Consolidation Frozen Dominion: Starborn Ascendancy Over Ilum

Lyanna Starborn

Darth Fauste - Sith Lord of the Starborn Sect
May 10, 2024
Galactic Credits
The vastness of space stretched out before Darth Fauste, an endless canvas of dark and light. Her gaze was fixed on the frozen world below, Ilum, the a sacred site of the Jedi. Now, the system had fallen under her dominion, a jewel to be carved from the cold, a resource to be plundered.

She stood at the viewport of the SS Machiavellian, the flagship of the Migrant Fleet, the white folds of her robes catching faint reflections of the distant stars. Behind her, the muted hum of the ship resonated with an eerie calm. In the reflection of the window, she could see the familiar figures of her two trusted bodyguards—Ensign Tali’ra Korr and Lieutenant Sariah Voss—waiting patiently for her word.

"Ilum," Fauste whispered, almost as if speaking to the planet itself. "A world of secrets... and crystals."

"My Lord," Tali’ra said softly, stepping forward. Her red lekku twitched slightly as she spoke, revealing her eagerness. "We’ve completed our initial scans of the Jedi Temple. It's structurally sound, though ancient. There are no signs of recent activity."

"No surprises there," Fauste murmured, still staring down at the planet’s icy surface. "The Jedi haven’t stopped by in some time."

Sariah Voss, her voice calm and measured, added, "The kyber crystal deposits are as we expected—abundant and concentrated deep within the temple’s foundations. The scholars believe accessing the lower levels will be difficult but not impossible."

Fauste smiled, though it didn’t reach her eyes. "Nothing of value comes without effort."

She finally turned to face them, her silver-white hair cascading over her shoulders. Her face, striking and severe, was softened only by the faintest hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"I will lead the expedition personally," Fauste said. "Assemble the scholars and a small security detail. I want only those who are fully loyal—no one unproven. We begin within the hour."

"Yes, my Lord," Tali’ra said quickly, her red eyes glinting with determination. She turned and swiftly exited the room, leaving Fauste alone with Sariah.

Sariah studied her, the sharpness in her blue eyes unwavering. "Do you think we’ll find anything more than old relics and Jedi sermons? The temple’s been abandoned for decades."

Fauste chuckled, low and dark. "The Jedi were far more cunning than you give them credit for, Lieutenant. Their relics are keys—keys to understanding their weaknesses, their strengths. And the kyber crystals? They are more than mere fuel for weapons. They are conduits of the Force itself, capable of far more than the Jedi ever dared to realize."

Sariah nodded, though doubt flickered briefly across her face. "And if we encounter any... resistance? Ilum’s surface isn’t known for being forgiving."

Fauste’s smile widened, her presence commanding. "Then we will carve our way through. No matter the obstacle, the temple will yield its secrets."

With a subtle nod, Sariah bowed slightly and exited, leaving Fauste alone with her thoughts. Her mind wandered, not to the cold surface of Ilum, but to the more distant stars—the greater ambition. The kyber crystals on Ilum were only a stepping stone in her larger plan, her bid for control over the galaxy’s most precious resource. The refinery in orbit would soon be operational, and once the crystals were under her control, she would have the leverage to dictate who could and could not wield the Force’s most potent conduits.

For now, though, she had to focus on the present. The temple below was more than just a ruin; it was a symbol of everything the Jedi had built and lost. Their arrogance had blinded them, and in their absence, she would reclaim what they had foolishly left behind.

Just then, the door to the chamber opened again, and Advisor Elysia Ren entered with a graceful step. The Echani woman’s silver hair framed her pale face, her eyes as sharp and piercing as ever. Despite the years of separation, Elysia still carried an air of familiarity that Fauste could not shake.

"You’re preparing for the temple exploration," Elysia said, her voice a mixture of intrigue and something unspoken. "Do you expect to find something... significant?"

Fauste studied her, weighing the words. "I expect to find knowledge," she replied. "And with knowledge comes power."

Elysia moved closer, her gaze never leaving Fauste’s. "And yet, you tread carefully. Perhaps the Jedi left more than just crystals and ruins behind."

Fauste’s eyes narrowed, though she did not respond to the veiled warning. "I am not afraid of ghosts."

"No," Elysia agreed, her voice soft. "But sometimes the echoes of the past have a way of shaping the present."

Fauste turned back to the viewport, staring down at the white planet. "Let them try," she whispered. "Ilum will fall, just as the Jedi will."

With that, she dismissed Elysia with a wave of her hand. The time for talk was over. The time for action had begun.

As the hour approached, Fauste’s shuttle descended from the Machiavellian and began its slow journey toward the icy surface of Ilum. The planet’s cold radiated through the hull, but it only fueled Fauste’s resolve. She stood at the forefront of the shuttle, her bodyguards and scholars behind her, as the sprawling ruins of the Jedi Temple came into view.

She could feel it—the pulse of the Force, buried deep within the ancient walls. The crystals called to her, and she intended to answer.

The galaxy didn’t know it yet, but Darth Fauste was coming for everything.

And nothing would stand in her way.
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The shuttle's landing gear crunched into the icy surface of Ilum, sending a plume of snow and frost into the air. Darth Fauste stood at the shuttle's open hatch, staring down at the temple in the distance. The towering structure of stone and ice, weathered by the centuries, looked more like a natural formation than a place of learning and power. But beneath that cold façade, Fauste knew the Jedi had hidden their most valuable secrets.

A gust of frigid wind hit her, whipping her white hair around her face. Her robes fluttered behind her, but Fauste stood still, unbothered by the cold. Behind her, the rest of her expedition team disembarked—Ensign Tali’ra Korr and Lieutenant Sariah Voss flanking her, while a group of scholars from the Starborn Sect and a few armed troopers fanned out behind them.

"The structure is more intact than I expected," Sariah observed, her breath visible in the cold air as she stepped forward to survey the temple. "If the Jedi ever meant to return here, they didn’t show it."

"They are too divided to maintain their hold over this planet," Fauste said, her voice calm. "At most they would have sent a Master, a handful of Knights, and a group of Padawans."

Tali’ra pulled a datapad from her belt and began scanning the temple’s surroundings. "The kyber readings are strongest at the lower levels. There’s a main entry that leads deep into the core of the structure, but I’m detecting some interference. It’s possible the temple is using old Jedi shielding technology to block certain scans."

Fauste gave a slight nod. "The Jedi were masters of defense. They layered their temples with security measures that would make even modern Sith wary. But no barrier is impenetrable. We’ll force our way through if necessary."

The group made their way toward the temple entrance, their footsteps crunching on the frozen ground. The wind howled around them, but the silence of the temple loomed even louder. It was eerie, a forgotten relic of an ancient order, yet it pulsed with the faint echoes of the Force.

As they neared the entrance, a massive stone door stood between them and the depths of the temple. Its surface was carved with the intricate designs of Jedi iconography—symbols of peace, balance, and the eternal struggle of light and dark.

Fauste extended her hand, and the Force flowed through her, wrapping around the door like invisible tendrils. Slowly, the ancient stone groaned and began to shift, dust and snow falling as the door creaked open.

Sariah and Tali’ra exchanged a glance but said nothing. They both knew Fauste’s connection to the Force was as much an enigma as it was a weapon. She dabbled in both light and dark, a practice that would have made her enemies on both sides, but under her leadership, the Starborn Sect flourished.

As the door opened fully, revealing a dark hallway beyond, the group entered in silence. The temperature dropped even further inside the temple, the air still and untouched. The sound of their footsteps echoed down the corridor, the walls lined with old stone carvings and reliefs depicting Jedi lore.

"Stay close," Fauste commanded, her voice cutting through the cold. "The Force is strong here, but so are the shadows it hides."

The scholars activated their lights, casting beams of illumination across the ancient stonework as they began their careful documentation. Fauste, however, had no time for such distractions. She could feel it—the unmistakable pull of the kyber crystals, their energy pulsing through the Force like a distant heartbeat. She would follow that pulse to its source, to the heart of the temple.

