Approved Mabile Papon

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Jul 25, 2023
Galactic Credits

Name: “Le Célibataire de Guerre” Mabile Papon
Credits: Yujin Dong @ Artstation
Consolidation Thread: N/A (Medival Approved Companion)
Appearance: Mabile has shoulder-length dark hair that is well kept when not focused on battle. Her skin is very pale as it is most often covered by her dress and/or armor. She often has a hard facial expression which makes her seem unapproachable. That softens as she becomes comfortable.
Character: Mabile is a pious, judgemental woman. She expects everyone to live by her own sensibilities. She is a fierce protector of the “The Right Way” and a thoughtful war leader.

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: Very High
      • Gear:
        • Half-plate Armor
        • Padded leather pants (worn beneath a skirt)
    • Speed: Average (In Armor) High (When Not In Armor)
    • Melee: High
      • Weaponry:
        • Sword
        • Dagger
    • Ranged: Average
      • Weaponry: Horseman’s Bow
    • Morale: Very High
    • Magic: None
  • TvM Requirement: 4v2
  • Affiliation:
    • @Aubin Bellyea-Le Lieur
    • @Sylvia Ulfbitenn
    • Duchy of Suthra
    • House Papon
    • The Right Way

Depending the points spent across the Main Stats of a Submission, the requirements for creation change. The more elite a NPC is, the higher the requirements for a Consolidation Thread in which the existence of the NPC is addressed and introduced in a narrative manner.
Points SpentRequirements
11-16Consolidation Thread (15+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
17-20Consolidation Thread (20+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
21-25Consolidation Thread (30+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)

  • Experienced swordswoman
  • Good battle tactician

  • Stubborn and judgmental
  • Tunnel vision - Mabile tends to ignore the peripherals to focus on the goal straight in front of her.

Historical Information
Mabile is the fourth born child of the third branch of House Papon. Though it was apparent the next leader of the House would not be from the current ruling branch there was no foreseen hope of Mabile inheriting leadership of the House. As a result Mabile was a bit of a disappointment to her parents and uncles as she was quite the tomboy. She cared little about dresses and sewing and the other activities that would make for a good wife. Instead of the romantic thoughts "young ladies" had about the stories of knights and chivalry, she saw herself as the knight. At fourteen her family saw that she was committed to the crazy idea of becoming a chevalier and basically disowned her. She was sent to Bayenn where an accidental meeting with famed Chevalier Claude Hector resulted in her becoming his squire and traveling throughout Pottaun and Erova.

When Mabile was twenty and a full fledged Chevalier there was a rumor that the son of the Crown Princess @Noémi Belyea was kidnapped and Mabile accompanied Chevalier Hector to investigate. By the time they had arrived young Aubin had returned to Vigneille unharmed and with a story that he had merely wandered off and lost track of time. Mabile doubted the story and took the young boy aside. Under gentle questioning the young lord confided in Mabile that he had in fact been kidnapped and escaped with the help of another captive. Mabile thanked the boy for telling the truth and promised herself to keep an eye out for the perpetrators as well as on the adventuresome, if unprepared boy. There was a bit of idol-worship on the part of Aubin.

At twenty-four Mabile returned to Norladia as a decorated chevalier and took part in her cousin's work to secure things in their land. At twenty-eight her eldest cousin Helna, now the pseudo-head of House Burguet, tabbed Mabile to accompany Prince Aubin to Suthra to complete an alliance between Vethonny and what was becoming known as the Northern Alliance. Mabile was shocked that the little boy she had known and came to idolize her, even going so far as squiring under the same man, was now a full grown chevalier himself. Mabile and a small company of House Papon soldiers accompanied the young Prince to meet with the Islanders.
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