Approved Gallan Gold Mines

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Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits

POI Name: Gallen Gold Mines
Credits: (Any art, media, or other stuff used, make sure to have them properly credited in here as a list! Artists deserve their praises!)
Type: Gold Mines
Position: Gallen
Consolidation Thread: N/A for now
Architect: It was discovered by Louis de Fran, a surveyor for the Baron of Gallen
Description: The Gold Mines are located in central Gallen and in Early 922 the large gold vein truly started construction on what the Baronry hopes to be a mine. Given the size and depth of the strike, higher levels of tech will be required to pull it all out. However from what the original survey shows, this could very well be one of the largest if not the largest gold vein in all of Pottuan that has yet to be discovered. This creates a high strategic value for the gold strike. As such a palisade fort has been erected to protect it, with a stone castle slowly being build to become its eventual guardian as well as provide the bases for a town that can pop up for the workers that will be digging in this mine.

  • Main Stats
    • Defense: High
      • Defensive Elements: The defensive elements of the Gold Mines is a palaisde fort that is built up near it to contain a garrison. There is also blockades on the road leading to it and constant patrols of scouts through the woods and calvary along the roads. There is a stone fort in construction that can be used as a fall back point for the defenders.
    • Offence: Low
      • Offensive Elements: The offensive elements of the gold mine constist of its local garrison who are better at defense than offense. It also has a few ballista and scorpions as well as mounted defenses.
    • Durability: High
    • Scarcity: Province (Unique)
  • TvM Requirement: 4v2
Spoiler: 8

* Large Gold Reserves- The Gallan Gold Vein looks to be one of the largest that has ever been found today. The strike promises to yield a large supply of gold to anyone who controls the province of Gallan for years to come. The position of the Gold Mine while easy defend has the potential to create a system that makes transporting the gold out in large amounts very simple. This infrastructure is not yet in place, but eventually it will be.

* Defendable Resource- Because of its central location on the island province, and surrounding terrain, the gold mine is rather easy to defend against attackers. It is also hard to access by saboteur do its location and the rapid level of build-up that has been going on in the area to protect it with military assets.


* Everyone Wants A Piece- Given the strategic nature of such a large gold deposit, and the value this would provide to any nation that owns it, this turns the province into a huge target for enemies of its owner. Be that through attempts to cripple the economic output of the mine by sabotage, or to make use of it for their own means by conquest. This means that any nation that controls these mines will have to put even more resources into protecting it from enemy raids.

* Newly Discovered- Because it is a newly discovered mine this means that the full infrastructure to make us of it to its full potential has not been built up, and this will take time. Because of this the mine is not providing full output at this time.

* Not Yet Fully Exploitable- If estimates are true then the depth of the vein is such that new tech will need to be developed before the entire thing can be mined out and used for resources.

Historical Information

In Early 922 or about three months ago during some survey work in central area of Gellan, Louis de Fran was doing survey work for the Baron. It was during this that he stumbled across signs of a gold vein. With a bit of work this turned out to be true, and after a month of work and digging the extensive nature of the strike began to dawn on Louis and his crew and he reported this to the Baron. In the next two months both a palisade fort to protect the mine as well as the equipment needed to build and develop the area around the mine was brought in. Constructions on roads that led from the area began as well.

Baron Sarle Bonner has done whatever he can to keep the extensive nature of the strike secret. it was impossible to hide the amount of workers being brought in, but the details on exactly how deep this mine will reach and how fair it will go has been shared only between him, Louis, and his closest advisors. It is eventually hoped that these mines can be used to turn Gallen into a regional power... and give them a bargaining chip within the game that the two claimants to the throne are playing.
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POI Name: Gallen Gold Mines
Credits: (Any art, media, or other stuff used, make sure to have them properly credited in here as a list! Artists deserve their praises!)
Type: Gold Mines
Position: Gallen
Consolidation Thread: N/A for now
Architect: It was discovered by Louis de Fran, a surveyor for the Baron of Gallen
Description: The Gold Mines are located in central Gallen and only for the past month has the large gold vein truly started construction on what the Baronry hopes to be a mine. Given the size and depth of the strike, higher levels of tech will be required to pull it all out. However from what the original survey shows, this could very well be one of the largest if not the largest gold vein in all of Pottuan that has yet to be discovered. This creates a high strategic value for the gold strike. As such a palisade fort has been erected to protect it, with a stone castle slowly being build to become its eventual guardian as well as provide the bases for a town that can pop up for the workers that will be digging in this mine.

