Work In Progress General Kaela Draal

Marcus Aumont

King Of Vampires
Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
1. **Name:** General Kaela Draal
2. **Alias/Nickname:** The Shadowblade
3. **Age:** 35
4. **Species:** Human
5. **Gender:** Female
6. **Affiliation:** The Obsidian Court
7. **Role:** General

General Kaela Draal, also known by her alias "The Shadowblade," is a distinguished military leader within The Obsidian Court. Rising through the ranks with a combination of strategic brilliance and combat prowess, she commands respect and fear among both allies and enemies.

- Tall and imposing figure, with a commanding presence and steely gaze.
- Wears a customized suit of Sith armor, adorned with dark sigils and enhancements for protection.
- Carries a pair of vibroblades, symbolic of her past as an assassin before rising to the rank of general.

**Personality Traits:**
- Tactical Genius: Kaela is known for her strategic acumen, able to analyze complex situations and devise effective battle plans.
- Disciplined: She maintains strict discipline among her troops, demanding excellence and unwavering loyalty.
- Ruthless Determination: Kaela shows no mercy on the battlefield, pursuing victory at any cost and crushing opposition with relentless force.

**Skills and Abilities:**
- Leadership: Kaela inspires loyalty and obedience in her troops, leading by example and making tough decisions for the greater good.
- Combat Proficiency: She is a formidable warrior, skilled in both lightsaber combat and traditional military tactics.
- Intelligence Gathering: Kaela utilizes spies, informants, and reconnaissance to gather crucial information for strategic advantage.

**Key Achievements:**
- Led successful campaigns against Republic forces, securing key territories and resources for The Obsidian Court.
- Defeated rival Sith generals in decisive battles, solidifying her reputation as a formidable military leader.
- Implemented innovative tactics and technologies, keeping The Obsidian Court's forces ahead of their adversaries.

General Kaela Draal's motivation stems from her unwavering loyalty to Darth Malvus and The Obsidian Court. She seeks to expand Sith influence, crush all opposition to Sith supremacy, and prove herself as one of the most formidable generals in the galaxy. Her dedication to the dark side and her commitment to achieving Sith goals drive her every action on and off the battlefield.
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