Diplomacy Journey To The Mountains

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits

@Vyona of the Wolf Clan
The noise of the large camp which was slowly being set up inside the edge of the forest was bustling with activity. Carts were still arriving on the baggage train guarded by the mercenary band. The forest around the camp was patrolled by the Mactirfola and their war wolves. The camp itself was guarded by the Night Lords, whose presence grew as one got closer to the center of the fortified position. This was especially the case near the command tent inside of which was not their Mistress the Iron Lady, but instead her daughter… Marie. The oldest of Sylvia’s daughters paced back and forth looking down at a map and talking with her advisors.

She had summoned the leader of the mercenaries, the orc woman Vyona to speak with her before her mother came back to the tent for the planning meeting. The Iron Lady had gone out with some of the Night Lords to scout the path forward, to try and figure out what would be the best way to move their small, but elite force… and at what time it might be best to set up a permanent base camp and allow the smaller diplomatic expedition to move forward. The reason for this meeting on Marie’s part though was a bit more personal… as she had noticed that the mercenary whom didn’t seem to have a drop of noble blood in her veins was cozying up to her mother.

So she felt now would be a prefect time to gauge exactly what the other was trying to do. Since if she found answers that she did not like then she could always take steps during the expedition to cause an accident that would get rid of Vyona and any mercenaries that could speak to the actual reasons for her demise. Whenever the other reached the tent and came inside Marie would gesture to her advisors, waving them outside, and then regarding the Orc she would calmly ask,

“So Vyona, tell me are your men handling their duties well? I would like to thank you again for your company indulge my mother on her trip into the North seeking the Empress of the Fog. A wild legend yes, but it has caught Sylvia’s eye. Sad that we should waste resources on the words of these simple folk. Yet we must be cautious in these lands… these tribes… can endure hunger and cold and any kind of hardship; for they plunge into the swamps and exist there for many days with only their heads above water, and in the forests they support themselves upon bark and roots.”
Vyona was cold colder than she’d ever been. Still she thanks the spirits that she had the thick skin of an orc and not the fragile pink skin of a human. Her’s was strong orc blood she reminded herself of the Wolf Clan she could handle a little hardship, had handled it before and will do so again. Still it was bitterly cold. The humans in her company were already blowing on their hands to keep themselves warm, shivering and stamping their feet. Vyona knew she had to set an example and didn’t resort to such behaviour but still she was concerned. Humans had a passion for conquest but were in many ways still fragile. They were her men after all and soon she would have to see to their needs.

She made a mental note to see to their supplies and provisions. Alcohol sometimes warmed the blood perhaps she should arrange for some sort of distillery set up. So long as discipline didn’t lax. If anything it might also be a way to reap some small profits spirits only knew that there was precious little else for her Gladiators to spend their money on.

Despite the hardship Vyona was enjoying the landscape, the ruggedness, the nature, the wilderness even the people had her respect more so than the soft living humans in their cities at any rate. She’d still kill them if she had to anyone worthy of respect was worthy of killing after all. Otherwise though they this place reminded her of home.

Vyona was jogged out of her nostalgia by a summons to the command tent. Vyona considered The Warmasters daughter she seemed… young but fierce like her mother. Vyona knew it would be easy to dismiss her because of her apparent youth but she also knew enough of Vampires to know that could be misleading. Sylvia was fierce and strong and powerful and capable she would not put her daughter in command if she were any less. Nor would she raise a daughter who was a fool.

Vyona shrugged

“The men are cold. The eshin, goblins, ogre’s and trolls can manage the humans might start weakening. I’d rather not lose any of my men to anything but battle and even then never wastefully.” Vyona reported truthfully “These tribes are like those of my homeland. Tough, hardy and fierce. They should prove worthy foes.”

“The Warmaster sent me here that’s all I need to know about why where here.”
Vyona said with a shrug. She took a moment of thought before adding “Unless it pertains to the success of the mission.”

