Approved Kdomo, the Kings of the Desert

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

: Kdomo

Type: Race

Credits: Picture 1 / Picture 2 / Picture 3

Consolidation Thread: N/A

Intent: To create a monstrous creature in a desert setting for future use in threads as an enemy or situational ally.

Description: Kdomoare colossal, worm-like creatures native to the deserts. They possess massive, elongated bodies covered in thick, sand-colored scales. Their mouths are lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth capable of swallowing the floor beneath you and devouring anything in their path. Kdomo can grow to incredible lengths, with some specimens reaching several hundred meters. These beasts are driven only by their need to survive, feed and reproduce, making them allies to none, and enemies to all.

  • Name: Kdomo(K-domo)
  • Designation: Semi - Sentient
  • Origins
    • Countries: South of Maura
    • Provinces: Unkown
    • POIs: The great Dessert South of Maura
  • Average Lifespan: 500 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare, these creatures often live alone and rarely reproduce
  • Average Height of Adults: N/A
  • Average Length of Adults: Can vary depending on age, but it can reach up to several hundred meters long
  • Skin colour: sand-coloured scales
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Kdomo are known for their massive size and formidable jaws, lined with sharp teeth. They possess a keen sense of vibration, allowing them to detect prey moving on the desert sands from miles away.
  • Size: Immense size and strength make them virtually unstoppable predators. In local regions the size of the Kdomo is not measured in meters, but in age. With a smaller specimen being called a child-sized, and some of the largest recorded Kdomo being called great-grandfather and great-grandmother-sized.
  • Speed: Highly adapted to desert environments, able to move swiftly through sand.
  • Killing: Their massive gapping mouths allow for easy consumption of most creatures, thus rendering these beats kings of the desert
  • The Water: It has been shown that Kdomo stay away from larger bodies of water, due to their innate inability to process these liquids without dying.
  • Blind: Reliant on vibrations to detect prey, making them vulnerable to stealthy or silent foes.
  • Environment: Limited mobility outside of desert terrain, cumbersome in other environments.
  • Diet: Carnivorous, with a preference for large mammals and other creatures found in desert regions. The Kdomo consume vast quantities of sand to aid in digestion, filtering out nutrients from the particles.
  • Communication: Sand Wyrms communicate primarily through low-frequency vibrations, which can be felt through the desert sands. They do not possess a complex spoken language.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behaviour: Sand Wyrms are solitary creatures, rarely interacting with others of their kind except during mating season. They spend much of their time burrowed beneath the desert sands, waiting for prey to pass overhead. Sand Wyrms are opportunistic hunters, ambushing their victims with lightning-fast strikes from below. They play a crucial role in the desert ecosystem, controlling populations of herbivores and scavengers.
Kdomo have inhabited the deserts of this world for countless generations, their origins lost to time. They have coexisted with the native human population, the Huru, who view the sandworms with a mixture of fear and reverence. Legends and myths abound regarding the mysterious creatures, with some Huru tribes even worshipping them as deities.

Throughout history, Kdomo have played a significant role in shaping the ecology of the desert. Their presence has influenced the behaviour of other desert creatures and contributed to the survival strategies of the Huru. Despite occasional conflicts with human settlers and attempts to eradicate them, the Kdomo continue to thrive in the harsh desert environment, a testament to their resilience and adaptability.

In more recent years the Kdomo have often been the focus of poachers, who aim to find younger and smaller specimens of this race. These creatures house a rare toxin within their bodies that with the right alchemical mixtures can create an intense high for the user. Thus the interest of hunting these beats has increased with time.
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