Approved Lieutenant Sariah Voss


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

- Name: Sariah Voss

- Role: To serve as one of two personal bodyguards of Darth Fauste, alongside Tali’ra Korr.


- Physical Description:
Sariah Voss is a striking human female in her early twenties. She has long, flowing blonde hair that she typically wears in a tight braid to keep it out of her face during combat. Her blue eyes are sharp and perceptive, often reflecting her intense focus and determination. Her skin is a warm peach tone, and she maintains a lean, athletic build indicative of her rigorous training. Her attire consists of a fitted, dark combat suit with subtle crimson and silver highlights, which is reinforced with lightweight armor plating that allows for mobility while still offering protection. The suit is designed for both functionality and intimidation.

- Equipment:
- Dual Vibroswords: Lightweight, highly durable blades designed for close-quarters combat, augmented with a cortosis weave to resist lightsabers.
- Personal Shield Generator: Compact, belt-mounted device that projects a short-duration energy shield to absorb blaster bolts and saber strikes.
- Commlink and Scanner: A wrist-mounted device that combines communication and scanning capabilities for detecting lifeforms, energy signatures, and potential threats.
- Stealth Belt: Tech allowing limited cloaking to disappear from plain sight for tactical positioning or ambushes.
- Combat Armor: Customized light armor optimized for speed and agility, made from a durable alloy that provides protection against both blaster fire and melee attacks.


- History:
Sariah Voss was born on Corellia, where she grew up in a family known for its martial prowess and discipline. From a young age, she was trained in various forms of combat and self-defense. Her exceptional skills led her to be recruited into the ranks of the Starborn Sect, a covert group within the Sith Empire specializing in elite bodyguard and assassination roles. Over the years, she proved her worth through numerous high-risk missions, catching the attention of Darth Fauste, who appointed her as one of her personal bodyguards. Her dual role also includes serving as a Lieutenant in the Migrant Fleet, allowing her to wield considerable influence and access vital resources.

- Motivations:
Sariah is driven by a desire to achieve excellence in her role and uphold the honor of the Starborn Sect. Her primary goal is to protect Darth Fauste with unwavering loyalty, viewing her as the embodiment of strength and power. She seeks to continually prove her skills and maintain her reputation as a formidable warrior. Fear of failure or disgrace motivates her to push her limits and strive for perfection in every aspect of her role.


- Traits:
Sariah is disciplined, intense, and highly focused, with a commanding presence that demands respect. She carries herself with a strong sense of duty and professionalism, displaying a calm demeanor even in the face of danger. Her confidence in her combat abilities is matched by a rigid sense of honor and responsibility. Despite her serious exterior, she has a sharp wit and a subtle sense of humor that emerges in moments of downtime.

- Interactions:
Sariah maintains a formal yet respectful relationship with Darth Fauste, seeing her as both a mentor and a powerful leader. With Tali’ra Korr, her fellow bodyguard, she shares a relationship marked by mutual respect and camaraderie, as well as a friendly rivalry over their differing combat styles. Sariah tends to keep her distance from those outside her immediate circle, viewing most interactions through the lens of tactical advantage or threat assessment.


- Skills:
- Combat Mastery: Highly skilled in close-quarters combat and dual-wielding vibroswords, employing speed, precision, and tactical prowess.
- Enhanced Reflexes: Exceptional reflexes and agility, allowing her to respond quickly in battle.
- Tactical Awareness: Keen tactical mind with the ability to read opponents' movements and anticipate their actions.
- Stealth and Infiltration: Proficient in stealth techniques for ambushes and reconnaissance.
- Force Sensitivity: Possesses limited Force sensitivity, allowing her to enhance her physical abilities and sense disturbances in the Force.

- Weaknesses:
- Overconfidence: Her belief in her combat prowess can lead her to underestimate opponents who use unorthodox methods or the Force.
- Limited Force Sensitivity: Lacks formal training in the Force, limiting her abilities compared to more trained Force users.
- Rigid Code of Honor: Her adherence to a strict warrior code sometimes prevents her from using more pragmatic or underhanded tactics, which could be strategically advantageous.


- Allies:
- Darth Fauste: Her master and primary charge, whose safety she is sworn to protect.
- Tali’ra Korr: Her fellow bodyguard, with whom she shares a close, professional relationship and a competitive spirit.
- Starborn Sect: Her allegiance to this elite group defines much of her identity and purpose.

- Enemies/Rivals:
- Enemies of Darth Fauste: Any threats to her master are considered Sariah’s enemies.
- Jedi Order: Although she respects their discipline, she views them as her adversaries and potential obstacles.
- Threats to the Starborn Sect: Anyone or any faction threatening the Sect or the Migrant Fleet is a potential adversary.
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