Character Lyanna Starborn - Darth Fauste


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Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Character Name: Lyanna Starborn

Alias/Nickname: Darth Fauste

Species: Echani-Shi’ido Hybrid

Gender: Female

Age: Fifty-Two (52)

Homeworld: Eshan

Affiliation: Starborn Sect

Rank/Position: Sith Lord

Appearance: Lyanna stands at a conservative one hundred fifty-eight meters, weighing fifty-five kilograms. She retains the standard coloration of her Echani lineage, possessing unblemished white skin, long white hair that cascades down her back, and silver eyes. Her Shi’ido heritage is unnoticeable at first glance until she taps into their ability to shapeshift, or skinshift as known by the Shi’ido people. Considered an adolescent, Lyanna has only begun her path to mastering such an ability. Her clothing varies depending on the time and place, though she prefers to dress in bright colors.

Personality: Lyanna, a Sith Lord, possesses a captivating blend of curiosity and passion that sets her apart in the dark corridors of the Sith Order. With piercing silver eyes that betray her sharp intellect, Lyanna is driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding. While she embraces the teachings of the Sith with fervor, her true passion lies in unraveling the mysteries of the Force and exploring its limitless potential.

Despite her allegiance to the dark side, Lyanna's curiosity often leads her down unexpected paths, challenging the rigid dogma of the Sith. She is unafraid to question authority and seeks to forge her own destiny amidst the chaos of the galaxy. Her passion for discovery fuels her every action, whether delving into ancient Sith lore or engaging in intense philosophical debates with her peers.

Beneath her composed exterior, Lyanna harbors a fierce determination to prove herself worthy of her Echani heritage and her place among the Sith elite. She is a formidable adversary on the battlefield, her lightsaber skills honed to perfection through relentless training and unwavering dedication. Yet it is her relentless pursuit of knowledge and her unwavering commitment to her own truth that truly define her as a Sith Lord unlike any other.

Background/History: Born into a galaxy rife with conflict, Lyanna Starborn, a unique hybrid of Echani and Shi'ido heritage, embarked on a journey fueled by her insatiable curiosity and fiery passion. From a young age, Lyanna was captivated by the mysteries of the Force and the endless possibilities it offered. Raised in the secluded temples of her Echani ancestors, she learned the art of combat and honed her shapeshifting abilities under the watchful eyes of her mentors.

As she matured, Lyanna’s thirst for knowledge led her beyond the confines of her homeworld. Venturing into the far reaches of the galaxy, she immersed herself in the study of ancient texts and arcane rituals, seeking to unlock the secrets of the Force that had eluded even the most revered Jedi and Sith masters.

It was during her travels that Lyanna’s path crossed with a powerful Sith Lord who recognized her potential and offered to train her in the ways of the dark side. Intrigued by the prospect of delving deeper into the forbidden aspects of the Force, Lyanna accepted the offer, setting aside her Echani teachings in favor of a darker path.

Under the tutelage of her Sith mentor, Lyanna’s powers grew exponentially, fueled by her insatiable curiosity and unyielding passion. She mastered the art of deception, using her shapeshifting abilities to infiltrate enemy ranks and sow chaos from within. With each victory, her thirst for knowledge only intensified, driving her to seek out ever greater challenges and push the boundaries of her abilities.

As Lyanna rose through the ranks of the Sith hierarchy, her reputation as a formidable warrior and cunning strategist spread throughout the galaxy. But it was her unwavering devotion to her own truth and her insatiable hunger for knowledge that truly set her apart. In the dark heart of the Sith Order, Lyanna Starborn had found her calling, a testament to the power of passionate curiosity in a galaxy consumed by conflict.

  • Shapeshifting - The ability of Shi'ido to shapeshift is facilitated by unique physiological features that set them apart from other species. At the core of this ability are specialized muscles and tissues scattered throughout their bodies, collectively known as metamorphic muscles and adaptive tissues.

    Metamorphic muscles are a network of highly flexible muscle fibers that are distributed throughout the Shi'ido's body in addition to their regular musculature. These muscles are not bound by the same constraints as typical muscle tissue, allowing them to elongate, contract, and reshape themselves in ways that defy conventional anatomy. They are capable of stretching and contracting with incredible precision, enabling the Shi'ido to alter their physical form with unparalleled fluidity and control.

