Work In Progress General Zarek Korr

Marcus Aumont

King Of Vampires
Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
1. **Name:** General Zarek Korr
2. **Alias/Nickname:** The Iron Fist
3. **Age:** 45
4. **Species:** Human
5. **Gender:** Male
6. **Affiliation:** The Obsidian Court
7. **Role:** General

General Zarek Korr, known by his alias "The Iron Fist," is a seasoned and ruthless military leader within The Obsidian Court. With a distinguished career marked by strategic brilliance and uncompromising determination, he commands fear and respect on the battlefield and in Sith circles.

- Tall and muscular build, with a commanding presence and stern demeanor.
- Wears a suit of customized Sith armor, reinforced for maximum protection and adorned with symbols of his victories.
- Carries a crimson-bladed lightsaber, a symbol of his mastery in both combat and Force abilities.

**Personality Traits:**
- Strategic Mastermind: Zarek is known for his tactical genius, able to analyze battlefield situations and devise effective strategies to outmaneuver and defeat his enemies.
- Iron Will: He possesses unwavering determination and resilience, refusing to yield even in the face of overwhelming odds or adversity.
- Ruthless Efficiency: Zarek shows no mercy to his enemies, executing swift and decisive actions to achieve victory and maintain Sith dominance.

**Skills and Abilities:**
- Leadership: Zarek inspires fierce loyalty and obedience in his troops, leading by example and instilling discipline and excellence in every aspect of military operations.
- Lightsaber Combat: He is a master of lightsaber combat, specializing in Form V (Djem So) for its aggressive and powerful strikes.
- Force Powers: Zarek wields formidable Force abilities, including telekinesis, Force lightning, and Force-enhanced physical attributes.

**Key Achievements:**
- Led multiple successful campaigns against Republic forces and Jedi Knights, securing vital strategic assets for The Obsidian Court.
- Defeated rival Sith generals in decisive battles, earning accolades for his tactical brilliance and martial prowess.
- Implemented innovative military tactics and technologies, keeping The Obsidian Court's forces ahead of their adversaries.

General Zarek Korr's motivation stems from his unwavering loyalty to Darth Malvus and The Obsidian Court, as well as his thirst for power and recognition. He seeks to expand Sith influence, crush all opposition to Sith supremacy, and establish himself as one of the most feared and respected generals in the galaxy. His relentless pursuit of victory and domination drives him to push himself and his troops to their limits in service of Sith ideals.
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