Expansion Journey To Kingdom | Expansion into Hulva

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits
It had been some time since Marcus had decided to exert his will on the day, and severely influence the human race through their own devices. He had the night court that influenced humans however the day court actually played as if they were in their ranks among them. The night court would use any means to steer their objectives forward even if creating a puppet state to do so. With the demon armies in the north expanding as well, they needed to ensure that they were all well protected and in order to do as such was to create alliances and expand their own territories to assume more power.

Espada was doing just that, expanding its influence and becoming a Kingdom, no an empire to show the world it’s might and further gain power to take down the Demon Lord. The night court itself was already powerful, but they needed more power even if it meant using the power of human numbers and blessings to take down the demon lord. The first territory on Marcus war path was Hulva which was on the tip of their country, which would allow them further trade, and access to ports that would connect them with the northern world. They already had an alliance with Eirelunn and it’s Allie’s and now they needed to further expand their influence and control especially through trade.

Sparnish armies would March on accord towards Hulva, Marcus trotting on his black horse which stood at the front of the army. He wanted to personally take Hulva and allow Nepheli to take over Burganna to complete his reign over Sparnia. It had been some time since he had declared dominion over the entire country and said he would soon meet each of the provinces and stake his claim over them. As soon as he was done with Hulva he would March South and join the campaign in Burganna.
It had been long since an invasion took place in Hulva. Ever since the Sparnish Wars, for the most part, the bickering nobles had bled eachother enough for few foreigners to see purpose in invading. Unlike the inland, which was strong in claims and heathen hordes, Hulva was a trade centre. Those in power, had the coin to muster armies, and dress them in steel and iron. It was among these armies, the Order of the Black Wolf; Founded almost a hundred summers prior, the Black Wolf banner was what had sworn to hold off any foe like the Kishmen Dynasty, from the South, off from Sparnish soil. Indeed, each of the sword-brethren was an experienced warrior. And the threats had been many.... From heathens and sorcerers, to vile beast and monster hordes, it had been not more than a decade, ever since the lands of Valladille were finally secured.

Adosinda chose to move her court North, to Hulva, so that a time could be spent in peace and prayer, before yet another blood-stained parchement was received by yet another exhausted herald, and so the steel awoke again from the scabbard's slumber... But this time, apparently, it was no goblin, nor monster who quoke Terra Firma under the sound of war drums....

Adosinda was wearing the typical black doublet, with the deep scarlet linen undergarment, popping from the edges of her sleeves and throat like a blooming flower. Her palms brought together, under her chin, as she remained knelt before the altar of the Holy Mother, deep in prayer.
The loud steps of the armoured man echoed in the otherwise silent chapel...

"My lady" the man spoke hesitantly. The accent clearly hinting his Southerner origins. "They are on the march..."

The woman's eyes openned to the sound of his ill-transmitted report. She needed not more details, to know what he willed to share.
Espada had been all but silent... The very Sword that shall unite Sparnia, they called themselves. Unlike her dogmatic behavior, Espada never rested, as that of a state dedicated in protection or defence. They were building up forces for long, now. It was only about time, before yet another war came to Hulva...

And yet, although she had once vowed to protect him, the long-past Count of Hulva was no longer there, and his closest relatives having delved into a series of backstabbings and poisoning, had resulted with the Black Wolf withdrawing from any political involvement; Something that, given their veteranship and skill in arms, made them a major asset, now brought out of the equasion. That, indeed brought the ongoing turmoil into an ill-desired stalemate. But that, was bound to change... For the better or worse, Adosinda knew not. What she could see for certain, however, was that the coming of Espada would drastically reshape the surrounding lands, into what would be the united Asterias;
The sound of that, indeed, didn't ring negativelly, to Adosinda... But then again.... Was Espada a liege capable of bringing Sparnia what they had been for so long deprived...?

Only one way to find out....