"There's a chamber ahead," Tali’ra said, checking her datapad. "It’s large, and the readings are stronger there. It may be a central repository for the crystals."

As they moved deeper, the corridor opened into a vast, circular chamber. The walls were embedded with kyber crystals, their faint glow casting an ethereal light across the space. Pillars rose up to the ceiling, each one etched with Jedi symbols of unity and protection. At the far end of the room stood a raised dais, where a single massive kyber crystal hovered, suspended by some ancient mechanism of the Force.

"This is incredible," one of the scholars whispered, eyes wide as they gazed at the display.

But Fauste’s focus was on the large crystal. Its energy radiated outwards, stronger than anything else in the room. She could feel its connection to the temple, the way the Jedi had used it as a conduit to control the flow of the Force here. This was no ordinary crystal—it was a key to something far greater.

Sariah stepped closer, her hand resting on the hilt of her lightsaber. "The Jedi wouldn’t have left something like this unguarded. If this crystal is connected to the temple’s systems, there could be traps."

Fauste gave a small, knowing smile. "There are always traps."

As she approached the crystal, a sudden ripple of energy pulsed through the room. The kyber crystals embedded in the walls flared to life, their light intensifying. A deep rumbling echoed through the chamber, and the floor beneath them began to tremble.

"Get back!" Tali’ra shouted, pulling her blaster as the scholars stumbled away from the center of the room.

Fauste remained calm, her eyes locked on the hovering crystal. She stretched out her hand once again, this time directing her power toward the crystal itself. The air around it shimmered, and she felt the familiar resistance of the Force as the ancient mechanisms of the temple began to activate.

"Let me in," Fauste whispered, her voice soft but filled with command.

The rumbling grew louder, and for a moment, it seemed as if the entire chamber would collapse. But then, just as quickly as it had begun, the trembling stopped. The light from the crystals dimmed, and the pulsing energy around the large kyber crystal stilled.

Fauste lowered her hand, her expression unreadable. She had felt something within the crystal, something hidden. The Jedi had buried more than just kyber crystals here—they had hidden knowledge, secrets that she was determined to uncover.

"We proceed," she said, turning to her team. "The temple has accepted our presence. But there is more buried here than meets the eye. Prepare yourselves."

Tali’ra and Sariah exchanged a wary glance but nodded. They knew better than to question Fauste’s instincts. The scholars quickly regrouped, their tools ready to continue the excavation.

As the group moved deeper into the temple, Fauste’s thoughts turned inward. The kyber crystals were only the beginning. The temple had secrets—secrets she would use to reshape the galaxy.

And she had no intention of leaving until she had unearthed every last one of them.
The icy halls of the Jedi Temple echoed with the soft footfalls of Darth Fauste and her team. The ancient structure, though quiet, seemed alive with an unseen presence, as if the Jedi who had once trained here were watching from the shadows of the past. Every carved symbol, every faint glimmer from the embedded kyber crystals, spoke of a history Fauste was eager to unravel.

The main corridor they had traversed earlier now branched into smaller, winding paths. Fauste led the way, her senses attuned to the Force, guiding her deeper into the heart of the temple. Her two bodyguards, Tali’ra Korr and Sariah Voss, flanked her, their hands hovering near their weapons in anticipation of danger. Behind them, the scholars cautiously followed, murmuring amongst themselves as they cataloged their discoveries.

The large central chamber had yielded no threats, but Fauste knew better than to let her guard down. The Jedi had been masters of subtlety, their defenses often hidden in layers of misdirection. Whatever lay ahead would require more than brute force—it would demand the delicate touch of someone attuned to both the light and the dark.

"Something’s changed," Sariah muttered, her sharp eyes scanning the narrowing corridor ahead. "The air feels... heavier."

"It’s the Force," Fauste replied, her voice steady. "The deeper we go, the more the temple reveals itself. We’re close to something significant."

Tali’ra glanced at her datapad, frowning. "The kyber crystal readings are spiking again. Stronger than before. It’s almost as if the crystals are responding to your presence, my Lord."

Fauste’s lips curled into a faint smile. "Good. Let them."

They rounded a corner and found themselves standing before another sealed door, smaller than the entrance they had passed through earlier, but no less imposing. This door bore intricate carvings of Jedi meditations—figures seated in serenity, surrounded by swirling lines that represented the flow of the Force. But there was something else in the carvings, something hidden among the peaceful imagery. Fauste’s eyes narrowed as she studied it.

"Do you see it?" she asked, stepping closer to the door.

Tali’ra and Sariah exchanged a glance, then both turned their attention to the carvings. Tali’ra’s lekku twitched as she concentrated, but she shook her head.

"It looks like typical Jedi artistry to me," Tali’ra said, though her tone held uncertainty.

Sariah, ever more observant, leaned in closer. "No. There’s something more. Look at the patterns here." She pointed to a series of lines at the edge of the carvings. "It’s a subtle shift. The flow is disrupted, almost as if—"

"As if something is being concealed," Fauste finished, nodding. "The Jedi loved their illusions. They hid truths within their dogma, always afraid that the wrong hands might uncover their secrets. But I am not so easily fooled."

Fauste raised her hand, letting the Force flow through her fingertips. She reached out, her mind brushing against the barrier the Jedi had placed on the door. It was a powerful defense, one designed to deter even the strongest of Sith. But Fauste was not merely Sith—she had mastered both sides of the Force, and it was this balance that allowed her to see through the layers of Jedi protection.

The door shuddered under her touch, its carvings rippling as the hidden mechanisms began to unravel. Slowly, the stone parted, revealing a narrow passage that descended into darkness.

Sariah activated her lightsaber, its red glow casting long shadows down the corridor. "I don’t like this. If the Jedi went to such lengths to hide this passage, there’s a reason."

Fauste nodded, but her expression remained unreadable. "Fear of the unknown is what kept the Jedi from achieving their true potential. They locked away what they didn’t understand. But we are not bound by their limitations."

Without hesitation, Fauste stepped into the dark passage. The air was colder here, almost unnaturally so, and the walls seemed to close in around them. The crystals embedded in the stone were duller now, as if their light had been siphoned away, leaving only faint flickers in the darkness.

As they moved deeper, the passage widened into a small, circular chamber. The room was bare, save for a single pedestal in its center. Resting atop the pedestal was a crystal—smaller than the others they had encountered, but pulsing with a strange energy. Unlike the bright glow of the kyber crystals above, this one radiated a deep, cold blue light, as though it had been touched by the darkest parts of the Force.

Tali’ra frowned, her eyes locked on the crystal. "That’s not a kyber crystal."

"No," Fauste agreed, her voice barely above a whisper. "It’s something far older."

Sariah stepped forward cautiously, her lightsaber held at the ready. "Could this be what the Jedi were hiding? A weapon?"

Fauste shook her head. "No. Not a weapon. A relic. One imbued with a power the Jedi feared. But it’s not theirs to keep any longer."

She extended her hand toward the crystal, and as her fingers brushed its surface, a surge of energy shot through her. The room trembled, and a wave of cold darkness swept over them, like a shadow passing through the Force. The scholars gasped in fear, but Fauste remained still, her eyes closed as she absorbed the energy.

Images flashed in her mind—visions of Jedi battles long past, of ancient temples crumbling into ruin, and of a long-forgotten Sith Lord who had once sought the same power she now held. The crystal was a key, not just to the temple’s secrets, but to something far greater.

"It’s a conduit," Fauste said, her voice distant as the visions faded. "A gateway to knowledge. The Jedi hid it here, hoping to sever its connection to the greater galaxy. But they failed. And now, it belongs to me."

Tali’ra and Sariah exchanged wary glances but said nothing. They had seen their master uncover dark and powerful artifacts before, but this one felt different. There was a weight to the air now, a presence that had not been there before.

