Approved Gravel Spawn

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits
Credit: Image 1 / Image 2

Unit Name: Gravel Spawn

Unit Type: Light Infantry

Affiliation: The Cha Kale System

Unit Size: 50 - 80

Role/Function: Swarming assault troops; Thralls overwhelm enemies with their numbers, using savage melee attacks.​

Gravel Spawn are terrifying creatures that embody the raw, primal fury of the Kuonja. Gaunt and skeletal, they move with unnerving speed and ferocity, their clawed hands poised for deadly strikes. Their pale, decayed flesh is stretched over thin, exoskeletal armour that offers little protection but enhances their agility. Often seen in swarms, These insectoids attack in a frenzy, their glowing eyes filled with an insatiable hunger. Though individually weak, their sheer numbers and relentless assault can overwhelm even the most seasoned defenders, making them a formidable force in battle.

  • Primary Weapon: Razor sharp clawed hands for vicious melee strikes
  • Secondary Weapons: N/A
  • Armor/Protection: Thin exoskeletal armour offering minimal protection

Special Training/Skills:
Extremely agile, relentless in pursuit of their targets, and driven by a hive-mind connection to their Kuonjan masters

Tzar Araks, the Two-Faced Sword of Esthorhiel


Created by the Witches of Esthorhiel the Gravel Spawn were made to be mindless soldiers stronger than all others. Able to topel all their foes, without having to worry about morals or individualism among their ranks. This ''experiment'' went south when repeated breeding cycles of these insectoids led to nothing more than braindead savage creatures led only by their hunger and anger for the world. Eventually, this idea was scrapped but the creatures remained. With repeated alchemical alterations to their mind, loyalty to their masters was ''installed'' allowing for the Kuonjans to utilise these beasts both as labouring slaves and as a front-line unit to weaken the enemies. Gravel Spawn serve as the cannon fodder for the forces of Esthorhiel, often unleashed in hordes to weaken enemy defences. Their savagery and overwhelming numbers have made them famous amongst the ranks of the Kuonjan raiding forces. Although they lack individuality and are easily dispatched, their relentless attacks make them a critical component of Kuonjan war tactics.
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