Work in Progress Harrul Ulfbitenn

Harrul Ulfbitenn

King of Eirelunn
Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits
Name: Harrul Ulfbitenn
Alias(es): NA
Age: Born on 878 AWH
Sex: Male
Race: Human, Abhartach Pureblood (Clan Oiche)
Ethnicity: Eirish

Physical Information
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 1,82m
Weight: 92kg
Brief Description:

Proud, well-groomed individual with high posture, Harrul is oftentimes dressed with delicate clothing, seemingly out-of-place, when it comes to Eirlun. Although strongly contrasting the natives, Harrul has managed to unite the small fiefdom's populace, while preserving a balance between the old nobility remnants and native clergy and chieftains.

Social Information

  • High Kingdom of Eirlun (Ruler)
  • The Night Court (Leader of the Brython Cabal)
Ranks and Titles:
  • Duke of Dunwyn
  • King of Eirelunn
  • Unifier of Eirlun

  • Brythonic
  • Eirish
  • Vinnish
  • Gallian
House: House Ulfbitenn

- Magic
+ Life
+Healing (Advanced)
+ Herbalism (Capable)
+Fear (Capable)


  • Vampiric Healing. Due to his curse, Harrul can heal much faster than a normal human, and suffer much greater wounds.
  • Charismatic. Harrul is an educated individual, oftentimes utilizing his knowledge and etiquette to grasp the trust and, potentially, earn allies.
  • Mage. Being an Abhartach, Harrul can wield Magic.


  • Member of the Occult. Being a mage, Harrul will be quickly targeted by religious zealot organizations, should he is found being one.
  • Devil. As a creature tainted by the Deep, Harrul faces the constant threat of being found for his true nature, which could make him automatically a foe of many mighty nations.
  • Tuberculosis. After being hexed by Hildrabrenna for over a decade, Harrul has been blighted by bleeding lungs, causing him internal bleeding when his blood pressure rises.


Eirelunn has been a battleground for several decades. After the death of the old king, last of his lineage, the isle fell in a Dark Age. Harrul was born in this turmoil. His father, a renown warrior-king of his era, had bled the southmost fiefs of Eirelunn into one state. This, however, was the yield of a cruel reign, continuously mobilizing his fjerd armies in consequtive wars against the neighbouring chiefdoms, as he struggled to re-establish the old Ulfbitenni rule on the isle...

Although his father was an Ulfbitenn, Harrul's mother was a native noble, with the marriage being the result of a chiefdom confederation into the Ufbitenn realm. While his father was always seeing for the boy to be taught fencing and horse riding, his mother, in times of campaigns in which his father was away, taught the boy the mystic arts of the Eirelunn druidism.

The Suthran Secession

When Harrul came of age, his father tasked him to subdue a village rebellion to the south of the fiefdom. Harrul was given a hundred men at arms for this task, in the middle of the winter. To his eyes, his father was testing him, wanting him to face a great failure to an otherwise simple task. Upon Harrul's arrival in the village, he requested a meeting with the Earl on neutral ground to discuss terms. The Earl accepted, and the two met in a tent on the path between the village and the Ulfbitenn camp. Harrul offered to mediate in negotiations between Dunwyn and him, as he too saw the Earl's claims on heavy taxation justified. After agreeing, Harrul led the Earl to Dunwyn. Ignoring Harrul's interventions and defiance, his father was quick to arrest the Earl and hang him in the city for rebellion.

The act of brutality ignited tensions that were soon to shake the realm. Harrul was disgraced, with his word being broken so soon, while the Earl's daughter, Saoirse, takes up arms in her father's stead and declares a revolt, quickly gathering supporters from across the land.

Saoirse's army marches north, while Harrul follows his father's army, to meet the rebel forces.


The loyalist forces battled the rebel army near Blothamshire Castle. The Ulfbitenn heavy troops pushed the rebel forces quickly, almost cracking the centre. Harrul was the one to lead the flanking troops who eventually completed the hammer and anvil, resulting to the collapse of the rebel troops. It is said that during the final moments of the confrontation, Harrul found and duelled Saoirse. However, although she fell before his blade, he would not cast the final blow, with his stalling allowing her troops time to push and rescue her.

After the battle, the winter came harsh, denying both sides the ability to keep their armies. Dysentery, flu and famine clawed the armies for two months, until finally they were disbanded, with barely few garrisons remaining in the border regions. And so, the two sides entered a stalemate, with lesser raids occuring sporadically, mainly against caravans and villages, rather than military targets.

Harrul will lead a select few contigent of warriors deep in rebel territory, going after a large caravan. He would be caught by rebels, eventually being brought in chains before Saoirse. Saoirse, still resentful of her father's fate, blamed Harrul for betrayal and oathbraking. Although Harrul fought against her, he soon breaks, declaring his distaste to his father's cruelty as well as the strife in the court, after the brutal act. Enemies they may be, Saoirse sees the justness in his words.

Seven months shall pass, with Harrul remaining in Saoirse's custody. Soon, however, chains will turn to bonds, while the two shall share several times dinner. It is said that, during the last days of his imprisonment, after the ransom was finally paid, Saoirse and Harrul had grown close.


At the peak of summer, the Ulfbitenn's offensive materializes. An invasion to the rebel land from three different routes catches the Rebel factions off-guard. With several Barons who supported he rebel cause being bribed in secret, the stalemate collapses in a bloody invasion, with not enough time or manpower to mount a stout defense.

By the time Saoirse manages to rally the rebels, the Ulfbitenn were at the brink of reaching her final strongholds. In a desperate attempt, Saoirse reaches out to the chieftains beyond the border, still unyielded to the Ulfbitenn rule...