"What will you do with it?" Sariah asked quietly.

Fauste turned, the crystal in her hand glowing faintly. "I will learn from it. And then, I will use it to reshape the galaxy."

With the relic in hand, Fauste led her team back up the narrow passage. The temple walls seemed to hum with a new energy, as if acknowledging her success. Outside, the cold wind of Ilum awaited them, but Fauste was no longer focused on the planet’s frigid surface. Her thoughts had already turned to what lay beyond—to the vast web of knowledge the crystal had unlocked.

And as she stared up at the star-filled sky, she knew that her path to ultimate power had only just begun.

The galaxy, and the secrets it held, would soon be hers to command.
The wind howled as Darth Fauste emerged from the depths of the Jedi Temple, her grip tight around the ancient crystal she had uncovered. Tali’ra and Sariah followed closely behind, their faces etched with the same unease that had settled in the temple’s dark heart. The scholars trailed behind, still murmuring their awe over the relic.

Outside, the Migrant Fleet’s shuttles were waiting. The rhythmic hum of their engines was a comforting contrast to the eerie silence of the temple. Fleet Commander Lyra Vex stood at the base of one of the vessels, her sharp features taut as she scanned the horizon.

"My Lord," Vex greeted, her voice clipped but respectful. "We’ve received the initial reports from the orbital station. Construction is proceeding as planned, but there’s been an anomaly in the kyber crystal refinery. Some of the crystals... cracked during the cutting process."

Fauste’s eyes narrowed, though her expression remained calm. "A malfunction?"

"Unclear," Vex replied. "We’ve sent a team to investigate, but it could be something in the crystals themselves."

"These crystals are more than mere conduits for energy," Fauste said thoughtfully, glancing down at the one in her hand. "They respond to the Force, and now that we are manipulating their natural state, they could be reacting in unpredictable ways. I’ll deal with it personally."

"As you wish," Vex said with a bow.

Fauste turned her gaze back to the towering temple behind them. She had sensed a tremor in the Force when she uncovered the crystal—something far deeper than what the Jedi had hidden here. The relic in her hand held far more than she had anticipated, and it felt like a thread connecting to something larger. Something old, ancient beyond even her knowledge.

"We’re done here," Fauste said, her voice firm as she handed the crystal to Tali’ra. "Have the scholars analyze this in the lab. I want a full breakdown of its energy patterns and any connection to kyber crystals we haven’t yet discovered."

Tali’ra nodded, taking the relic with reverence. "At once, my Lord."

The boarding ramp of the shuttle hissed as it lowered, and Fauste led the team inside. The craft’s interior was warm compared to the biting wind of Ilum, but the Sith Lord’s mind was far from the comforts of her ship. She took a seat, staring out the viewport as the shuttle lifted off.

Her thoughts turned to the growing strength of the Starborn Sect, now firmly established in the Ilum and Ahch-To systems. Control over the kyber crystals would give them the edge in the galaxy’s simmering conflicts, and the orbital refinery was the keystone to that power. But something about the crystals—and the temple’s secrets—felt incomplete. There was a void, an unseen force at play.

As the shuttle broke through Ilum’s atmosphere and into the void of space, the sprawling refinery came into view. It was an elegant construction, its metallic arms reaching out like tendrils around the planet, tethered to the icy surface below by powerful gravitational generators. Massive transports moved in and out of the refinery, carrying shipments of uncut crystals from the surface to be refined and prepared for future use.

The construction of the Starborn’s military command center was also visible, its sleek lines and towering turrets a testament to their technological prowess. It would serve as both a fortress and a laboratory, ensuring their dominance over the kyber supply.

"Prepare to dock," Fauste ordered, her voice cold and sharp.

Within minutes, the shuttle eased into one of the refinery’s docking bays. Engineers, soldiers, and technicians rushed to and fro, some bowing as Fauste passed, while others nervously avoided her gaze. Sariah and Tali’ra followed her as she disembarked, their sabers always within reach.

At the far end of the bay, a tall man awaited them—Kaelen Drayven, the Mandalorian Champion of the Starborn Sect. His red armor gleamed in the artificial light, and his helmet was tucked under one arm, revealing a scarred but ruggedly handsome face. His expression, however, was as cold and unreadable as ever.

"My Lord," Kaelen greeted with a respectful nod. "The team investigating the anomaly is ready to brief you."

Fauste gave him a curt nod. "Lead the way, Champion."

Kaelen turned on his heel, leading them through the sterile corridors of the station. The deeper they went, the more the hum of energy from the refinery filled the air. Workers and Sith alike bustled through the halls, but all fell silent when Fauste passed.

They finally arrived at a control room overlooking one of the primary crystal processing chambers. A holographic display floated in the center of the room, showing various schematics of the refinery and the cracked kyber crystals. A few of the technicians were huddled around the display, but they straightened as Fauste entered.

"The anomalies started a few hours ago," one of the senior engineers said as he approached. "Several of the larger crystals fractured during the refinement process. It’s unusual, but we haven’t found a technical fault. We’re running diagnostics, but... well, we’re not dealing with typical materials here."

Fauste crossed her arms, her eyes studying the cracked crystals on the holo-display. "The crystals are reacting to something. The temple had similar disruptions when we approached its core."

"You think it’s a Force-related issue?" Kaelen asked, his tone skeptical but respectful.

Fauste nodded. "These crystals are more than just sources of energy. They resonate with the Force, and we’ve disturbed their natural balance. The refinery may need adjustments to account for their sensitivity."

Before Kaelen could respond, the station shook. A low, reverberating tremor echoed through the halls, and the lights flickered briefly. The crew looked around nervously, their hands moving instinctively toward control panels and weapons.

"Report!" Fauste snapped.

"Seismic disturbance, my Lord," one of the technicians stammered. "It’s coming from beneath the surface of Ilum. The core of the planet—something’s shifting down there."

Fauste’s eyes narrowed, her mind racing. Ilum’s core had long been dormant, its vast kyber crystal deposits virtually untapped for centuries. But something had changed—something they had disturbed.

"Prepare an analysis of the disturbance and alert all personnel," Fauste ordered, her voice calm despite the growing tension. "If the planet is reacting, we need to know why."

Kaelen’s hand rested on his blaster, his brow furrowing. "Could this be related to the crystal you found in the temple?"

"It’s possible," Fauste replied, her voice low. "Or it could be something else entirely."

As the tremors subsided, a cold realization settled over her. The ancient relic she had uncovered was more than a simple artifact. It had triggered something deep within Ilum, something that even the Jedi had feared to awaken. And now, as the refinery hummed with unstable energy and the planet shifted beneath their feet, Fauste knew that her control over the Ilum system was on the edge of a precipice.

She had sought to unlock the secrets of the kyber crystals, but in doing so, she may have awoken a power far beyond her control.

"Prepare the fleet," Fauste said, her voice sharp and commanding. "Whatever this is, it’s only the beginning."
The tremors had not ceased. Ever since the initial shockwave from Ilum’s core, Darth Fauste had remained on high alert, her senses probing the icy world beneath her. Though the seismic shifts were faint, barely noticeable to the untrained eye, they carried with them an undeniable disturbance in the Force.

Inside the control room of the orbital station, Fauste stood with her hands clasped behind her back, watching as data streamed across various screens. Beside her, Kaelen Drayven kept his arms crossed, his face as cold and unreadable as ever, though even he couldn’t hide the slight unease in his stance.

"The tremors are growing more frequent," said one of the technicians, his voice laced with anxiety. "The source is deep within Ilum’s core, near one of the largest kyber crystal deposits on the planet."

Fauste’s eyes narrowed, staring at the holographic display of Ilum. It was as though the planet itself was crying out, reacting violently to the changes they were imposing. The kyber crystals were far more unstable than anticipated, and whatever force lay dormant in the planet had begun to stir.