    Complementing the metamorphic muscles are adaptive tissues, specialized cellular structures that respond to the commands of the Shi'ido's brain and nervous system. These tissues possess an extraordinary degree of plasticity, allowing them to rapidly reconfigure themselves in response to the Shi'ido's mental commands. Whether it's altering the density of their bones, adjusting the composition of their skin, or reshaping the contours of their body, adaptive tissues play a crucial role in facilitating the shapeshifting process.

    Together, these unique physiological features allow Shi'ido to shapeshift with astonishing speed and precision. By harnessing the power of their metamorphic muscles and adaptive tissues, they can transform their appearance in nearly limitless ways, assuming the guise of any creature they can imagine.

    However, the ability to shapeshift is not without its limitations for Shi'ido. While their metamorphic muscles and adaptive tissues grant them incredible flexibility and versatility, prolonged transformations can be physically and mentally taxing. Additionally, assuming particularly complex or physically demanding forms may require greater concentration and energy expenditure, limiting the duration and extent of their shapeshifting abilities.

    Overall, the ability of Shi'ido to shapeshift is a remarkable testament to their unique biology and evolutionary adaptation, allowing them to navigate the complexities of the galaxy with unparalleled skill and versatility.
  • Minor Telepathy - Shi'ido, and Shi’ido hybrids, possess a form of telepathy. They use this ability to project false impressions upon those of other species, allowing them to cover up any inconsistencies with their transformations. This is extremely useful when infiltrating demographics that identify each other through smell as well as sight, as a Shi'ido can project the feeling that they had the same exact scent as that particular species. Their telepathy requires great concentration, and they will lose control of it if they are distracted. As with their shapeshifting abilities, this telepathy also grows more powerful with age.
  • Dark Side Affinity - As an Echani Sith Lord, endowed with the strength of the dark side of the Force, Lyanna’s abilities are as diverse and formidable as her martial prowess. Drawing upon the unique blend of discipline, focus, and passion inherent to her Echani heritage, a Sith Lord of her caliber possesses a wide array of Force abilities tailored to her individual strengths and inclinations.

    Force Lightning; embracing the dark side, Lyanna can unleash crackling bolts of energy from her fingertips, sizzling with raw power and capable of incapacitating or outright destroying their foes.

    Enhanced Reflexes; drawing upon her martial prowess, the Sith Lord can enhance her speed and agility using the Force, allowing her to evade attacks with uncanny precision and strike with lightning-fast reflexes.

    Mind Control; through the power of persuasion and manipulation, Lyanna can influence the thoughts and actions of others, bending weaker minds to her will and compelling them to obey her commands.

    Force Choke; with a mere gesture, Darth Fauste can constrict the airways of her enemies, choking the life out of them without ever laying a hand on them.

    Force Cloak; mastering the art of stealth, Lyanna can shroud herself in the Force, rendering herself invisible to the naked eye and allowing her to move unseen through the shadows.

    Force Drain; by tapping into the life force of her adversaries, she can drain their vitality, siphoning energy from her foes to replenish her own strength and endurance.

    Force Rage; in moments of intense fury and rage, Lyanna can tap into the depths of her inner darkness, channeling her emotions to amplify her strength and unleash devastating barrages of attacks upon her enemies.
  • Excellent Strategist - Lyanna is an expert tactician, possessing keen analytical skills, foresight, and the ability to anticipate and counter the moves of her adversaries.

    She is an expert of manipulation, planning, and execution, capable of outsmarting her enemies and achieving victory through wit, cunning, and sheer force of will. Whether leading armies into battle, orchestrating political intrigues, or outmaneuvering rival factions, Darth Fauste’s influence reverberates throughout the galaxy, leaving an indelible mark on the course of history.
  • Master Duelist - Lyanna is widely considered a master of Djem So. Form V, Djem So, is a lightsaber combat form characterized by its aggressive and powerful techniques, making it ideal for engaging multiple opponents or overwhelming adversaries with brute force. Developed as an evolution of Form III, Soresu, Djem So incorporates elements of both offense and defense, allowing practitioners to transition seamlessly between the two in the heat of battle.

    At its core, Djem So emphasizes strong, direct strikes and powerful blocks, with practitioners channeling their strength and aggression into every movement. Unlike the fluid and acrobatic techniques of Form IV, Ataru, or the precise and elegant strikes of Form II, Makashi, Djem So relies on sheer power and momentum to overwhelm opponents.

