Character Insane Scientist- Rul Tondar

May 10, 2024
Galactic Credits


NAME: Rul Tondar

FACTION: The Obsidian Court

RANK: Sith Cultist

SPECIES: Skakoan





HEIGHT: 2 meters

WEIGHT: 75 kg

EYES: Bubblegum Pink


SKIN: Teal Green


[ + ] Talented individual / Rul Tondar was raised to lead his families droid business, to do this they sent him to the top schools sculpturing him to become knowledgeable

[ + ] Poker Face / The fact that Skakoans have to constantly wear their pressure suits enables them to hide their faces making it harder to read their emotions

[ + ] Force Adept / In the last few years Rul has discovered his force affinity to the dark side and has honed many abilities

[ + ] Experienced Biologist / Other Skakoans spend their time with machines but Rul studied the living things especially and how to manipulate these living things

[ + ] Thorough Education / His time on Skako was filled with thorough education teaching Rul multiple things not just about droids, politics but also about Art, Music, Galactic History, Mathematics, and his favourite subject Biological Science


[ - ] Pressure Instability / Skakoans require a pressure suit to endure outside of their home planet, without one he and all his kind would die a painful death

[ - ] Methane Hunger / As all of his kind do Rul needs supplementary methane intake from his suit to survive outside of his home planet

[ - ] King of the Castle / His time with his family has spoiled Rul, he is used to experiencing the best of life all he ever demanded was furnished

[ - ] Fear of Death / Many Skakoans refuse to leave their home planet in fear of dying from the lack of pressure, even with a protective suit Rul constantly fears his death

[ - ] Could not care less / Most Skakoans are extreme xenophobes but Rul is slightly above that instead of hating other races he is apathetic towards them, believing others are boring and a waste of his precious time

[ - ] State of Mind / Due to his ever-growing hunger for knowledge and power Rul has lost himself and can show signs of paranoia, insomnia and overall insane manners

Rul is from a bipedal sentient species. He has pale, folded teal-green skin attached to his skeleton, almost resembling that of a snake. His skin adds to his exotic presence but is rarely seen by others. Rul possessed no facial and or body hair as much of his race do. His face holds a toothless mouth almost resembling an empty whole. His lips were slim and lipless. Two pink sunken and beady eyes with no pupils and a pair of nasal slits give him even more of a snake-like appearance and allow Rul to smell an odour. The crown on Rul's head consists of raised ridges around the sides, with a wide depression in the centre this gives him the aesthetic of wearing a wreath on top of his head. Overall Rul has the generic human biology, with normal hands and feet each having the "normal" amount of fingers and toes. Rul is of above-average build compared to other Skakoans, not extremely muscular but some say his stance is intimidating because of his wide shoulders and muscular build. Comparing Rul to others of his age he is built athletic. Rul regularly trains his body to improve his overall looks, as all highborns need to display their pleasantest sides to the public. Because of Rul's upbringing, he has not yet received any physical alignments or disfigurements.

When not on his home planet Rul will dress in his self-composed suit to stay pressurized. The suit is slim but very protective as Rul needs this to feel safe outside of his home planet. Rul's mechanical suit makes him more troublesome to kill as it can second as a suit of armour when in combat. The mechanical suit is one of the most prized possessions and has been in his out for most of his life. On the home planet, one can find him in blue or red robes that cover his entire body. He rarely shows his skin and often wears gloves to cover his teal hands. Rul's age does not show on his body as he has no wrinkles or other physical features that come with age. Rul favours wearing a mask or helmet as it covers his emotions which he has found to be a great advantage in his kind of life.

Personalised Lucerhulk class battleship accompanied by a regimen of B1 Battle droids
Weapons: Lightwhip
Armour: Standard Skakoan Pressurised space suit


Born and raised on the planet of Skako, Rul lived a pleasurable life. Raised to become a company owner Rul was sent to only the best schools and taught by the brightest of Skakoans. However, there was another side to his life of science and maths. Rul's parents and himself followed the highly evolved religion common on Skako. The religion was based on the Book of the Boolmide and led by elders of the Power Mounds. The centre of this religion was an omniscient mythic beast known as the Albino Cyclops. Rul and most highborn of Skako all followed this religion and would listen to all that the Elders of the Power Mounds had to say. Personally, Rul believed highly of the Elders of the Power Mounds and thus he would never speak ill of them and would enforce their rules on himself. His parent proud of their son and his dedication to their religion treated Rul very highly giving him all he desired and never denying him. This eventually poisoned Rul's mind turning him into the arrogant and spoiled man he is today. His parents were of high stature and influence on the planet and thus ensuring their offspring only the best. moreover, his entire life Rul was supervised and all-important decisions were made by others. Rul did not mind his parent's hands-on control of his life as it made it easier for himself.

The majority of Rul's childhood and teenhood was spent preparing him to take over his father's and mother's responsibilities when they passed away. Once again his parent's influence rained victories for Rul as he was educated only by the most capable of Skakoans. Life continued ordinarily for Rul, studying most of the day, going to prayers with his and other families, and learning about the politics of his and other planets. Rul reputation of being a stern follower of the Skakoan religion spread amongst the highborn and many were happy to see the youth continue their beliefs. Once Rul was of age he was immediately incorporated in his mother's droid manufacturing business and secondly becoming an assistant to his father who was a safe keeper of the elders. He excelled in both these jobs and soon was permitted to learn a subject of his choosing as a reward for his great achievements. Rul chose biological science as it interested him even in his youth. Strings were pulled and Rul got what he wanted.

Continuing his previous occupations Rul additionally started his apprenticeship at a gene lab. Here it was there where he learned about genetic mutations and how one could provoke these with technological tools. Rul was fascinated by the new possibilities that were unravelling in front of him. To the dismay of his parents Rul went down the path of genetic and mutation science, he, however, did not abandon his religion or future in droids he only spent less time with these things in his life.

Five years into his apprenticeship and Rul was experimenting on living beings, directing and manipulating their genes. This was normal for the scientists of Skao as they care little for others, self-preservation was the name of the game when being brought up as a Skakoan highborn. The experiments conducted got darker and darker with time, no longer was Rul satisfied with genetically engineering octuptarra. He started working on Human subjects and on rare occasions on fellow Sakaoans. His parents tried their best to hide their child's "experiments" but Rul started hearing voices inside him telling him to continue and embrace his work. Rul embracing the voices toned up his madness and began the creation of his own abomination. He worked together with additional gene scientists, and together with them work could proceed faster and fewer mistakes were made. One particular day Rul's head was roaring with thunderous voices telling him to inflict pain.

This was a turning point for Rul, he full-heartedly embraced his darkness and with unknown powers, he inflicted pain on his coworkers, and uncontrollable force powers were being realised. Things were happening too fast for the young Rul but he understood that it was he who was inflicting pain to his friends as the voices stopped speaking to him as if they were satisfied with the result. This was one crime that even Rul's parents could not hide from the public. A force user amongst the Skaoans was rare and that user being dark sided meant nothing good for their people. The elders of the Power Mounds called for a meeting with his parents and other prominent Skakoans of highborn blood. It was decided that Rul at his current state could not stay on Skako as he could pose a threat, but it was also agreed that not using this as an opportunity to create a weapon would be mad.

Rul was then sent out into space with five guards a personal ship transporting him and some credits. His parents loved Rul and knew he would return. Rul saw this as a punishment and was utterly disappointed in his parents for being penalised for something. He, however, did not give up on his family Rul would return and then show all of them their mistakes.




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