Approved Marskha: The Devil-Hordes of Erevos


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

  • Name: Marskha
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Athys System
  • Average Lifespan: 50
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
  • Description: The Marskha are tall, bulky alien creatures baring strong resemblance with the Massassi. Their blood-red bodies are spiked and sometimes even covered by scales, with large curved horns emerging from their skulls, as well as their shoulders and backs, although much more rare case.

A Marskha warrior in a battle on Erevos, between warring Marskha tribes (Credit).

  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 3-5m
  • Average Length of Adults: 1-2m
  • Skin color: Blood Red or bright blue
  • Hair color: NA
  • Distinctions: Their clawed long limbs and their signifying skull shape, being most of the times thin, although quite long, extending to the back.
  • Races: Marskhabesh, Marskha, Marshkhahir.

A Marskha Warrior wielding a Kanasaz Warblade. Unlike the Athysians, the Marskha seem to alter their behavior little when wielding such powerful weapons. (Credit)

  • Bestial Strength. The Marskha are moulded in the most inhospitable planets of the Star System. After millannia of evolution they have grown to posses 50 times the musclar strength of a normal Human.
  • Savage Force. The Marskha have very strong connection to the Dark Side of the Force. However, instead being initiated like Sith, or cultists, to develop different skillsets and capabilities, the crushing majority of the Marskha turn their Force connection into passive shielding, which protects their minds and bodies against Force skills.
  • Spawns of Darkness. The Marskha hold very strong connection to the Dark Side of the Force which means that they cannot stay long without turning violent. If this happens, they won't hesitate killing eachother, or their own allies. Victory and Defeat are not terms they comperhand. For them, a battle is a Holy Slaughter.
  • Light Side Sensitivity. If the Marskha are exposed in excess Light Side energy, their bodies physically burn as if they are exposed into radiant energy. This causes them to be insanely hostile towards any creature, ESPECIALLY when that creature is a beam of light-side energy.
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Communication: Marskhashi (Native Language)
  • Technology level: Primitive, with most of their tech being the product of Dark Magic, casted by their Shamans.
  • Religion/Beliefs: They Worship local gods and deities.
  • General behavior: The Marskha are VERY aggressive primitives, apex predators in their planet. They tend to be aggressive to literally -anything- including their own tribes.
It is said that the race of the Marskha hails from an ancient race of humanoids that colonized Erevos. According to the Athysian Mythos, these humans were some of the strongest known Force Users. Alas, after being engulfed in a terrible war between themselves, in an event remembered as the Wars of the Fiend.

The Wars of the Fiend were a series of conflicts between Athysia and the planet's moon, Erevos. While Athysia was a melting pot of several different cultures, Erevos was a cauldron of Dark Sorcerer Warlords who escaped to the moon as exiles, after a large conflict from beyond the Rim. After centuries of rebuilding their strength and preparation, the Erevosians launched a massive assault on Athysia, still driven by religious zealotism from their past defeats. The conflict soon spiked in scale and destruction, as the Sorcerer-Warlords of Erevos had created a whole new race of warriors: The Marskha. Tainted by the Dark Side, the Sorcerers of Erevos performed several experiments on their subjects and slaves, resulting to the creation of a new, warrior-species. At start, this proved a very successful act, as they met several victories on Athysia. However, as the years went by and the perpetual war between Erevos and Athysia reached a peak, the Athysian Hive City States united and managed to strike a fatal victory over the Erevosian hordes. With their navy mostly destroyed, and their warriors disorganized, the Erevosian Sorcerer-Warlords prepared for the inevitable Athysian counter-attack. Alas, this attack never came. Instead, the Athysians performed a massive orbital bombardment on Erevos, which destroyed most of the moon's surface beyond return.


A Marskha Champion fighting in a raid on Athys. (Credit)

After the bombardment, the vast alliance between the Sorcerer-Warlords collapsed, with the ruins of Erevos engulfed soon in civil war, which deprived most of their warlords the dream of launching a second attack on Athysia.

Eons shall pass, before the Marskha finally awake, rebelling against their Sorcerer-Warlords and claiming their powers for themselves, through brutal shaman rituals. Most of the Marskha shall split from their previously overlord's domain, declaring their own tribes and settlements. Several warlords shall rise, with some even managing to gain enough power to launch raids on Athysia. Alas, none would ever match the one who sparked the Wars of the Fiend.