"Dispatch a research team to investigate," Fauste ordered, her tone steady and sharp. "I want readings from the core and a detailed analysis of the crystal deposits. The disturbance may be linked to the temple’s artifacts, and I need to understand what we’ve unleashed."

Kaelen tilted his head slightly, his voice low. "You think this could be a remnant of the Jedi’s work? Some kind of defense mechanism?"

"It’s possible," Fauste replied. "The Jedi left many secrets buried on Ilum. If we’ve triggered something connected to the kyber crystals, it could be catastrophic if left unchecked."

Kaelen’s lips twitched into a thin smile. "Sounds like a challenge."

Fauste glanced at him, her expression unreadable. "One we cannot afford to underestimate."


Later that day, Fauste, her two bodyguards, and a team of Starborn researchers descended to Ilum’s surface. They chose a remote location, miles from the temple, closer to the planet’s core where the seismic activity was most intense. The cold bite of Ilum’s winds stung at their exposed skin, but none dared complain in the presence of Darth Fauste.

The landing craft settled in a wide crevasse, surrounded by jagged cliffs of ice. From here, the team would have to navigate through the crystalline caverns to reach the core. The kyber crystal deposits radiated energy so strong that even the non-Force sensitive researchers could feel it humming beneath their feet.

Tali’ra Korr stepped forward, her Twi’lek lekku twitching slightly in the cold. "The deeper we go, the stronger the energy," she observed. "I’ve never felt anything like this, my Lord."

"Neither have I," Fauste murmured, her voice thoughtful. "But whatever lies beneath us holds the key to controlling this planet—and its crystal supply."

Sariah Voss, her other bodyguard, remained silent but close. The young Sith Knight had always been more of a warrior than a scholar, but even she could sense the weight of the mission. Her hand rested lightly on the hilt of her saber, her instincts sharp, ready for anything.

The research team gathered their equipment, setting up scanners to monitor the seismic activity. As Fauste led them deeper into the crevasse, the temperature dropped even further, the ice around them glowing faintly from the energy of the crystals buried within.

After several hours of navigating the frozen tunnels, the team reached an open cavern that pulsed with the glow of massive kyber crystals. They jutted out from the walls like jagged teeth, their natural light filling the space with an eerie, otherworldly beauty. The air was thick with the hum of raw energy.

"It’s incredible," one of the researchers whispered, his breath visible in the cold air. "We’ve never seen a deposit of this magnitude."

Fauste ignored the awe in their voices, her focus entirely on the crystals. She reached out with the Force, letting her senses extend through the cavern, searching for any anomalies. What she found was a wall of resistance—an invisible force pushing back against her probing. It was almost like the crystals were alive, their energy writhing in response to her touch.

"Something is wrong here," Fauste said quietly, more to herself than to the others. "The crystals... they’re not just reacting to the refinery. There’s a deeper connection."

"Could it be tied to the temple?" Tali’ra asked, stepping forward.

Fauste shook her head. "No, this is older. The Jedi may have tapped into it, but this power predates their presence here."

Suddenly, the ground beneath them rumbled violently, sending chunks of ice and rock tumbling from the ceiling. The researchers scrambled to avoid the falling debris, their scanners flashing warnings of increased seismic activity. The tremors were growing stronger, more chaotic.

"My Lord, we should fall back!" one of the researchers shouted, his voice panicked. "The cavern is collapsing!"

Fauste remained still, her mind racing. The kyber crystals were not just reacting to their presence—they were trying to drive them out. The power within them, awakened by their mining and manipulation, was fighting back.

"No," she said calmly, turning to Tali’ra and Sariah. "We’re not leaving until we know what’s causing this."

Without hesitation, Fauste extended her hand, summoning the Force to steady the cavern. The ice and rock that had been falling around them suddenly halted in midair, held in place by her power. With a flick of her wrist, she sent the debris crashing harmlessly to the ground.

"Scan the crystals again," she commanded. "I want a full reading of their energy patterns."

The researchers hurried to comply, their hands shaking as they activated their equipment. The scanners hummed to life, sending pulses of energy through the cavern. The crystals reacted instantly, their glow intensifying, casting the entire space in a blinding light.

And then, without warning, the largest crystal in the center of the cavern cracked. A deafening sound echoed through the tunnels, and the tremors grew violent, threatening to tear the cavern apart.

"Fall back!" Fauste ordered, her voice sharp.

As the team scrambled to retreat, the massive crystal splintered, and a wave of energy burst from its core, washing over the cavern like a tidal wave. Fauste barely had time to react, raising her hand to shield herself and her team from the blast.

The energy struck her shield with incredible force, sending shockwaves through her body. It wasn’t just raw power—it was alive, sentient. The kyber crystals were not mere resources to be harvested. They were conduits for something far more ancient, far more dangerous than Fauste had anticipated.

The shockwave passed, leaving the cavern in eerie silence. Fauste lowered her hand, her breath heavy, her mind racing. The crystals still glowed, but their energy had shifted. The disturbance had quieted, but the threat remained.

"We’ve awakened something," Fauste said softly, her voice filled with a mixture of awe and hesitation. "Something that has been sleeping for far too long."

As the team made their way back to the surface, Fauste’s thoughts were consumed by the knowledge that the kyber crystals were not the key to power she had thought them to be. They were something far more dangerous—something that could either destroy her or make her more powerful than ever before.

But one thing was certain: controlling Ilum would not be as simple as refining the crystals. There was a deeper mystery buried within the planet’s core, and Darth Fauste would stop at nothing to unlock its secrets. Even if it meant risking everything she had built.
Darth Fauste’s boots crunched against the icy ground as she and her team made their way back to the surface, their breaths visible in the frigid air. The silence was deafening. No one dared speak, their minds still reeling from the events in the kyber crystal cavern. The power they had unleashed was far beyond their understanding, and the weight of that knowledge hung heavily over them.

Tali’ra Korr and Sariah Voss walked beside Fauste, their eyes constantly scanning the area, as though expecting the planet itself to retaliate. The cold winds whipped around them, carrying with them the echoes of the tremors that had shaken the cavern.

“We need to regroup,” Sariah said quietly, breaking the silence. “Whatever that energy was, it’s not something we can face unprepared.”

Fauste didn’t respond immediately. Her mind was too busy calculating, probing the disturbance in the Force that had revealed itself to her beneath Ilum’s surface. The kyber crystals had awakened something—something ancient and powerful. It was no mere energy source, but a living force tied to the planet’s very core.

We’ll regroup, but not to retreat,” Fauste finally said, her voice calm and resolute. “This power is not beyond our control. We just need to understand it.”

As they neared the landing craft, Kaelen Drayven appeared from the shadows, his armor dusted with snow. His expression was grim, his eyes searching Fauste’s face for answers.

“I felt the disturbance,” he said, his tone low. “What in the blazes happened down there?”

Fauste glanced at him, her face unreadable. “The kyber crystals are more than we anticipated. They are alive, Kaelen. Sentient, in a way. They’re resisting us, and they carry a power far older than the Jedi ever realized.”

Kaelen’s eyebrows raised slightly. “Resisting? You mean the crystals are fighting back?”

They are not just resources. They are conduits for something far more dangerous,” Fauste explained, her tone grave. “Whatever this power is, it’s connected to the Force in ways we’ve only scratched the surface of.”

Kaelen crossed his arms, his face hardening. “And you still think we should press forward? This could be a danger to everything we’ve built.”

Fauste’s gaze turned sharp. “Danger? Yes. But it’s also an opportunity. If we can harness this power, it would place us above the other Sith factions and beyond the grasp of the Jedi. The Starborn Sect could be untouchable.”

Kaelen stared at her for a moment, his jaw tight. Then, with a curt nod, he conceded. “What’s the plan?”


Back aboard the orbital station, Fauste gathered her inner circle. The tension in the room was palpable as the key figures of the Starborn Sect and Migrant Fleet stood around the holotable, the image of Ilum’s core displayed before them.

