Character James Antilles

May 11, 2024
Galactic Credits
**Profile Name:** James Antilles

**Alias/Nickname:** Jimmy Slinger

**Species:** Human

**Gender:** Male

**Age:** 31

**Homeworld:** Corellia

**Affiliation:** Smuggler

**Rank/Position:** Captain

**Appearance:** A long brown coat, over plate armor, a cowby hat and some sleek sun glasses. Two holsters and a tool belt. Usually has a rugged stubble growing.

**Personality:** Most people know Jim, Jimmy, Slinger, Jimmy Slinger as an affable, funny, likeable even charming young man. It’s a front he prefers, a façade for the man at heart. Jim has seen the worst of the Galaxy, he joined up to search for adventure, to get off his planet and his dead end job at the scrap yard. That zeal for life is what he tries to cling on to, but a part of him is sinical and broken. The major governments, factionalise and war with themselves and each other and the little guy gets crushed in between. Jim has had enough of them. He lives for himself, maybe tries to help out the little guy from time to time.

**Background/History:** James was born on Corellia ever since he could remember he wanted to see the galaxy. Reading about other planets, other systems, other cultures, other races. Some day he was going to see them all. Mostly he loved ships, he was in luck with that because his father was a Shipyard mechanic. James called Jimmy by everyone he knew loved tinering on the shipyard line with his father and his friends and about fifty working hands. He had more family as a kid than anybody could ask for.

When he thought he was old enough but still too young for his father’s liking he signed up with the military as a Starfighter Pilot. He rarely says what he did it’s not important they’re all the same. Jimmy saw things that haunt him and did things he’s not proud of. Still he enjoyed the camaraderie reminding him of days on the line working with his dad and his adopted family.

When he returned home he was haunted with that look in his eyes soldiers sometimes get. Still he was restless back on the shipyard line and decided he wanted to see the galaxy on his terms. He had enough savings and connections to buy a ship and took to the skies and never looked back.

**Skills/Abilities:** +Pilot- Was a Starfighter pilot during the war.

+Veteran- Was a grunt after he got bumped down from the starfighter corpse. Been in more than a few tight spots.


Two blaster pistols

Rifle with attatchable scope

Sunglasses with a HUD

Arm band that’s remote control of his ship

His ship.

**Ship/Vehicle:** ] Silver Sparrow-Hornet Class Courier


**Goals/Objectives:** See the universe, meet some, people have some adventures maybe find a family of his own.
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