    The foundation of Djem So lies in its emphasis on kinetic energy and momentum. Practitioners use their opponent's attacks as opportunities to counter with powerful strikes of their own, redirecting the force of their enemy's blows to fuel their own offense. By channeling their anger and aggression into their attacks, Djem So practitioners can deliver devastating blows capable of breaking through even the strongest defenses.

    One of the signature techniques of Djem So is the "Sundering Strike," a powerful overhead chop designed to smash through an opponent's guard and deliver a crushing blow. Another common tactic is the "Shien Deflection," in which practitioners deflect blaster bolts back at their enemies with precise timing and skill.

    Despite its emphasis on offense, Djem So also incorporates elements of defense, with practitioners using their lightsaber to block and parry incoming attacks. By maintaining a strong defensive posture while waiting for an opening, Djem So practitioners can weather their opponent's assaults before launching a devastating counterattack.

    In summary, Djem So is a combat form defined by its aggressive and powerful techniques, making it well-suited for engaging multiple opponents or overpowering adversaries with brute force. By channeling their anger and aggression into their attacks, practitioners of Djem So can unleash devastating strikes capable of turning the tide of battle in their favor.
  • Master Martial Artist - Echani martial arts are a highly refined and disciplined combat discipline practiced by the Echani people, renowned throughout the galaxy for their martial prowess and philosophical depth. Rooted in tradition and steeped in centuries of history, Echani martial arts emphasize grace, precision, and mental discipline over brute strength or aggression.

    At its core, Echani martial arts are based on the principle of harmony between body and mind, with practitioners striving to achieve a state of perfect balance and unity. Every movement is executed with purpose and intent, with the ultimate goal of achieving victory without ever resorting to unnecessary violence.

    One of the defining characteristics of Echani martial arts is their emphasis on fluidity and adaptability. Rather than adhering to rigid techniques or forms, practitioners are encouraged to flow with the ebb and flow of combat, responding to their opponent's movements with grace and precision. This flexibility allows Echani warriors to effortlessly transition between offense and defense, exploiting openings in their opponent's defenses with pinpoint accuracy.

    Central to Echani martial arts is the concept of "makashi," or "way of the hand," a philosophy that emphasizes finesse and finesse over brute force. Practitioners of makashi strive to achieve victory through skillful manipulation of their opponent's movements, deflecting attacks with minimal effort and exploiting openings in their defenses with precise counterattacks.

    In addition to physical combat techniques, Echani martial arts also incorporate elements of philosophy and meditation. Practitioners are taught to cultivate a calm and focused mind, allowing them to remain centered and composed even in the heat of battle. Through meditation and introspection, Echani warriors seek to gain insight into the nature of conflict and the true meaning of victory.

    Overall, Echani martial arts are a testament to the Echani people's dedication to the pursuit of excellence in both body and mind. With their emphasis on fluidity, adaptability, and mental discipline, they stand as a shining example of the power of harmony and balance in combat.

  • Lightsaber - The lightsaber of Darth Fauste is a weapon forged in the crucible of darkness, a symbol of her mastery over both the martial and metaphysical aspects of the Force. Crafted with precision and imbued with the essence of the dark side, it is a formidable tool of destruction and a reflection of the Echani's unique blend of discipline, focus, and passion.

    Lyanna’s lightsaber boasts a sleek and elegant design, reflecting her refined sensibilities and martial prowess. Its hilt is crafted from polished durasteel, adorned with intricate engravings and ornamental details that hint at its owner's status and power.

    Unlike the traditional blue or green lightsabers favored by the Jedi, the blade of an Echani Sith Lord's lightsaber burns with a crimson hue, a testament to her allegiance to the dark side of the Force. Its fiery glow strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies, serving as a warning of the destructive power that lies within.

    In keeping with her Echani heritage, the lightsaber of Darth Fauste features unconventional modifications designed to enhance its combat capabilities. It has specialized grips and handguards to improve handling and control in combat.

    At the heart of the lightsaber lies a kyber crystal infused with the power of the dark side. These crystals are harvested from the depths of Sith temples or forged through dark rituals, imbuing the blade with a malevolent energy that enhances its cutting power and destructive potential.

    In addition to its physical attributes, the lightsaber of Lyanna Starborn serves as a conduit for her connection to the dark side of the Force. With each swing of the blade, she channels the raw power of her emotions, fueling her attacks with the intense fury and rage that defines her Sith heritage.