“What do we know of the Empress of the Fog?”

@Marie Ulfbitenn

“Your men’s cold weather gear has not been distributed properly? I promise that will be rectified before our conversation is finished Vyona. Once the business I summoned you for is finished then we will have a talk with the expedition’s quartermaster. He was supposed to make sure that both your men and ours where ready for the conditions of the North… and apparently, he had failed to do so.”
An annoyed sigh slipped from the young woman’s lips at the fact that their had been such a large failure when it came to equipping the expedition properly. Her words held a coldness to them, like a knifes edge. The various ideas of what sort of punishment to use for this large oversight tumbled through her head, before she got herself back on track to the reason she had asked the orc woman here,

“Come sit down… we shall speak on the Empress of the Fog and many other things, but that is not why I summoned you here. No, I have a few other more important topics which we must discuss first. Those that concern me as the eldest of my mother’s line.” She was very careful and calculating when it came to what she was talking about as she moved to sit in one of the chairs nearby. She would only continue speaking once the orc woman had also sat down. Marie then leaned forward and steepled her fingers as she stared at the other asking, “What exactly are your intentions with my mother Vyona?”

Marie let the words hang in the air before continuing, “I notice that you two have been spending quite a bit of time together, and so I must ask this question. Anyone who can get close to Sylvia will find themselves in a powerful political position in the Northern Alliance. So understand I can’t allow that to be just anyone… and if you think that is a threat then yes… yes it is.” Marie while being the more politically minded one like her uncle still spoke that fire that showed she was the daughter of the Iron Lady. Her words went quiet as she gauged the reaction from the mercenary leader, not exactly sure what was going to happen.
Vyona nodded satisfied that her men would be seen to her and therefore her primary duty attended to for the moment. Vyona frowned wondering why she was being treated like an errant child the parent figure needed to talk to about concerning behaviour. Last time she had been treated like this was when she had been sold to a brothel and had just killed her first customer she had thought she was going to be killed instead they had made her a gladiator. Vyona stifled her irritation whether she liked it or not this child was her superior commander. Sylvia had made it clear she was to be obeyed as if she were her. Vyona briefly wondered if that included bed sport?

Vyona didn’t think a mother even Sylvia who had a possessive streak would want to share a lover. If she were propositioned Vyona would have to refuse. She had sworn her loyalty to Sylvia not her daughter after all.

She was caught by surprise by the question. So that’s why she was here not because she was a valuable asset who needed to be informed of their mission because of a daughter concerned for and of her mothers recent lover.

Vyona frowned as she considered the question she had sworn her loyalty to Sylvia on a contract by contract basis and by extension the Night Court. That would be sufficient for a commanding officer wouldn’t it? Though perhaps not for a daughter.

Vyona sighed.

“Do you have a cup of ale? If we’re going to have this conversation we should have a drink while doing it.” Vyona relented and sat down.

“Strategically I’m a loyal vassal. I’ve sworn my loyalty to the Warmaster and that’s the end of it. I keep my word unto death. You… westerners. You play your games of trickery and deception and consider yourself clever. My people are more simple and direct we say what we mean and we live by it.”

“I want revenge on the man who destroyed my tribe. The Demon King is my enemy. I’ve sworn a vow to destroy him. He is the Night Court enemy so we are allies. I serve on a contract basis. I was a slave too long I enjoy my freedom loyalty is one thing eternal servitude is another.”

“As for me and your mother personally.”
Vyona shrugged and spread her hands “Matters of the heart are complicated. I enjoy her company, I admire her and desire her and am not opposed to bed sport. I have no wish to betray her in any capacity. My honour wouldn’t allow it.”

Vyona shrugged wondering where that ale was.

“Which reminds me do we have enough ale for the journey? I was thinking maybe we should set some of the men to run a distillery. It would give them something to do in the cold nights, it would also be something to spend their money on and refill our own coffers partially.”

@Marie Ulfbitenn
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