Lyra Vex, the Fleet Commander, spoke first. “We’ve increased seismic scans across the planet. The epicenter is indeed tied to the largest kyber crystal deposit, but there’s something deeper beneath it. It’s not just geological—there’s an energy source we’ve never encountered before.”

Fauste nodded, her fingers drumming against the table. “I sensed it as well. The crystals are protecting something ancient. Whatever it is, it’s tied to the Force.”

Elysia Ren, the former lover of Fauste and now her trusted advisor, leaned forward, her silver hair framing her face. “And how do you intend to control it? We’re venturing into unknown territory. If this force predates the Jedi, then we’re dealing with something that could defy everything we know about the Dark Side and the Light.”

A small, cold smile tugged at Fauste’s lips. “That’s precisely why we must explore it. The Jedi may have tapped into the surface of Ilum’s secrets, but they were afraid of what they didn’t understand. We are not bound by such fears.”

Kaelen, ever the pragmatist, crossed his arms. “But we are bound by survival. If this power is as dangerous as you think, it could consume us.”

Fauste’s gaze flicked to him, her expression hardening. “If we let fear guide us, we’re no better than the Jedi. This is an opportunity to elevate the Starborn Sect above all others. We have already claimed Ahch-To. We can claim Ilum in ways no one else has.”

Elysia tilted her head slightly. “And what of the kyber refinery? If the crystals are unstable, it could jeopardize the entire operation.”

We adjust our strategy,” Fauste said. “We halt full-scale mining for now and focus on controlled extraction. Only the crystals nearest the surface. The rest, we study.”

Lyra spoke again, her voice cautious. “And the orbital station? If these tremors continue, it could put us at risk.”

The station stays,” Fauste replied without hesitation. “We need it as our command center. If the power beneath Ilum grows more volatile, we’ll need every resource to contain it.”

Elysia glanced at the holotable, her brow furrowed. “If we’re going to delve into the core of this planet, we need to be prepared for the unknown. I suggest sending a dedicated research team to the caverns. They should include both Force-sensitives and engineers who understand kyber technology.”

Fauste considered this for a moment before nodding. “Agreed. Tali’ra, Sariah, you will accompany them. We need to ensure the crystals remain stable. If they show signs of resistance again, we pull back and regroup.”

The two Sith bodyguards exchanged glances but nodded in unison. They were as loyal as ever, though Tali’ra’s face betrayed a hint of worry. She had felt the raw energy of the kyber crystals, and it unsettled her.

“What about the Migrant Fleet?” Lyra asked, her tone more direct. “If this power you’re chasing spirals out of control, it could affect our forces in orbit.”

Fauste’s gaze turned icy. “The fleet remains vigilant. I do not intend to lose control of Ilum.”

Lyra opened her mouth as if to argue further, but then she saw the determination in Fauste’s eyes and relented. “Understood.”


Several hours later, the research team was assembled, and Fauste watched from the observation deck as the shuttle carrying them descended toward Ilum’s surface once more. Her bodyguards were among them, ready to face whatever unknown forces awaited them beneath the ice. The tension in the air was thick with uncertainty, but Fauste’s resolve was ironclad.

As the shuttle disappeared into the atmosphere, Elysia approached her, standing silently at her side for a moment before speaking.

“You’re walking a fine line, Lyanna,” she said softly, using Fauste’s birth name, one only a few dared to speak. “I can see the hunger in your eyes. This power—it’s calling to you, isn’t it?”

Fauste’s eyes remained locked on the icy planet below. “I’m not blind to the risks. But if I don’t pursue this, someone else will. We cannot afford to let fear control us.”

Elysia placed a hand on Fauste’s arm, her touch gentle. “Just be careful that the power you seek doesn’t consume you.”

Fauste glanced at her, her expression softening for a brief moment. “I know the dangers. But I’ve come too far to turn back now.”

As the shuttle touched down on Ilum’s surface and the research team began their descent into the crystalline caverns once more, Fauste’s mind raced with possibilities. The power beneath the planet called to her like a siren’s song, a promise of knowledge and control that few Sith could resist.

But deep down, she knew that the path she was walking was one that could easily lead to her destruction—or to the ultimate supremacy of the Starborn Sect.

Only time would tell which it would be.
The cold depths of Ilum once again surrounded Tali’ra Korr and Sariah Voss as they led the research team into the caverns. Their lightsabers cast a dim, flickering glow, reflecting off the icy walls and illuminating the endless glitter of kyber crystals. The air was thick with the energy they had felt before—alive, aware, and waiting.

Tali’ra could feel the same pulsing energy from the crystals that had shaken them before. It was subtle but ever-present, like a slow heartbeat. She looked over at Sariah, who was scanning the walls with a cautious gaze.

“We need to be careful,” Tali’ra murmured. “Whatever happened last time might not have been an accident.”

Sariah nodded. “I feel it too. The crystals are… awake.”

The rest of the team, a mix of Starborn scholars and engineers, followed closely, their movements deliberate and measured. They were acutely aware that this was no ordinary expedition. They weren’t just here to mine kyber crystals or analyze their properties—they were here to understand the mysterious power lurking within the planet.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, the team came to the central cavern, where the largest cluster of kyber crystals resided. This was where the disturbance had originated. The scholars began setting up their instruments, while the engineers prepared to extract a small sample for study. Tali’ra and Sariah stood watch, their senses attuned to the Force, alert for any sign of danger.

“I don’t like this,” Sariah said quietly, her eyes narrowing as she watched the scholars handle the crystals with delicate care. “It feels like we’re disturbing something we don’t fully understand.”

Tali’ra agreed but remained silent. They were soldiers of the Starborn Sect, bound to Darth Fauste’s will. Whatever power lay within the crystals, Fauste believed it could be controlled, and it was their duty to ensure that control was maintained.

One of the scholars, an older Twi’lek named Yira, activated a scanning device, the hum of technology blending with the faint hum of the crystals. As the scan began, the readings on her datapad fluctuated wildly.

“Something’s… not right,” Yira muttered, her eyes widening as the energy signature spiked. “These readings—they’re not normal.”

Tali’ra and Sariah exchanged a glance. The last time something had been “not normal,” the entire cavern had nearly collapsed around them. Before they could react, a deep, resonant hum echoed through the chamber. The crystals glowed brighter, their light intensifying to an almost blinding degree.

The ground beneath them trembled.

“Everyone, back!” Sariah shouted, igniting her lightsaber. The engineers and scholars scrambled to retreat, but the glow from the crystals continued to intensify. The Force was surging through the cavern, pulsating in waves that threatened to overwhelm them all.

Tali’ra reached out with the Force, trying to calm the energy, but it was like trying to grasp a raging storm. The crystals weren’t just reacting—they were communicating, broadcasting their power to something, or someone, far deeper within the planet.

“It’s coming from beneath us,” Tali’ra said, her voice strained as she focused on maintaining her balance amidst the tremors. “Something… ancient.”

Sariah closed her eyes briefly, attuning herself to the Force. She could feel it too, a presence lurking beneath the layers of crystal and ice. It was old, far older than the Jedi or the Sith—something primal and unfathomable.

“Get out!” Tali’ra shouted to the team, her voice barely audible over the roaring hum of the crystals. “Now!”

Just as the last of the scholars and engineers retreated, a shockwave rippled through the cavern, knocking Tali’ra and Sariah to the ground. The crystals vibrated violently, their glow flickering as if alive, resisting the disturbance.

Tali’ra looked up in time to see a fissure open in the center of the cavern floor. It wasn’t natural. It was as if the planet itself had split open, revealing a dark, pulsing void beneath.

“What… is that?” Sariah whispered, staring into the darkness.

The void wasn’t just a crack in the ground—it was something deeper, something connected to the Force. It was like staring into the heart of the unknown, a place where neither Light nor Dark had dominion. A cold, ancient power rose from the depths, wrapping around them in tendrils of dark energy.


