIE Fighter, optimized for dogfighting and interception missions. It boasts improved speed, agility, and firepower compared to its predecessor. Piloted by elite Starborn Sect pilots, the TIE Interceptor features the following enhancements:

The TIE Interceptor is equipped with upgraded thrusters and control surfaces, allowing for unparalleled agility and responsiveness in combat situations. Similar to the TIE Fighter, the TIE Interceptor is armed with twin laser cannons, but these are enhanced for increased rate of fire and accuracy, making it deadly against enemy starfighters.

Advanced targeting systems and sensors provide enhanced tracking capabilities, enabling the TIE Interceptor to effectively engage multiple targets simultaneously. The TIE Interceptor features a streamlined design with angled wings, reducing its silhouette and making it a more challenging target for enemy gunners.

Together, a small fleet of TIE Fighters and Interceptors form a formidable strike force capable of overwhelming enemy defenses and maintaining air superiority in combat zones. These agile and versatile starfighters serve as the backbone of the Migrant Fleet, protecting the Fleet and enforcing the will of the Starborn Sect across the galaxy.

5. Specialized Units:
- Number: Twenty-Seven (27)
- Types: Star Couriers (Modified)
- Description: Nicknamed the Daggers of the Migrant Fleet. They feature folding wings around their spherical cockpit, and were modified from Star Couriers manufactured by Republic Sienar Systems. The ships feature six laser cannons, a proton torpedo launcher and a minelayer. Along with their deadly armament, the Dagger’s are equipped with a cloaking device, powered by rare stygium crystals from the planet Aeten II that allow them to disappear from view and any pursuing ship's sensors.

Owing to their experimental ion engines, radiator fins on the ship’s wings are required to be open during flight in order to expel excess heat.

The ships each carry a speeder bike of Starborn design utilized by operatives during their assignments planetside. The Dagger is capable of tracking a ship's signature through hyperspace, something considered impossible for other ships.


Fleet History: The Migrant Fleet, led by the enigmatic Darth Fauste, emerged from the shadows of the Outer Rim roughly a decade ago, their origins shrouded in mystery. Comprised of a diverse array of vessels ranging from sleek star couriers to a Subjugator-class Dreadnought, the Migrant Fleet quickly established a reputation as masterful infiltrators and information gatherers within the Sith hierarchy.

Darth Fauste, a cunning and strategic Echani Sith Lord, rose to prominence within Sith circles through her unparalleled mastery of espionage and manipulation. Born into the secretive Echani warrior culture, Fauste honed her skills in combat and subterfuge from an early age, blending the martial prowess of her people with the dark arts of the Sith.

As Fauste ascended the ranks of the Sith Order, she recognized the power that knowledge held in shaping the destiny of the galaxy. Determined to wield this power to her advantage, she assembled a fleet of vessels, each meticulously outfitted with state-of-the-art stealth technology and advanced surveillance equipment.

The Migrant Fleet operates on the fringes of known space, navigating through the shadows to gather intelligence on rival Sith factions, political adversaries, and potential threats to Fauste's ambitions. Their operations range from covert reconnaissance missions deep behind enemy lines to infiltration of high-security installations and diplomatic gatherings.

Despite their expertise in infiltration and information gathering, the Migrant Fleet is not without its adversaries. Competing Sith Lords and rogue elements within the galaxy seek to unravel Fauste's web of secrets and undermine her influence. Yet, through her cunning and ruthlessness, Darth Fauste has managed to outmaneuver her enemies time and time again, solidifying her position as a formidable force within the Sith hierarchy.

For ten years, the Migrant Fleet has operated in the shadows, its presence felt but rarely seen, a silent specter lurking in the darkness, ready to strike when least expected. And as long as Darth Fauste commands their loyalty, the Migrant Fleet will continue to shape the course of galactic events from the shadows, their influence reaching far beyond the confines of known space.

They have several major accomplishments to their name.

The Migrant Fleet infiltrated a heavily fortified stronghold belonging to a rival Sith Lord who posed a significant threat to Darth Fauste's ambitions. Utilizing their stealth capabilities, they planted false information, sabotaged key systems, and sowed discord among the rival Sith's followers. The resulting chaos disrupted the rival's operations and weakened their influence, allowing Fauste to consolidate her power and expand her own sphere of influence.

In a daring mission, the Migrant Fleet intercepted a convoy belonging to a rival Sith faction transporting sensitive intelligence regarding their military assets and strategic plans. Through a combination of hacking, deception, and coordinated attacks, they successfully seized the data and extracted valuable information that exposed vulnerabilities within the rival faction's defenses. This intelligence allowed Darth Fauste to anticipate and counter her adversary's moves, gaining a strategic advantage in future engagements.