The hooves of horses and clanking of the mail caused the birds nesting in the woods by the large path to flock in an amoking living cloud. The banners of the Black Wolf danced as the wind blew from the South, while the armoured cavalry rode forth, ahead of a column of living steel and flesh and pikes. Adosinda had given the order for her troops to preserve tight formation, and led her column along the main road, intenting to block the path of the Espadan war-host, as they made to the West, along the border. A bold action. One that could easily be interpreted as a contest of arms, answered only by the scent of black powder and battle drums...

But she had given no orders to attack...

She rode her stallion a good distance ahead of her black knights, holding the white knotted praying bracelet in her palm, anxiously counting her prayers on each of the knots, as she anticipated the Espadan army, from across the valley. Whether the day would end in bloodshed, or terms, was yet to be determined by the parle, given the Espadan general would indeed offer one...

It had been a ride from Leone to Hulva after mustering his armies together to show strength to take over the province. Marcus had already sent decrees to all of the lands to signify that he would unite all lands under Espada. Upon arriving on horseback ahead of his armies he would find another army ready and starting to gather to potentially combat his own armies. While it was admirable, they would find that the Sparnish forces that accompanied the King were massive in size.

Marcus wasn’t playing in his show of might as he didn’t want to underestimate his potential enemies and to show that he would utterly crush anyone that opposed him. Many of his men both his Sparnish guard and his personal guard of blood bound stood at his rear as he looked upon the smaller armies. He admired that they had the courage to still muster as they saw the size of his own armies. Their only choice if they decided to fight, the smart choice would be to lead from a place of defense if they wished to engage.

The King however had decided to give them the very respect and option however to come to terms before they engaged in any battle that would slaughter his would be future men. Trotting on forward on his massive black horse, Marcus would charge in alone into the middle of the battlefield awaiting their leader or champion to meet him so that they could discuss possible terms to resolve the matter without bloodshed. If they decided bloodshed, he would show no mercy in slaughtering them and taking over the lands by force. The choice ultimately was up to them.

Tag: @Adosinda Castellanna
Adosinda patted the neck of her stallion, as the King approached. Her eyes cold, waiting, while her black armour reflected no ray cast by the sun above. She locked her gaze on him, the more he approached.

"Espada cannot keep it to themselves, can it?" she spoke in the Sparnish tongue. "I presume you are the King?"

She rested her palms on the pommel of the sheathed sword by her belt, brought low to the saddle's reach by the weight of her hands.

"I am Adosinda Castellanna.. Chaplain of the Black Wolf." her head tilted upon her introduction, "And I and my sworn brethren stand here not on behalf of liege, but of the people of Hulva. We gave an oath to protect them, of all foreign incursions... And we will."
The fact that she mentioned that she wasn't sent by any overlord was no coincidence. She wanted to make sure that her company wasn't stained by any nobleman's ink, or deed. She always did so. Being a holy order, in essence, the Black Wolf was always reluctant participating in rivalries that did not abide to their oaths...

@Marcus Aumont
Marcus watched as a woman with wavy long hair had approached him clad in armor with her sword at her side. She had a sort of air about her that spoke out to him that she was someone who upheld herself to some sort of code and that was admirable. As she spoke specifically about representing the people of Hulva vs any overload or warlord, Marcus was quite surprised given the numbers she mustered even if not comparable by his armies at her door step.

“Chaplain?” The King asked to no one in particular as he just took in the interaction before dismounting from his own horse. After all he respected whoever this woman was so far due to her boldness and love for the people so he wouldn’t look down to her as he would speak to her. Walking towards her Marcus would stop a few feet from her within arms reach showing her that he was truly there to speak and that he wasn’t afraid of any attempts on his life.