Back aboard the orbital station, Darth Fauste stood at the command console, watching the live feed from the exploration team. The screen flickered, showing the chaotic scene in the caverns. She could feel the disturbance from Ilum, the powerful surge of the Force echoing through her bones.

Commander Vex,” Fauste said calmly, not taking her eyes off the screen.

Lyra Vex, standing at her side, immediately straightened. “Yes, my lord?”

Prepare the station for immediate lockdown,” Fauste ordered. “And alert the fleet. We may have a larger situation on our hands than anticipated.”

Lyra hesitated for only a moment before nodding. “Understood. I’ll notify the fleet.”

As Lyra moved to carry out the order, Elysia Ren approached Fauste, her expression unreadable.

“This was bound to happen,” Elysia said quietly. “The power you’re seeking—it doesn’t want to be found.”

Fauste glanced at her, her face impassive. “Everything has a weakness. Everything can be controlled.”

Elysia shook her head slightly. “Not this.”

Fauste’s eyes narrowed, and she turned her attention back to the screen, where the team was now standing at the edge of the abyss. Tali’ra and Sariah were trying to pull the team back, but the presence emanating from the void was too strong. Fauste could feel it too—an ancient power, older than the Jedi, older than the Sith.

Something had awakened beneath Ilum.

We’ll see about that,” Fauste murmured, her eyes gleaming with determination. “I will have this power. No matter what.”


In the cavern, the tension was unbearable. The air seemed to vibrate with raw energy, and the dark void beneath them pulsed, as if alive.

“We need to close this fissure,” Sariah said, her voice tight with urgency. “It’s releasing something… unnatural.”

Tali’ra nodded. Together, they focused their energies on the crack, using the Force to try and seal it. But no matter how much power they exerted, the void resisted, pushing back against their will.

It was too late.

From the depths of the fissure, a shadowy figure began to rise. It wasn’t solid—it was a being made entirely of dark energy, its form shifting and morphing as it ascended. The temperature dropped rapidly, and the cavern’s light was swallowed by the creature’s presence.

Tali’ra’s heart pounded in her chest as the figure’s gaze—or what passed for a gaze—turned toward them. It radiated an ancient malevolence, something beyond the comprehension of mere mortals.

The dark presence spoke without words, its voice reverberating through their minds, filling them with a sense of dread.

"You have disturbed the slumber of the forgotten."

Tali’ra gripped her lightsaber, feeling the weight of the darkness pressing down on her soul. Sariah stood beside her, ready for whatever came next.

But both of them knew they were not prepared for what had just been unleashed.
The temperature within the cavern plummeted as the dark presence loomed over the Starborn team. Tali’ra Korr and Sariah Voss stood frozen, their breath visible in the chilling air as the shadowy figure continued to rise from the fissure. The raw, ancient malevolence emanating from it was suffocating, unlike anything they had ever felt.

The rest of the team had retreated to the edges of the cavern, their faces pale with fear, while the crystals above flickered like dying stars, as if the darkness was draining the very life from them.

"You have disturbed the slumber of the forgotten," the dark figure’s voice resonated again, echoing not in the air but within their minds. It wasn’t just a presence; it was a will, ancient and relentless, pushing against them.

Tali’ra took a step forward, her lightsaber ignited, the red glow casting long shadows across the icy floor. “We didn’t come here to disturb you,” she called out, her voice strong despite the tension constricting her throat. “We came for knowledge.”

The shadow’s form twisted, flickering in and out of shape, its substance like thick smoke, impossible to grasp. Its attention seemed to shift, examining Tali’ra with a penetrating gaze. For a moment, everything was still.

"Knowledge..." the presence hissed, almost mocking. "You seek what you cannot understand. Your kind always does."

Sariah stepped forward, her lightsaber raised defensively, her body tense and ready. “Who are you?” she demanded, her voice cutting through the oppressive silence. “What are you?”

The shadow laughed—an eerie, hollow sound that reverberated throughout the cavern. **"I am the memory of a time when the Force was raw, before your orders and your wars. I am the one who has waited in the darkness, forgotten by time, and now… awakened by your foolishness."**

The scholars, who had been observing from the back, exchanged nervous glances. Yira, the Twi’lek scholar who had initiated the scan, looked as though she was about to speak, but no words came out. Her datapad, flickering with erratic readings, fell silent, overwhelmed by the strange energies in the chamber.

Tali’ra tightened her grip on her lightsaber, the weight of the darkness pressing against her mind. She could feel the power of the figure—vast, incomprehensible, but also fragmented. Whatever this being was, it was incomplete, a remnant of something greater.

She risked a glance at Sariah, whose eyes were narrowed, her lips set in a thin line. “We can’t fight this,” Sariah whispered, her voice barely audible. “Not directly.”

Tali’ra nodded in agreement, sensing the same overwhelming power in the shadowy figure. Combat wasn’t an option—not yet. The key was to understand what they were dealing with.

“What do you want?” Tali’ra asked, her voice steady.

The shadow’s form shifted again, growing larger, its tendrils of dark energy curling through the air. "You have already given me what I want. You have woken me." The voice was almost gleeful now, feeding off the fear in the room. "Now, I will reclaim what was mine, piece by piece."

Sariah took a step forward, her lightsaber still ignited. “This planet is under our control,” she said firmly, refusing to show fear. “You will not take it.”

The figure’s laugh echoed again, this time louder, more malicious. "Your control is an illusion, Sith. You think you understand power, but you are merely children playing with forces you cannot hope to master."

Before Sariah could respond, the figure shifted once more, condensing into a tighter mass of darkness. Then, with terrifying speed, it shot upward, merging with the kyber crystals embedded in the ceiling of the cavern. The crystals pulsed with a dark energy, their natural light tainted by the shadow.

A wave of Force energy rippled through the room, knocking Tali’ra and Sariah back. The scholars and engineers scrambled for cover as the ground shook beneath them. It was as though the crystals themselves were rebelling against the disturbance.

Tali’ra staggered to her feet, her heart pounding. “We need to seal the fissure,” she said through gritted teeth. “Before it gets worse.”

Sariah nodded, still catching her breath. “The power is tied to the crystals. If we cut off the connection—”

Before she could finish, the ground trembled again. This time, the fissure widened, and from its depths, a massive burst of dark energy erupted, shooting into the ceiling and coursing through the crystal network. The entire cave groaned in response, as though the planet itself was fighting back against the intrusion.

Tali’ra and Sariah knew they were running out of time.


On the orbital station, Darth Fauste stood at the command center, watching the live feed intently. The images were distorted, the interference from the kyber energy wreaking havoc on their systems, but she could still make out the dark figure now coursing through the crystals.

Lyra,” Fauste said, her voice calm but sharp, “prepare the Starborn and Migrant Fleet for immediate deployment. The situation on Ilum is escalating faster than expected.”

Lyra Vex saluted and immediately set to work, issuing orders to mobilize the ships.

Elysia Ren, standing at Fauste’s side, frowned as she watched the screen. “This wasn’t part of the plan,” she said softly, her voice tinged with concern.

Fauste didn’t look at her. “Plans change,” she said, her tone resolute. “The power beneath Ilum is far more than we anticipated. But it can still be controlled.”

Elysia shook her head slightly. “This… whatever it is… it’s ancient. It’s not something you can just tame.”

Fauste turned her gaze to Elysia, her expression unreadable. “Everything can be tamed,” she said quietly. “Even the forgotten.”


Back in the cavern, Tali’ra and Sariah were desperately attempting to seal the widening fissure, using their combined strength in the Force to hold the ground together. But the dark presence was fighting back, surging upward through the kyber crystals with renewed fury.

Suddenly, a piercing shriek filled the cavern, causing everyone to cover their ears. It wasn’t just a sound—it was a mental assault, a wave of raw pain and fear that struck them like a hammer.

