Work In Progress Knights of Pantheon [WIP]

Master Voronir

Guardian of Loyalty
May 28, 2024
Galactic Credits
Pantheon Emblem 4.png
**Faction Name**
- Knights of Pantheon

**Leader/Leadership Council**
- @Master Voronir

- Light side attuned/Loyal to the Force. The balance of the Force must be maintained

- The Knights of Pantheon are fighting against the Dark Shadows who want to destroy the presence of the Force in the Galaxy. They are trying to build a protective shield, The Shield of Vel around the galactic territory to prevent any hostile threats from outside. The Dark Shadows are trying to destroy the Shield of Vel and leave the Galaxy vulnerable to attacks from out-galactic threats

- The Knights of Pantheon are recruiting members, especially Force sensitives who are loyal to the cause of maintain the balance in the Force. Their primary characteristic bust be the Loyalty to their Guardian and secondary their sense of justice and righteousness.

**Territory/Base of Operations:**
- The planet Binaros and its White city of Pantheon, near the temple of the Force, among other, yet unknown planets of Loyalty.

**Key Figures/Notable Members:**
- @Master Voronir [Faction Leader, Shadow Order's Master, Guardian of Loyalty]
- Lord Harros [Shadow Eldar]
- Master Ayllin [Shadow Eldar]
- Colonel Trasken Vor [Ops squad leader (Non Force sensitive)]
- Captain Yavanna Vor [Main pilot and engineer (Non Force sensitive)]
- Master Afarzel [Guardian of Serenity,Master Voronir's Master]
[Open to additional figures among the horde]

- Shadows, loyal to the cause

- Dark Shadows
- Anyone who is not allied with them.

- Driven by loyalty, the Knights of Pantheon are allied with the Force to serve its will. Their sense of righteousness is forcing them to fight till the end to serve and protect the Force in the Galaxy.

- The Order of Shadows has not a unite vision of the way they serve the Force. This often causes problems and conflicts among the disciplines.
- The followers of Loyalty are blindly Loyal to their leaders.

- The Knights of Pantheon are fighting against the Dark Shadows who want to destroy the presence of the Force in the Galaxy. They are trying to build a protective shield, The Shield of Vel around the galactic territory to prevent any hostile threats from outside. The Dark Shadows are trying to destroy the Shield of Vel and leave the Galaxy vulnerable to attacks from out-galactic threats

- After the call of the Guardian of Loyalty, his allies got gathered around him to fight for the Force against the Dark Shadows. As the time passed, these allies became armies and they established the white city of Pantheon on the planet Binaros for their headquarters. From there, they protect the galaxy from the heretics.

**Culture and Society:**
- They are knights of the Force. Fighters of the balance. Loyal to their leaders and the Guardian they follow.

- Except from the legendary Guardian’s lightsaber pike and the lightsabers they carry, the Knights of Pantheon are using blaster cannons any blaster rifle that exist, vibroblades, electrospears and particle weaponry.
- As Force sensitives they are all trained in the Force.

**Military/Combat Forces:**
- The Knights of Pantheon are recruiting non-Force Sensitive units to increase their numbers and man their ships. They also possess Spec-ops units.
- [Spec-ops, Ship personnel, Voronir’s stealth personal ship (Phantom), particle weapons, lightsabers blasters, portable energy shields, portable turrets.]

**Relations with Other Factions:**
- Allied mostly with Shadow Order organizations

**Economy and Resources:**
- [Description of economic activities, trade routes, resources, and industries within the faction]

**Current Status:**
- [Dominant influence or control within the setting or region]
- [Recent developments, events, or conflicts affecting the faction]

**Role in the Universe/Setting:**
- [Description of the faction's role, contributions, and impact on the wider universe or setting]
- [Reputation, renown, or infamy of the faction within the setting]
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