The woman could very well try to kill him where he stood but if she succeeded wouldn’t stop the armies from his back from raving, raiding, and pillaging the lands to avenge their liege. That was if she actually could kill the monster that was unknown in front of her. “I am Marcus Aumont, King of Espada…. And I’m happy to make your acquaintance Chaplain Adosinda…” so this woman was some type of faith it seemed or holy order and that within itself was interesting. With her admiration of the people if he could convince her to join his side this would be an easy takeover of Hulva and establishing some power base in Hulva not as a means of control but power and protection from the ruling house by extension.

Looking over the woman for awhile, the King would begin to walk around her with no hostile intentions in mind, as he stared aloof my at the sky and then to Hulva. “So you represent the people of Hulva?” He asked curiously as he continued his walk around her his eyes sizing her up. She was pretty, strong willed, but most importantly a bold leader. He liked her so far. Little did she know she was before a demigod who now took an interest in her. “I’ve sent out my decrees a month ago tell all in these lands the claim of Espada, and it wasn’t meant to say that we would, incur our wrath of these lands, but simply a statement that these lands fall under me, and I will be claiming them one way or another… if your people surrender peacefully we won’t need to cause any strife here today.” He commented before trailing off.

“We could come to terms here and now to establish a government in my name, and prevent any bloodshed.” He ultimately didn’t want war, but if those resisted he would give it to them. He just wanted these lands under him. Many heard how he took the rest of the lands but today he stood in front of this noble woman letting her know that no bloodshed had to be spilled and that they could come to terms peacefully and unite the lands. That was a noble gesture for the King. Ultimately he needed cattle for those of the night court so why slaughter them if he hadn’t needed too.

@Adosinda Castellanna
Standing at the front of the army along with some others that the King brought with him Celeste his night court attendant would look back to the hunter that they had brought with them, not as a hunter per say but as a mercenary fighter for hire. Celeste was rather surprised by the King’s choice in bringing a hunter so close to their midst but it seemed he kept the man employed through his coin and brought him to keep on track and hunt down any monsters should they appear in the battlefield. He also was keeping him close to learn more about him and his abilities to see if he would be valuable using him against his own enemies at some point.

Looking over at the man, the red mage would speak out to him while their King discussed terms with the perceived leader of Hulva. “Hunter, tell me… besides coin what notivates you to go after monsters of the night?” She asked curiously. It was such an off job to wake up one day and say I want to risk my life and hunt down monsters.

@Gabriel Morningstar
The Chaplain stood tall on her saddle, observing the seemingly young "king" approaching. She did not reply to his initial statement. There could be no happiness in the battlefield. For it was there, where many lives were bound to change forever, scarred, deformed or perish, under the weight of pride...

"The nobles had not the courage to stand before a usurper, and so it fell upon us to do such... We represent the people, not their overlords." she distanced herself from the, up to now, legitimate rule on Hulva. Indeed, she was oftentimes disgusted, by the despicable schemes and shifting alliances found along the nobility. Hulva was no exception. Having grown confident in their distance from the South, they had devolved, in her eyes.

"You spoke of rule, which I shall now call you to repeat, before these armies whole" the chaplain said then, seemingly disregarding any protocol on her manner. This was the field of battle, after all. Although accustomed, she chose to neglect it in her manners.
"You seek to rule over lands not of yours, and peoples who owe nothing to you. Yet I ask thee, King, proclaimed... what is your duty, to those of pitchfork and shovel? Are you the one to rule, or the one to serve, King, proclaimed? Much rule has lived, off these lands, fertile as they may be... Yet service, had always been scarce...."

Her words sharp, as a spearpoint. She did not waste time, before casting her twisted words, to pass the King under her own trial, which had perhaps visible cause and aim alike...

Marcus honestly liked the women before him. Even when faced with an army that could crush them in an instant, she still stood tall and confident. She represented the people she mentioned while the nobility represented their purses. The Vampire King cared not for money as he had plenty of it, and he cared not for arbitrary ruling of people, but in some way he just wanted those under him to enjoy themselves although he did regard most humans as cattle unless they impressed him. However that was a different side that the humans would not see quite yet.