Tali’ra gasped, her mind reeling from the onslaught. The figure was growing stronger, feeding off the chaos and energy in the cavern. It was no longer just a remnant of the past—it was becoming something far more dangerous.

Sariah dropped to one knee, struggling to maintain her focus. “We… we can’t hold it much longer!”

Tali’ra clenched her fists, her mind racing. There had to be a way to contain the power, to stop it from overwhelming them. But the dark presence was too strong, too deeply entwined with the crystals.

As the shriek intensified, Tali’ra’s vision blurred, and for a brief moment, she saw something—a vision, a glimpse of the past. She saw the figure, not as a shadow, but as a person, standing in a temple, surrounded by others.

It had been a guardian once. A protector.

But now, it was something else.

Tali’ra’s eyes snapped open. There was only one choice left.

“Sariah!” she shouted over the mental assault. “We need to retreat. Now!”

Sariah hesitated, her body tense with frustration, but she knew Tali’ra was right. They couldn’t fight this—not yet.

Together, they turned and ran, their retreat barely covered by the remaining scholars and engineers. Behind them, the shadow’s presence filled the cavern, the kyber crystals pulsing with a malevolent glow.

As they escaped into the upper tunnels, Tali’ra cast one last glance at the darkened cavern.

This wasn’t over.

It was just beginning.
The cold, biting wind whipped across the frozen plains of Ilum as Tali’ra Korr and Sariah Voss emerged from the temple’s labyrinth of tunnels. They stumbled out, breathing heavily, their faces pale with the weight of what they had just witnessed. The two Sith bodyguards glanced at each other, knowing the significance of their retreat—it wasn’t just about survival. They had stirred something ancient, and whatever it was, it wouldn’t rest again easily.

Around them, the Starborn troops stood ready, their military discipline unwavering despite the ominous darkness radiating from the temple behind them. A low hum filled the air as a small shuttle descended, its ramp lowering to reveal Fleet Commander Lyra Vex, her sharp eyes scanning the group.

“What happened down there?” Lyra asked, her voice calm but commanding as she approached Tali’ra and Sariah.

Tali’ra’s breath still came in short bursts, the mental strain from the confrontation heavy on her mind. “We awoke something ancient… something tied to the kyber crystals. It’s… it’s powerful, Commander. It’s beyond what we were prepared for.”

Sariah, normally composed, looked shaken as she added, “This presence—it’s not just a guardian. It’s a force of raw energy, twisted and corrupted by time. We barely escaped.”

Lyra narrowed her eyes, her jaw tightening. She glanced back at the temple, its jagged entrance now looming like the maw of a beast. “And the scholars?”

“Alive,” Tali’ra said quickly. “But they won’t be of much use until we figure out what we’re dealing with.”

The commander’s gaze remained fixed on the distant structure, her mind calculating their next move. “Darth Fauste has been informed. She’s preparing to leave the orbital station and come down here herself.”

Tali’ra exchanged a glance with Sariah, the weight of what that meant settling in. Fauste would bring not just her power, but her hunger for knowledge—and her determination to control whatever was hidden in the temple.

“We’ll need more troops,” Sariah said quietly, looking back toward the horizon where the shadowy energy from the crystals had begun to creep into the sky. “Whatever this is, it’s spreading. If we’re not careful, it will consume the entire planet.”


On the Machiavellian, Advisor Elysia Ren stood in the war room of the orbital station, her arms folded across her chest as she listened to the reports from Ilum. The flickering holo-displays illuminated the dark room, showing distorted images of the temple and the unsettling energy rising from within.

Darth Fauste, standing in the center of the room, was silent, her eyes fixed on the feed from the surface. The energy was growing stronger by the minute, pulsating through the crystals like a heartbeat.

“We should leave it alone,” Elysia said quietly, breaking the silence. Her voice was calm, but there was an undercurrent of fear. “There are some things better left undisturbed.”

Fauste turned, her silver-white hair catching the dim light of the room. Her expression was serene, but her eyes burned with an intense focus. “You know I can’t do that, Elysia,” she replied, her voice steady. “This is an opportunity unlike any other. The power in that temple is ancient. If I can harness it—”

“You’re playing with fire, Lyanna,” Elysia interrupted, using Fauste’s real name, a name few dared to speak. “We’ve seen this before. Dark energy this old… it doesn’t want to be controlled. It corrupts. It twists everything it touches.”

Fauste’s gaze softened slightly as she approached Elysia. “You know me better than that,” she said softly. “I’ve walked the line between light and dark all my life. This… this is no different.”

Elysia shook her head, her arms dropping to her sides. “It’s different. This isn’t just about the Force. It’s something far older… and far more dangerous than anything you’ve encountered.”

Fauste didn’t respond immediately. She turned back to the display, her eyes narrowing as she watched the kyber crystals pulse with dark energy. “Then I’ll do what I always do,” she said quietly. “I’ll master it.”


By the time Darth Fauste’s shuttle touched down on Ilum, the sky above the temple had darkened, swirling with strange, ominous clouds that crackled with energy. The ground trembled beneath her feet as she stepped out, flanked by her two bodyguards and a contingent of elite Starborn troops. Tali’ra and Sariah stood at the ready, their faces still bearing the strain of their earlier encounter.

Fauste’s expression was unreadable as she approached them, but her presence was undeniable. Even among Sith, her calm yet commanding aura was overwhelming, a stark contrast to the chaos growing around them.

Report,” Fauste said, her voice cold as the icy wind.

Tali’ra stepped forward. “The entity is tied to the kyber crystals. It feeds off their energy, using them as a conduit. We managed to hold it off, but only just.”

And the fissure?” Fauste asked.

“It’s growing,” Sariah replied. “The energy is leaking into the crystals across the entire region. If we don’t contain it, the entire planet could be affected.”

Fauste’s silver eyes flickered with interest. “Good. Then we’ll need to act quickly.”

She moved toward the temple entrance without hesitation, her cape billowing in the wind. Her bodyguards followed closely behind, their lightsabers at the ready.

Tali’ra and Sariah exchanged a glance. “She’s not going to stop,” Tali’ra muttered, her voice low. “Not until she gets what she wants.”

Sariah nodded grimly. “And by then, it might be too late.”


Inside the temple, the air was even colder than before, thick with the presence of the dark entity. The kyber crystals pulsed with a sickly glow, their natural light twisted and corrupted by the shadow’s influence.

Darth Fauste walked through the halls with purpose, her eyes scanning the walls for any signs of the ancient knowledge she sought. The carvings on the walls seemed to shift as she passed, almost as if they were alive, reacting to her presence.

Suddenly, the ground trembled beneath her feet, and a low growl echoed through the chamber. The shadowy figure from before began to materialize once again, rising from the fissure in the floor. Its form was still incomplete, but its power was growing, fed by the crystals.

Fauste stopped, her gaze fixed on the dark entity as it took shape.

You are the one who woke me," the entity’s voice hissed, filling the chamber. "You seek to claim what is not yours."

Fauste didn’t flinch. She stepped forward, her lightsaber still unignited at her side. “I seek knowledge,” she replied calmly. “And you have plenty to offer.”

The shadow swirled, its tendrils of darkness reaching out toward her, but Fauste remained still, her presence unwavering. "You cannot control what you do not understand, Sith," the entity hissed, its voice dripping with malice. "Your arrogance will be your undoing."

Fauste’s lips curved into a small, cold smile. “Perhaps,” she said quietly. “But I am not like the others.”

In a swift motion, she ignited her lightsaber, the crimson blade casting a sharp glow in the dark chamber. The shadow recoiled slightly, but it didn’t retreat. Instead, it surged forward, its dark energy lashing out at Fauste.

She stood her ground, her lightsaber spinning through the air, deflecting the energy with precise, calculated movements. The ground trembled beneath her as the entity’s power grew, but Fauste didn’t falter.

You have waited in the dark for too long,” she said, her voice low but commanding. “But now, you will serve me.”