    Like all Sith Lords, Darth Fauste's lightsaber is a deeply personal and symbolic weapon, reflecting her individual personality, preferences, and combat style.

    In the hands of Lyanna, the lightsaber is not just a weapon, but a manifestation of her mastery over the dark side of the Force. With its sleek design, crimson blade, and formidable capabilities, it serves as a potent symbol of her dominance and a harbinger of destruction for all who dare to oppose them.
  • Light Armor - Lyanna typically wades onto the battlefield in light armor made of white durasteel. The armor itself is a striking blend of elegance and functionality, reflecting the unique cultural and martial traditions of the Echani people while also incorporating elements of Sith symbolism and power.

    Crafted from pristine durasteel alloy, the armor is lightweight yet incredibly durable, offering superior protection without compromising on agility or mobility. Its sleek, form-fitting design hugs the contours of the wearer's body, allowing for unrestricted movement in combat while providing maximum coverage and defense.

    The armor is predominantly white, symbolizing purity and discipline, traits highly valued by the Echani people. However, it is not without adornment. Intricate patterns of silver and black adorn the surface of the armor, reminiscent of traditional Echani martial tattoos and sigils. These patterns are not merely decorative but serve to enhance the armor's structural integrity, reinforcing key stress points and deflecting enemy attacks with precision.

    At the chest, a stylized emblem of the Starborn Sect is emblazoned in silver, serving as a stark contrast to the purity of the white armor and symbolizing the wearer's allegiance to the dark side of the Force. The emblem is a subtle yet unmistakable reminder of the wearer's mastery of the dark arts and their dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and power.

    The helmet is sleek and streamlined, with a narrow visor that provides enhanced visibility and protection without obstructing the wearer's field of vision. However, Lyanna does not typically wear the helmet.

    Overall, the white durasteel light armor of Darth Fauste is a masterpiece of craftsmanship and design, blending the martial traditions of the Echani with the dark allure of the Sith. With its elegant aesthetics and formidable capabilities, it serves as a potent symbol of Lyanna’s status as a master of both combat and the Force, striking fear into the hearts of her enemies and inspiring awe in all who behold them. [x]
  • Robes - Lyanna Starborn prefers to travel in a long, flowing white or off white robe with a hood. The inner layer is primarily black, with intricate patterns and designs woven into the fabric, giving it a sense of elegance and mystique. The hood can be pulled up over Lyanna’s head, partially obscuring her face and adding to the sense of mystery surrounding her. The robe drapes loosely around her body, suggesting a relaxed and confident demeanor, while the dark color and subtle details hint at a connection to the Sith Order. Overall, the clothing exudes an air of sophistication and power, befitting a character of significant importance or authority.

  • Speeder Bike (Mark IX) - The sleek, aerodynamic design is reminiscent of a bird of prey, with curved contours that seamlessly blend form and function. At its core, a lightweight durasteel frame provides the perfect balance of durability and agility, allowing the speeder to maneuver effortlessly through even the most treacherous terrain.

    The body of the speeder is adorned with smooth, polished panels, giving it a pristine appearance that gleams in the sunlight. Crisp, angular lines flow from the front to the back, accentuating its streamlined silhouette and conveying a sense of speed even when at rest. Every detail has been meticulously crafted for optimal performance, from the precision-engineered repulsorlift engines to the responsive steering controls.

    The front of the speeder features a pair of sleek, elongated repulsorlift pods, their surfaces adorned with intricate patterns of vents and grilles that serve both aesthetic and functional purposes. These powerful engines emit a faint hum as they propel the speeder forward, their energy thrumming through the air like the heartbeat of a living creature.

    Mounted just above the engines is a compact control panel, its surface adorned with a series of glowing indicators and holographic displays. Here, the pilot can access a wealth of information, from navigational data to sensor readings, ensuring a smooth and efficient ride at all times.
  • TIE Fighter (Model XV) - A beacon of pristine elegance amidst the darkness. Its sleek, angular silhouette cuts through the void with precision and grace.

    The hull of the TIE fighter is adorned with smooth, gleaming panels, each meticulously crafted to minimize drag and maximize speed. Crisp, sharp lines define its contours, giving it a formidable presence that demands attention. The stark white exterior reflects the light of distant stars, creating an ethereal glow that seems to envelop the ship in a halo of radiance.