The battle will be eventually fought in the dense forests of the southlands, while the Ulfbitenn army crosses, heading to the southern provinces. There, the rebels, joint by hundreds of islander mercenaries and warbands from Albion, shall manage to lay a heavy blow on the Ulfbitenn army, while also wounding the leader, Harrul's father.

The Ulfbitenn defeat will cause a generalized unrest to the domain, while the Rebels will get enough time to regroup. Harrul will take his father back to Dunwyn, in which he will spend several months. His father's wound will be infected, resulting to amputation of the leg.

The following years, the rebels will slowly establish themselves as the Suthham, while Harrul will be given command of the frontier forts, meant to keep the southern raiders at bay. Several minor battls will be fought, with neither side risking heavy casualties.


The civil strike will herald the wrath of foreign raids who crave the spoils resting in both warring realms. The settlements will become more and more fortified, as Dunwyn's capability to relief sieges and drive off raids will diminish. Local rulers will gain additional rights, while the court of Dunwyn itself will be more and more focused on the frontier skirmishes and fighting off islander and pirate raids.

Harrul will lead several raids against caravans and small contingents of Suthham, slowly pressing on the rebel forces. A fateful winter day, Harrul will attack a protected caravan that crossed the contested territory of the borderlands.
After a rather violent engagement with the secessionist troops, Harrul will manage to take hold of the caravan, capturing several of the men-at-arms guarding it. Among them, he would be surprised to find Saoirse, being in command. Eventually, it will be revealed that the caravan was carrying supplies for an upcomming campaign to the northern border.
The captured she-warlord will be transported to Ulbbithamm castle, where she will remain in custody, while Dunwynn discussed terms. Harrul will remain there throughout the several months of her captivity. Although she would be meant to remain in chains, it was said that Harrul allowed her to roam freely in the dunjon of the castle, while she was treated as a guest, rather than a captive.

Alot change, however, when Harrul's father passes away, a year later. The realm enters a period of unrest, with many grasping the opportunity to cause chaos. Harrul, as soon as he learned the news, quickly travels back to Dunwyn, after releasing Saoirse, seemingly without ransom.
The following five years will be spent with a trial of attrition for the realm, as Harrul becomes the next Lord of Dunwyn. Although seen by many of the old nobility as an act of weakness, Harrul will come to terms with the sucessionists, while he redistributes the annexed territories. When the old nobility attempts to raise in revolt, seeing their old domains threatened, Saoirse will march a contingent to Dunwyn and swear fealty to Harrul, who shall vow for the restoration of the realm.
The following two decades will be spent in a struggle to preserve the war-torn realm against foreign invasions and pirate raids along the coastline, while blending the old nobility with native chieftains, slowly beginning an era of consolidation.

The War in the North

After long years of diplomacy and economic growth in Dunwyn, Harrul finally casts the dice and attempts the most daring endeavour yet to be undertaken by Laighiner rulers: The Unification of Eirelunn, in a large conflict that will be remembered as the War in the North.
Before the Laighiner offensive, Harrul had to face a major threat coming from the West: Cummascath's Goidel horde. A large army united under a Goidel warchief, who was being puppetteered by Créachtaithe "The Marked One", into invading Laighin from the Heithhenn mountains.
Trusting on his vassals, Harrul tasked Veleric Cigoerne, the newly appointed Count of Heithhenn, after his father's unforseen passing, with facing the threat. And so, Veleric did, by facing the barbarian horde in the Battle of Naman, effectivelly decimating the enemy force, and kiling the Goidel King.


It was at that point, when Harrul's onslaught could finally be materialized...

It begun in late spring of 920 ME, right after the defeat of the barbarians in Heithhenn, with House Rosbathadh's Invasion of Kirkshire, which saw the Eastern part of the northern province brought under Laighiner control, and the formation of a Northern Duchy for Laighin, under Rion Rosbathadh. In the battle of Rathgord, Rion's army managed to eradicate all opposing resistance, forcing the unfavourable situation that made House O'Scand to surrender to Laighin, abandoning thus, all ancestral claims they once had on Kirkshire.

The second tendril of Harrul's War in the North, was the destruction of the opposing Island Lords, from Amuigh Eilean, who activelly organized a large scale raid on Dunwyn. To counter that, Harrul appointed his cousin, and mighty warlord, Sylvia Ulfbitenn, into breaking the Nordur main force that had made landing in Leyllin.
Sylvia's campaign saw the County of Suthra being brought under her rule, while her mighty war-hosts, after weeks of preparation, laid waste to the Island-Lord army in leyllin, in the Battle of Lupinesport. By the end of the campaign, the captured territories in Leyllin were confederated into the domain of now the Grand Duchy of Laighin...

After almost two years in preparation, and several campaigns, Harrul's main force finally set course for Amuigh Eilean. In perfect coordination with Amlet Ulfbitenn, who took charge of the Laighiner fleet, and the Archduchy of Dracule, Harrul's onslaught on Amuigh Eilean tore through the Nordur domains, in the battles of Uebelhoer and Urva, the allied forces managed to bring Amuigh Eilean under Eirish rule, and give a final ending to the Nordur presence in the Eilean Sea.

Meanwhile, a splinter fleet led by Edrich Ulfbitenn, established outposts across the Southern reaches of Eirelunn, effectivelly bringing the entire island under Laighiner rule. Finally, Harrul was ready to press his claim as the High King of Eirelunn... An opportunity which, if successful, would make him the greatest Ulfbitenn ruler, since Adrius' era.
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