  • Main Stats
    • Defense: High
      • Defensive Elements: The defensive elements of the Gold Mines is a palaisde fort that is built up near it to contain a garrison. There is also blockades on the road leading to it and constant patrols of scouts through the woods and calvary along the roads. There is a stone fort in construction that can be used as a fall back point for the defenders.
    • Offence: Low
      • Offensive Elements: The offensive elements of the gold mine constist of its local garrison who are better at defense than offense. It also has a few ballista and scorpions as well as mounted defenses.
    • Durability: High
    • Scarcity: Province (Unique)
  • TvM Requirement: 4v2
Spoiler: 8

* Large Gold Reserves- The Gallan Gold Vein looks to be one of the largest that has ever been found today. The strike promises to yield a large supply of gold to anyone who controls the province of Gallan for years to come. The position of the Gold Mine while easy defend has the potential to create a system that makes transporting the gold out in large amounts very simple. This infrastructure is not yet in place, but eventually it will be.

* Defendable Resource- Because of its central location on the island province, and surrounding terrain, the gold mine is rather easy to defend against attackers. It is also hard to access by saboteur do its location and the rapid level of build-up that has been going on in the area to protect it with military assets.


* Everyone Wants A Piece- Given the strategic nature of such a large gold deposit, and the value this would provide to any nation that owns it, this turns the province into a huge target for enemies of its owner. Be that through attempts to cripple the economic output of the mine by sabotage, or to make use of it for their own means by conquest. This means that any nation that controls these mines will have to put even more resources into protecting it from enemy raids.

* Newly Discovered- Because it is a newly discovered mine this means that the full infrastructure to make us of it to its full potential has not been built up, and this will take time. Because of this the mine is not providing full output at this time.

* Not Yet Fully Exploitable- If estimates are true then the depth of the vein is such that new tech will need to be developed before the entire thing can be mined out and used for resources.

Historical Information

About three months ago during some survey work in central area of Gellan, Louis de Fran was doing survey work for the Baron. It was during this that he stumbled across signs of a gold vein. With a bit of work this turned out to be true, and after a month of work and digging the extensive nature of the strike began to dawn on Louis and his crew and he reported this to the Baron. In the next two months both a palisade fort to protect the mine as well as the equipment needed to build and develop the area around the mine was brought in. Constructions on roads that led from the area began as well.

Baron Sarle Bonner has done whatever he can to keep the extensive nature of the strike secret. it was impossible to hide the amount of workers being brought in, but the details on exactly how deep this mine will reach and how fair it will go has been shared only between him, Louis, and his closest advisors. It is eventually hoped that these mines can be used to turn Gallen into a regional power... and give them a bargaining chip within the game that the two claimants to the throne are playing.
now thats a cool sub!
So, all in all, im digging the concept. HOWEVER, some things id like to comment on!

The Gold Mines are located in central Gallen and only for the past month has the large gold vein truly started construction on what the Baronry hopes to be a mine.
id prefer if you put "In Early 922" or so, instead of "one month ago". In 6 months irl from now chances are we will be in late 922 if not 923. So the sub will look weird xD As the time progresses, you can get back to the sub and re-edit it, so you can chronologically keep adding stuff to further fluff it up. But i strongly feel that refering to time should be linear.

This creates a high strategic value for the gold strike
i like that mention. Indeed, this will be a cornerstone on political mess in Pottaun, as the gold mines are a big thing to have. Great work.

* Large Gold Reserves- The Gallan Gold Vein looks to be one of the largest that has ever been found today. The strike promises to yield a large supply of gold to anyone who controls the province of Gallan for years to come. The position of the Gold Mine while easy defend has the potential to create a system that makes transporting the gold out in large amounts very simple. This infrastructure is not yet in place, but eventually it will be.
on the large reserves end, i want to point out, this *can happen* if you end up running consolidations and buffing its yield. I can ensure you, this will play a vital role in the future ;)

As such a palisade fort has been erected to protect it, with a stone castle slowly being build to become its eventual guardian as well as provide the bases for a town that can pop up for the workers that will be digging in this mine.
as this is a mine sub, if youd like, it would be cool to have a separate Castle sub to go along with it. If you do, you will be getting best of both worlds, as mine will be financial, and castle will be military POI. A suggestion, but i would strongly recommend it. Also. CASTLES :D who doesnt love em!?
Changes I have been made and I will be subbing the castle soon as a base 30 point castle based on what we talked about. As talked about in this sub it is only a palisade fort... and will reflect that level of defense.
Changes I have been made and I will be subbing the castle soon as a base 30 point castle based on what we talked about. As talked about in this sub it is only a palisade fort... and will reflect that level of defense.
i believe the fort is approved? If so, please link it in the sub if youd like, to give some neat depth in it! Not mandatory though.
Beyond that i think this is ready to be approved!
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