    At the center of the TIE fighter's spherical cockpit, a large transparisteel viewport offers the pilot an unobstructed view of the cosmos stretching out before them. Within the cockpit, the control panels are arranged in a symmetrical layout, their surfaces adorned with rows of blinking lights and glowing displays. Here, the pilot commands the ship with precision, guiding it through the vast reaches of space with unwavering skill.

    Mounted on either side of the cockpit are the TIE fighter's iconic hexagonal solar panels, their pristine white surfaces gleaming in the light of distant stars. These panels harness the energy of nearby stars to power the ship's systems, ensuring its swift and agile maneuverability in the heat of battle.

    As the TIE fighter streaks through the void, its engines emit a low, ominous hum, echoing through the emptiness of space like the rumble of distant thunder. With its sleek, all-white design and formidable presence, it is a symbol of Darth Fauste’s power and authority, striking fear into the hearts of all who dare to oppose the might of the Sith Lord.
  • Dreadnought (SS Machiavellian) - An imposing sight in the vast expanse of space: an all-white dreadnought, a behemoth of spacefaring power and might. Its sheer size dwarfs nearby starships, casting an ominous shadow across the stars. The hull of the dreadnought is a canvas of gleaming white durasteel, adorned with intricate patterns and Echani insignias that denote its allegiance to the Sith Lord of the Starborn Sect.

    Stretching hundreds of meters in length, the dreadnought bristles with formidable weaponry, each designed to strike fear into the hearts of its enemies. At the forefront are rows of heavy turbolaser batteries, their massive barrels gleaming in the light of distant stars. These devastating weapons can unleash torrents of energy capable of obliterating enemy capital ships with a single well-placed shot.

    Surrounding the dreadnought are squadrons of sleek TIE fighters and interceptors, launched from massive hangar bays hidden within its armored hull. These nimble starfighters serve as the dreadnought's first line of defense, intercepting enemy vessels and protecting the behemoth from harm.

    Mounted along the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the dreadnought are long-range ion cannons, capable of disabling enemy ships with electromagnetic pulses from across vast distances. These weapons are often used to neutralize enemy defenses before the dreadnought moves in for the kill, ensuring its victory in even the most heated battles.

    In addition to its offensive capabilities, the dreadnought is also equipped with powerful deflector shields and thick layers of armor plating, rendering it nearly impervious to enemy attacks. Its advanced targeting systems and sensor arrays allow it to track and engage multiple targets simultaneously, making it a formidable adversary on the battlefield.

    As the dreadnought advances through the depths of space, its engines roaring with the power of a thousand suns, it serves as a symbol of the Starborn Sect’s dominance and unyielding strength. With its all-white exterior and devastating arsenal, it is a force to be reckoned with, striking fear into the hearts of enemies and dissidents across the galaxy.
Goals/Objectives: Lyanna is a complex individual whose motives are deeply intertwined with her insatiable curiosity and passionate nature. As a member of the Echani, a culture renowned for their martial prowess and philosophical depth, Lyanna possesses a keen intellect and a thirst for knowledge that sets her apart from her peers.

Driven by a burning desire to understand the nature of the Force and unlock its hidden mysteries, Lyanna embraces the teachings of the Sith with fervor. She sees the dark side not as a path to destruction, but as a means to achieve a deeper understanding of the universe and her place within it. For Lyanna, the pursuit of knowledge is a never-ending journey, and she believes that embracing the power of the dark side is essential to unlocking its true potential.

However, Lyanna's motives are not purely academic. Beneath her composed exterior lies a passionate soul, fiercely loyal to her convictions and unwavering in her pursuit of her goals. She seeks to prove herself worthy of her Echani heritage and her place among the Sith elite, driven by a desire to surpass the limitations imposed by her upbringing and forge her own destiny.

In her quest for knowledge and power, Lyanna is unafraid to question authority and challenge the status quo. She sees herself as a pioneer, blazing a trail through the darkness in search of enlightenment and understanding. Though her methods may be unconventional and her goals ambitious, Lyanna remains steadfast in her belief that the pursuit of knowledge is the ultimate path to true greatness.

Ultimately, Lyanna's motives are driven by a deep-seated need to explore the unknown, to push the boundaries of what is possible, and to leave her mark on the galaxy as a scholar, a warrior, and a visionary. In her relentless pursuit of knowledge and power, she embodies the very essence of the Sith: passion, ambition, and an unquenchable thirst for greatness.
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