Work In Progress Gent Frontier Defense Fort "Serviano"

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits

POI Name: (What is the name of the POI?)
Credits: (Any art, media, or other stuff used, make sure to have them propperly credited in here as a list! Artists deserve their praizes!)
Type: (What is this POI? Is it a Location? A City? A Castle? An Inn? A Shrine? Something else?)
Position: (Where is it located? Is it in a specific province? Can it be encountered in multiple provinces, like a shrine or an army fort? Is it floating around a specific sea, or air?)
Consolidation Thread: (If none is required, write NA)
Architect: (Who designs this POI? A guild? A person?)
Description: (What is the overall description of the POI? How does it look like? where is it located?)

  • Main Stats
    • Defence: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Defensive Elements: (What are the defensive infrastructure of the POI? Write them in list or text form here)
    • Offence: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Offensive Elements: (What are the offensive infrastructure of the POI? Write them in list or text form here)
    • Durability: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. This attribute shows how stout the POI is against time as well as a siege, or an attack)
    • Scarcity: (Unique, Semi-Unique (Just a handful), Provincial, Regional, Global. This attribute shows how frequently one can encounter this form of POI across the world.)
  • TvM Requirement: (This attribute shows the necessary TvM score required for a faction to use/construct such type of POI)
Spoiler: Point Allocation Chart
Depending the points spent across the Main Stats of a Submission, the requirements for creation change. The more special a POI is, the higher the requirements for a Consolidation Thread in which the existence of the POI is addressed and introduced in a narrative manner.
Points SpentRequirements
9-12Consolidation Thread (15+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
13-16Consolidation Thread (20+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)

(Write two, or more, notable traits the POI has.)

(Write two, or more, notable flaws the POI has.)

Historical Information
(What is the history of this POI? Any notable appearances in major events? Write those here)
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