Recognizing the threat posed by a powerful Sith council aligned against her, Darth Fauste tasked the Migrant Fleet and the Starborn Sect with infiltrating their inner circle. Through a series of elaborate schemes and carefully orchestrated betrayals, they managed to sow dissent and distrust among the council members, turning former allies against each other. The resulting infighting weakened the council's cohesion and undermined their ability to oppose Fauste's agenda, ultimately leading to its fragmentation and collapse.

These accomplishments solidified the Migrant Fleet's reputation as a formidable force in the ongoing power struggles among Sith factions, demonstrating their mastery of infiltration, subterfuge, and information warfare. Each success brought Darth Fauste closer to her short term goal of dominance within the Sith hierarchy and long term goal of the pursuit of knowledge, further cementing her position as a force to be reckoned with in the dark corners of the galaxy.

They have one major conflict to their name, though a plethora of smaller engagements over the last decade.

The Migrant Fleet engaged in a decisive battle against a coalition of rival Sith factions that sought to challenge Darth Fauste's growing influence in the Outer Rim territories. The battle took place near a strategically significant hyperspace junction, where control over the region would provide a significant advantage in future conflicts.

Despite being outnumbered and facing formidable opposition, the Migrant Fleet utilized their expertise in infiltration and deception to gain the upper hand. Prior to the engagement, they deployed covert operatives to sow discord among the ranks of the enemy coalition, exploiting existing rivalries and manipulating alliances to their advantage.

As the rival Sith factions converged on the hyperspace junction, the Migrant Fleet emerged from hiding, launching a coordinated surprise attack that caught their adversaries off guard. Using hit-and-run tactics and exploiting weaknesses in the enemy formations, they inflicted heavy casualties and disarray among the opposing forces.

Darth Fauste, commanding her fleet from the flagship of the Migrant Fleet, demonstrated her tactical brilliance and mastery of the dark side, orchestrating the battle with ruthless efficiency. The Migrant Fleet's vessels, equipped with advanced stealth technology and powerful armaments, wreaked havoc on the enemy fleet, systematically picking off key targets and disrupting their command structure.

Despite desperate attempts by the rival Sith factions to regroup and counterattack, the Migrant Fleet maintained its momentum, pressing the advantage and exploiting weaknesses in the enemy lines. Eventually, the coalition crumbled under the relentless assault, forced to retreat in disarray, leaving the hyperspace junction firmly under Darth Fauste's control.

The victory in the battle not only secured strategic dominance over the Outer Rim territories but also solidified Darth Fauste's reputation as a formidable Sith Lord capable of overcoming even the most formidable adversaries. The Migrant Fleet emerged from the conflict stronger than ever, their legend growing as a force to be feared and respected in the ongoing power struggles of the galaxy.

Fleet Tactics/Strategies:
  • Stealth Infiltration: Utilize advanced stealth technology to infiltrate enemy territory undetected, gathering intelligence and sabotaging enemy operations from within.
  • Information Warfare: Engage in cyber warfare, hacking enemy networks, and disseminating disinformation to sow confusion and discord among rival factions.
  • Covert Operations: Execute covert missions to assassinate key enemy figures, disrupt supply lines, and sabotage critical infrastructure, weakening enemy forces from within.
  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: Employ hit-and-run tactics to harass enemy fleets and convoys, whittling down their forces over time while minimizing casualties to the Migrant Fleet.
  • Divide and Conquer: Exploit existing rivalries and manipulate alliances within enemy factions to sow discord and turn former allies against each other, weakening the enemy coalition as a whole.
  • Targeted Strikes: Focus on targeting key enemy assets, such as command ships, supply depots, and communication hubs, to cripple enemy operations and undermine their ability to resist.
  • Psychological Warfare: Use fear, intimidation, and psychological manipulation to demoralize enemy forces and weaken their resolve, making them more susceptible to defection or surrender.
  • Adaptive Strategies: Remain flexible and adaptable in response to changing battlefield conditions, adjusting tactics and strategies as needed to exploit enemy weaknesses and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
These tactics and strategies reflect the Migrant Fleet's emphasis on subterfuge, guile, and asymmetrical warfare, allowing them to outmaneuver and outwit their adversaries while maximizing their own advantages. Under the leadership of Darth Fauste, the Migrant Fleet has become a formidable force capable of shaping the course of galactic events from the shadows.

Fleet Headquarters/Base of Operations: The Migrant Fleet serves both purposes. Currently, the Fleet itself is situated in the Ahch-To System of the Unknown Region.

Fleet Allies/Alliances:
  • N/A
Fleet Enemies/Rivals:
  • Shadow Eclipse Fleet - Darth Malvus
  • Athysian Raider Fleet - Desmundor Alcademon
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