As she asked her questions before the King and even made her judgements, the man smirked slightly waiting for her to finish respectfully before answering her. “I want to correct you in your statement, all of these lands are very much mine… and have been leased out to your people… to which I’m calling back my lands… I could prove it to you one day but it would be too much to comprehend at the moment.” He stated to her before going on further. “Furthermore, I don’t believe the two things you’ve mentioned to be seperate nor exclusive as I will rule but also serve the people of these lands… currently the structure of nobility that rule these lands are running your farms and coin dry and people are starving in some cases, under my rule, I will ensure that will in fact stop and those that serve under me will never go hungry…” After all he needed his livestock fat, and healthy if he wanted his people to survive.

The King hadn’t spared any sign of weakness and did not backdown from his claims over the lands and it’s people, however assured the woman before him that he in fact would be a ruler who was also a servant leader to his people, of course for his own benefit, but no one would know that.

Looking towards the woman making sure he looked her directly in the eyes, he would get serious for a moment. “I would rather not have to kill all of those that simply wish to have a meal and be paid fairly for their services to the kingdom so that they might earn a live able wage to support their families…but don’t mistake me that any resistance will be met with extreme prejudice.” He commented finally now awaiting her words. If she was to represent these people she would need ti make a decision whether she wanted to surrender the lands peacefully or subject all of her people to death. Marcus cared not for either, although he would like to create an additional farm of cattle for his own benefit.

Tag: @Dreadheart
The stallion snorted, and so the woman too nodded to the King's words, as if her mount could sense the tension rising inbetween the two.
Adosinda couldn't but admit the impression made by the noble. He was different. A strange, cold aura around him caused her bones an unnatural chill, although buried deep beneath plate and mail.

The Chaplain spent a few breaths in silence, looking up and down to the King, trying to figure whether he was a well-promising leader, or a well-versed deceiver...

"The people crave for peace, and justice. But these lands know all but such..." the Chaplain finally spoke, sitting back on the saddle, while her armoured hand tapped on the pommel of the sheathed sword.
"If you swear, here, before the hosts of Espada and the Black Wolf alike, then our banners shall see you through, to the capital. But bare in mind, King of Espada..." the voice of Adosinda a bitter warning to the man. "Lies and deceit, all lead to the blackest pit of the abyss..."

The reins were pulled, and so the stallion reared, before driven around, so that Adosinda could face her own army. Confusion was clear, in many pairs of eyes across the field. She, contrary, stood firm, over the saddle, and gazed to the king...
It was more than simply a trial, what she had demanded of him. Before all men and foe alike, to break an oath like such given, would be too dire of an act, in the face of both people, of which most had witnessed, and nobility, which would for sure hear of...

Adosinda, clearly, knew exactly what she was asking...

Marcus watched every movement of the woman not because he was afraid she might try something sneaky but because he wanted to learn her mannerisms and tells so that he could use them against her in the future if needed. You see Marcus was the ultimate predator, and even among those at the top of the food chain he was their King. He was masterful in the art of seduction, and manipulation to get what he wanted. It seemed however that he wouldn’t need those tactics as he had charmed the rebel leader enough to get her to succumb to his will.

As she asked for him to swear if peace and justice before all before them, Marcus thought on it for a moment. It was true he could take the entire place by force but that wouldn’t gain him the respect he needed in order to rule the Empire he was creating. He needed their respect, and their trust. “Adosinda, I cannot promise peace because each day brings a new terror, and I do know what it means to be at the darkest pits of the abyss because I’ve been there, however what I can promise is justice…” He trailed off going back to the subject of peace. “Peace will definitely be something I will wish to keep within our kingdom, but I cannot prevent the terrors of the world from trying to ruin our peace and when that happens I will need to break out of that momentary peace in order to protect that what is most precious here in this Kingdom.” He moved forward beside Adosinda on his steed and put his hand up beside hers as he gave a sign of peace.