The Marskha live in brutal tribal societies shrouded by bloodlust and shamanism to their ancient long-gone Creators. The largest of the tribes reside in massive Fortress-Shrines. Remnants of the ancient society that once existed on the Moon of Erevos. These gargantuan structures contain massive forges who the Marskha use for creating technology. This can be from simple weapons to armors and even starships, depending how big the Fortress-Shrine is, and how powerful their Shamans are, as most things they create are Force-Embued and much more related to magic, rather than actual technology.


A Marskhan Fortress-Shrine on Erevos (Credit)

Such dark settlements oftentimes attract the interest of the marauding tribes of Marskha, with many allying themselves to the Shamans of a Fortress-Shrine, in hope for a great plunder.

Technology and Alchemy

These dark creatures consider blessing the augmentation of themselves through Dark Magic, performed through long, painful rituals. This oftentimes results to them being changed in shape, size, or raw strength, as well as their comperhension regarding technology. Their arshenal consists of axes, spears and swords which are crafted by the pleanty volcanic stone of Erevos, processed through Alchemy.

Due to their tendancy in Dark Alchemy, it is possible to see Athysian Warlocks allying themselves with such dark creatures, although this would require for them to show immense power as well as brutality, to gain the respect of such violent creatures. Untrustworthy by all means, the Marskha are unleashed upon foes the Athysians have no interest keeping alive... It is to the Marskha belief that all worlds must burn, to reflect their homeworld.

Alas, if a warlord proves worthy and powerful "beyond reason" to the Marskha, they might consider joining him, seeking the benefit that may bring along to their Marskha tribes, or Fortress-Shrines.

The Champions of Erevos

The Marskha are an apex predator of Erevos, with the very few human colonies still holding ground on Erevos oftentimes found joining the Marskha, as part of their hordes. But the Marskha themselves are not a single entity. Their race is deeply engulfed in Alchemy and Shamanism, which gives birth to different variations of the initial race.

The Witch-Realms of the Marskhabesh
The Marskhabesh believe themselves to ascend from the very Sorcerer-Warlords themselves, which created the very race itself. Unlike their Marskha counterparts, the Marskhabesh tend to be heavily invested in Dark Side sorcery, utilizing their Force Sensitivity in much more impactful manner.

A Marskhabesh Witch-band on planet Athysia (Credit)

Their hosts are always much, much smaller in number than the Marskha, however this is balanced by their tremendous Force Powers they have to show in battle.

The Witch-clans of the Marskhabesh reside in inpregnable fortress-towers situated at the highest peaks of Erevos' mountains. Their culture is a mystery to most, while their arshenal is always twisting and most corrupting, causing most foreign creatures to face tremendous Dark Side corruption, or even die, should they use a Marskhabesh Force-Embued item.

Marskhahir: The Fiend-Warlords of the Marskha

A Marskahir Warlord on Erevos (Credit).

The Marskahir are Alchemically-modified Marskha, or Marskhabesh. Their bodies stand up to 6 meters tall, with significantly more physical power than their initial form, as well as Wings, which allows them to travel by flying. The Marskahir are renown as the Champions of the Fiend, usually found leading their own tribes or witch-hosts to holy slaughter!

The Marskha species, just like the crushing majority of sentient creatures on Erevos, worship the Mawler Fiend. An ancient demon who was said to have fought Dhefiron, according to the Athysian Mythos. After a brutal battle, Dhefiron flailed the demon and locked it inside a metal carcass, in which it was later imprisoned. To ensure the beast would never break free again, Dhefiron (or Eosir, according to the Korrithonian mythos), burried the bound Fiend deep under the hard stone of Erevos, one of the moons of Athys. It is believed that during the rather usual earthquakes on Erevos, the Fiend actually struggles against its chains, to break free from its bonds. The natives believe that it is a deity of absolute wrath and battle, venerated through painful slaughter and fire. According to the Athysian version, those warriors who fight in its name call upon the Fiend who, insane as it may be, cannot refuse their call when it comes to violence, and through that process its strength is discharged upon the battle of its worshippers, which results with the Fiend itself being always restless, unable to gather its strength to break free from Eosir's bonds.
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