Character Marcus Aumont

Marcus Aumont

King Of Vampires
Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Full Name: Marcus Aumont
Name: Marcus Aumont
Surname(s): Aumont
Title(s): King Of Vampires, King of Sparnia
Age: 1000 years old
Sex: Male
Brief Description:

Marcus is about 6 feet taller with a athletic build. Usually always wearing majestic robes of some kind, with physique showing. When he has to go into the sunlight he usually wears fully covered robes to protect him from the sun. His eyes are a majestic grey, and he has pale fair skin. His beauty is quite awe gazing as many men and women come to be charmed by his appearance. His stature and composure shows he is of prime nobility the way his expressions are often expressed without a second thought. His presence exudes importance and power and when he walks in a room he can quite easily be picked out. Marcus is very prideful of his existence and his kind. He acknowledges the strong but will still belittle those that he feels are insignificant. Those of his line he treats a bit better than those that he doesn't have direct lineage with, He is very smart and perceptive as well often noticing things that often people wouldn't. He also has a very morbid sense of humor when it comes to things and he is very cocky in nature. He can also be quite manipulative and a master of deception as he has been on the move for several thousand years, especially after the humans persecuted and drove his people further into the darkness of the night.

Being the progenitor of vampires he does have a sense of attitude towards those that disrespect him or use disrespect in his presence and usually will outwardly attack or intimidate his children who would dare be disrespectful or unsightly in his presence. Respect is something that the ancient values most above all. Marcus will use any tactic to serve his own needs or goals, and will achieve them even if it means sacrificing another. He can also be rather cold and reserved when needed however also switch up his personality if he needs for the situation. Being a nomad of sorts he has had to constantly code switch to fit any environment. He also also has a bit of a short temper, and often times can lose his temper if pushed too far. His responses when angered can be rather drastic if not calmed. He loves his kind more than any other race and often will be more empathic towards them and help in situations where they might need it. He often will act most like a father to what he calls his children, scolding them when they do wrong, and being a mentor, coach, and protector when they need him most. His body while normal looking shouldn't be underestimated as his age comes with strength easily able to overcome foes with pure strength, speed and quick wits. He can also be a mystery at times when it comes to his motives and most cannot read him due to his true predator like qualities.

Magic Affinity: Extreme
Strengths: Vampire strength, Vampire Speed, Self healing, Hard to kill.
Weaknesses: Sunlight (Annoys him more than anything but can walk in the sun), Holy items, Silver (Not fatal but would slow him down if entered in his system), Negation of magic, Needs constant source of man flesh and/or blood.
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