Work in Progress Kallina Rives,Commander of the Halcyon Mercenaries

Sep 17, 2024
Galactic Credits
**Profile Name:** [Kallina Rives]

**Alias/Nickname:** ["Alor","Vorpan's little she-devil",Chief Rives,Commander Rives]

**Species:** [Human]

**Gender:** [Female]

**Age:** [38]

**Homeworld:** [Not specified]

**Affiliation:** [Clan Rives,Halcyon]

**Rank/Position:** [Former bounty hunter,"Rightful leader of Clan Rives",Commander of the Halcyon mercenaries]


**Appearance:** Kallina wears mandalorian beskar armor in the colors of red and black.Beskar being one of the most durable metals in the galaxy.The colors symbolize "justice" for black and "honoring a parent" for the red.On various areas around her armor she has decorated bones from fallen beasts she has killed alongside a small part of fur on her shoulders and covering a small area behind her back.On her wrists she has implemented a few wrist blades,rockets,a flamethrower and other tools she might need.Holstered on each side of her hips are two custom-made IB-94 blasters.

**Personality:** [ProfesionalStoic,Loyal,Risky,Carefree sometimes,Short-tempered when angry,Protective over her own people and Clan,Never gives up even on the most difficult of situations,Known on a few occasions for her ruthless behavior,loves to hunt beasts and bounties in her free time.Trains herself from a young age in the mandalorian way of culture and life]

**Background/History:** Kallina was born onboard a ship outside of Tattoine.Her clan has lived as nomads most of the time.Stoping only for supplies and when it was necessary.Her clan has a way with animals since they raised them to hunt together with them.Since she was very young she was raised to become a mandalorian warrior.Being the daughter of the clan leader many expected great things from her.She was hardened by the trials of becoming a true mandalorian warrior and build strong fundations with her clan.All of that however had a very tragic conclusion for her people.......

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