Character Gabriel Morningstar

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits
Full Name: William Charcutier
Age: 40
Title(s): Monster Hunter Extraordinaire
Nickname(s): "The Butcher", "Mad Bill"
Sex: Male
Appearance: Youthful visage, dark hair, grizzled appearance, wears sturdy leather armour with a cloak and hood at times. Hads multiple charms, elixirs and weaponry on his person at all times.

Magic Affinity: A fairly strong affinity, as he has been versed in several different forms of magic, chiefly fire magic, and defensive arts.

Strengths: Elixirs that grant him enhanced strength, speed and endurance, allowing him to go up against stronger beasts and monsters, as well as some magical abilities such as Scorching Ray. Excellent hand to hand combatant, making him formidable in a duel, knowledge of monster lore/myth, and of basic alchemy to aid in his quests.

Weaknesses: Withdrawl effects from elixirs, cause him to become weakened for a period of time, and susceptible to attack and or magic. His propensity for violence tends to get the better of him, often leading to most situations being solved with fists and blunt force rather than reason.
Biography: A mysterious man, not much is known of Will di Charcutier, only that he lost his brother as a child to a vicious and gruesome monster attack, leaving him stricken with grief. He grew up, joining various factions and monarchy’s, travelling, learning all he could about monsters, and received training as a soldier, to fight the vile creatures he now hated some much, then absconded from his battalion, feeling the kingdoms were not doing all in their power to wipe monstrous scum from the face of the earth, to form his own small band of warriors to track, trap, and kill monsters. He now works as a bounty hunter and private mercenary, taking contracts as he pleases, and offers his services to the highest bidder, often allying with whoever paid the most coin, but mostly to avenge his brothers death. A mean bastard and not one to be trifled with, yet a worthy ally to have by your side. Just whatever you do….don’t call him a c*nt…FE68A6B3-9D52-4933-A5CC-D484C8447C09.pngC4DF405C-9C38-49C7-B0E3-951296B7A290.png1756549A-A1B9-435D-8A72-15F35AB1C3EB.pngE47C9C43-CE64-4E63-94D2-1CCF6C36FD64.png
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