Work In Progress General Xerxes Varak

Marcus Aumont

King Of Vampires
Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
1. **Name:** General Xerxes Varak
2. **Alias/Nickname:** The Voidblade
3. **Age:** 50
4. **Species:** Human
5. **Gender:** Male
6. **Affiliation:** The Obsidian Court
7. **Role:** General

General Xerxes Varak, known by his alias "The Voidblade," is a veteran and cunning military leader within The Obsidian Court. With decades of experience in warfare, espionage, and strategy, he commands respect and fear among allies and adversaries alike.

- Tall and lean figure, with a presence that exudes authority and confidence.
- Wears a cloak of dark shadows that seems to blend with the environment, enhancing his stealth capabilities.
- Carries a unique lightsaber known as the Voidblade, capable of channeling dark side energies and disrupting enemy defenses.

**Personality Traits:**
- Strategic Visionary: Xerxes is known for his ability to see the bigger picture, anticipating enemy moves and devising long-term strategies for victory.
- Calculating: He approaches every decision with careful consideration, weighing risks and benefits to achieve optimal outcomes.
- Mysterious and Enigmatic: Xerxes keeps his motives and intentions shrouded in secrecy, making him a figure of intrigue and uncertainty.

**Skills and Abilities:**
- Tactical Mastery: Xerxes is a master strategist, adept at orchestrating complex military campaigns and outmaneuvering enemy forces.
- Stealth and Infiltration: He excels in covert operations, infiltration, and gathering intelligence through espionage and subterfuge.
- Force Powers: Xerxes wields potent Force abilities, including telekinesis, mind manipulation, and illusions, adding an element of mystique to his tactics.

**Key Achievements:**
- Led successful covert missions against Republic strongholds, sabotaging enemy operations and gathering crucial intelligence for The Obsidian Court.
- Engaged in psychological warfare, using fear and deception to weaken enemy morale and sow discord among their ranks.
- Neutralized high-value targets with precision and efficiency, earning a reputation as a master of unconventional warfare.

General Xerxes Varak's motivation stems from his unwavering dedication to Darth Malvus and The Obsidian Court, as well as his thirst for knowledge and power. He seeks to expand Sith influence, unravel mysteries of the Force, and maintain a position of influence within Sith circles. His enigmatic nature and strategic brilliance make him a formidable asset in The Obsidian Court's quest for supremacy.
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