Looking out towards the rebels and then turning to look back towards his army, the man would speak loudly to address all. “I as your King of these lands, will ensure that justice reins true in these lands and that the people of my lands no longer suffer from the over taxing nobles of these lands and have true representation here that will bring your concerns to my walls… I promise that as long as you serve me that I shall serve you the people.” With that Marcus ended his short but sweet speech and would remain beside Adosinda.

With his speech and claim to all he was sure they would now aim to remove the corrupt nobles from power and replace them with ones of his own choosing that would do his bidding and make sure to further enrich the lands. Removing the nobles would be easier now without their former people fighting their battles for them. With his armies he would easily remove them and put them all to death for their resistance to his claims and for the treachery they had caused.

Tag: @Dreadheart
Peasants and plebs... Wicked and deceived.... Easy to turn. Easy to be convinced...

Adosinda watched as the King addressed her troops. The Black Wolf Order was no such affair. Battle-hardened sworn warriors, fighting beneath the grim banners of the necessary sacrifice required to keep their lands afloat. None spoke. But many were the nods, murmurs and the shaking of heads, as the words cast from the King's mouth reached deep to the roots of the very foundation of what was, the Black Wolf.

"Many were the promises given" Adosinda tilted her head, as she turned over her shoulder to gaze upon the King, judgingly. "Know there will be the price of deceit upon your head, should you be one of words, and not actions."

She hesitated. Took her a couple of breaths, before her black iron gauntlet clad hand moved from the saddle to the side, shaking the King's hand in determination. She was well-aware, the rapid change this simple looking act would bring to Hulva. It was a major change in everything. Most of all... The Nobles....

"Estevan De La Garcivia has brought his retinue to the capital. If his flag surrenders to you, so will all others in Hulva. But know the De La Garcivia have grown roots in this land. They won't give away what they once had, without a spearpoint's taunt..."


Oveda was for over a century a large city, once built by the kings of old in Hulva, during the old eras. Now, having passed from generation to generation, Oveda had evolved to a major city and central trade station, providing the funds for the ruling House De La Garcivia to enforce their claim across the province. Although not able to fully install themselves as the rulers of Hulva, their influx of coin and influence granted them the very apex position amongst the disordered nobility of Asteria.

Whoever could attain control over Oveda, would be the one capable to lay claim to the entire province....
And so, the war for Hulva begun....

@Marcus Aumont

Marcus was excited to unite the lands under his Aumont banner. Doing so brought legitimacy to the day, as he was already heavily established in the night. A terrifying force that was told to children at night, however no one knew was right in front of them, the very first vampire, the vampire king. Looking at the men who now had followed him additionally, the King would look towards Adosinda who he looked to for guidance in the overtaking.

As Adosinda explained the dynamics of the nobles of the land, he would simply nod. In order to overtake him he would simply need to forcibly bring him to heel. In order to do that he needed everyone out of his way in order to prove he wasn’t truly someone who had no regard for human life. It seemed that this Estevan would need to be met with extreme prejudice of his might. “Duly noted, Adosinda, I have one ask…” He trailed off noe looking towards the city. “The order has the will of the people, and therefore I ask that you evacuate the entire city under the false premise that I will sack it entirely, the noblemen won’t vacate as all of their riches are in the city and surely they will not abandon their greed for their safety as I am right at their city walls and they wouldn’t risk it… they would probably rather negotiate terms.” He laid out the plan simply and would allow Adosinda time to orchestrate the order. He also wanted them out of the city as well because if he needed to resort to other means he rather them not know about his own secret of the night.

Adosinda was a great warrior and leader and he would definitely grant her privledges over the lands once they conquered them because she had the hearts and minds of the people who lived in them which would make it easier for him to keep power in the area. The noblemen would pay for their sins and answer to their worst nightmares today, but he would still need the influence of this Esteban and therefore he would need to show him darkness in order for him to completely bend the knee to understand there was no way out of the deal he would offer him for his life.

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