With a sudden burst of Force energy, Fauste reached out, her will crashing against the entity’s presence. The shadow shrieked, its form flickering as it fought back, but Fauste’s power was relentless.

The kyber crystals pulsed violently, the dark energy within them reacting to the battle. Fauste’s control over the Force was undeniable, her connection to both the light and dark giving her an edge over the ancient being.

But the shadow wasn’t defeated yet. It lashed out with one final, desperate surge of power, sending a shockwave through the chamber.

Fauste staggered slightly, her grip on her lightsaber tightening as she fought to maintain control. The entity’s voice filled the chamber once again, louder and more desperate than before.

"You will never control me!"

Fauste’s eyes narrowed as she pushed forward, her will crashing against the entity’s resistance. “We’ll see about that.”
The oppressive energy of the dark temple weighed heavily as Darth Fauste stood in the center of the ancient chamber. The air itself seemed to throb with malice, twisted and corrupted by the malevolent presence tied to the kyber crystals. The shadowy entity, though formless, hovered above the fissure in the floor, its very existence bleeding into the surrounding environment.

Fauste's crimson lightsaber hummed lowly in her hand, casting an eerie glow across the carvings on the walls. She could feel the pull of the dark energy, a hunger deep within the Force—calling to her. But the entity fought back with everything it had, its energy now a force of chaos and desperation.

Beside her, Tali'ra Korr and Sariah Voss, her loyal bodyguards, kept a careful distance, their lightsabers drawn but not yet ignited. They knew better than to interfere with their master's battle.

The shadow surged again, its voice echoing in Fauste's mind. "You cannot hope to contain me, Sith. I am older than your wars, older than your petty ambitions."

But Fauste’s lips barely moved as she whispered, “Age does not guarantee power. Your time has passed.”

She lunged forward, her lightsaber cutting through the dark mist. The shadow recoiled, but the blade did not destroy it as easily as Fauste hoped. The entity was more resilient than anything she had faced. Still, she pressed her advantage, pushing her connection to the Force deeper, binding it to the entity’s energy, seeking to bend it to her will.

The ground trembled again, and the crystals embedded in the temple’s walls began to resonate with an unnatural, low hum. The dark energy of the crystals pulsed in rhythm with the shadow’s attacks, amplifying its strikes. Each pulse shook the foundations of the temple, causing small cracks to form in the walls.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the tension. It was Sariah Voss, speaking urgently, her eyes wide as she analyzed the surroundings. “Master, the crystals—they’re feeding it! The longer we fight, the more powerful it becomes!”

Fauste’s eyes flicked toward the kyber crystals, their glow brightening as the shadow grew stronger. She could sense the truth in Sariah’s words—the dark entity wasn’t just using the crystals for power, it was drawing strength from the very fabric of the temple itself.

Fauste took a deep breath, her mind calculating the next step. She had come here to claim this power, not to be consumed by it. If the crystals were the source of the entity’s strength, then she would sever that connection.

With a single motion, she deactivated her lightsaber, clipping it back to her belt. “I’ll have to use another approach,” she muttered.

Tali’ra and Sariah exchanged worried glances, but they did not question her.

Fauste stretched out her hands, her eyes closing as she reached out through the Force. She didn’t attack. Instead, she connected with the kyber crystals directly, feeling their immense energy, both corrupted and pure. The resonance between them and the shadow was strong, but Fauste wasn’t trying to destroy the crystals. She was going to absorb their power.

A deep rumbling shook the temple as Fauste’s connection grew, the dark and light energies swirling around her in a chaotic dance. The shadow screamed, sensing her intent, and struck out again, but Fauste remained focused, her will unshakable. She would claim the strength of the crystals for herself.

The entity lunged at her with all its might, its tendrils of darkness lashing out in an attempt to rip her away from the crystals. The pressure mounted, threatening to crush her under its weight, but Fauste’s connection with the kyber was now undeniable. She reached further, pulling the crystals’ energy toward her like a magnet, coiling it into her very being.

Sariah stepped forward, her hand twitching at her lightsaber hilt as she sensed her master faltering under the strain. “We should help her!” she said urgently to Tali’ra.

“No,” Tali’ra whispered, holding her back. “This is her fight. She’s drawing the crystals to her. If we interfere, we’ll only weaken her.”

Sweat beaded on Fauste’s brow as the strain intensified. The shadow’s presence was suffocating, but with every second, Fauste’s connection to the kyber crystals grew stronger. She could feel their raw power—ancient and untamed—coursing through her veins, merging with her own strength. She would bend the crystals and the shadow to her will.

The entity screeched, its form flickering wildly as Fauste’s power began to eclipse its own. "You cannot take me!" it bellowed, thrashing violently.

I don’t need to take you,” Fauste replied coldly, her eyes snapping open, glowing with a fierce intensity. “I just need to bind you.”

With a final surge of energy, Fauste pushed all of her power into the kyber crystals, severing their connection to the shadow and redirecting their strength to her command. The dark entity let out a final, anguished scream before its form collapsed, dissolving into the air like smoke dissipating in the wind.

The temple fell silent.

Fauste stood tall, her breathing steady, though the exertion of the battle still lingered in her muscles. She felt the weight of the kyber crystal’s energy humming within her, its power now at her fingertips. She had done what few Sith could—tamed the chaotic energy of an ancient entity.

Her bodyguards stepped forward cautiously, their gazes full of both awe and concern.

“Master,” Tali’ra said softly, “are you... all right?”

Fauste turned to her, a small smile playing on her lips. “I am more than all right, Tali’ra,” she said, her voice calm but brimming with newfound power. “I have what I came for.”

Sariah’s eyes drifted to the kyber crystals embedded in the walls. Their once sickly glow had faded, now replaced with a soft, pulsing light. The dark energy that had infected them was gone, leaving behind only pure, untapped power.

“We should leave,” Sariah said quietly. “The temple might not hold much longer after that battle.”

Fauste nodded, but there was no rush in her movements. She had won. The kyber crystals were hers to control, and with them, she would tighten her grip on the galaxy’s most precious resource.

As they made their way back toward the entrance, Fauste’s mind raced with possibilities. The kyber crystals would be refined, weaponized, and distributed at her discretion. The Starborn Sect’s control over Ilum would be absolute.

But something lingered in the back of her mind—the shadow’s final words, the fear in its voice. It had warned her that the power she sought would be her undoing. And while Fauste didn’t fear the entity, she couldn’t help but wonder—what had corrupted the kyber in the first place? What other secrets lay buried in the frozen depths of Ilum?

As they exited the temple, the frigid wind biting at their faces once again, Fauste looked back at the ancient structure. She had won this battle, but there were always more challenges to face.

And Fauste, as always, was ready to meet them.
ed chunks. Each crystal sparkled with latent energy, the Force vibrating through them like the pulse of a living entity. Fauste could feel the disturbance growing stronger, not as a threat but as a call. The kyber was trying to communicate.

They reached the deepest part of the refinery, where the largest, most powerful crystals were being processed. The air here was thick with the energy of the crystals, a chaotic swirl of both light and dark. The refinery’s systems flickered for a moment, causing Tali’ra and Sariah to draw closer to their master, their senses sharp and alert.

Fauste extended a hand toward the nearest crystal, her fingers hovering just above its surface. The resonance was intense—more than just raw energy. It was as though the crystal itself was alive, filled with memories of the Force-users who had once wielded similar crystals.

Suddenly, a jolt of energy surged through the crystal, lashing out at Fauste. Tali’ra ignited her lightsaber in an instant, stepping in front of her master, but Fauste held up a hand to stop her.

"Stand down," Fauste said calmly, though her voice was edged with curiosity. "It’s not an attack. The kyber is trying to speak."

Sariah’s brow furrowed. "Speak? What do you mean, Master?"

Fauste placed her hand fully on the crystal, and the world around her faded. The hum of the refinery, the lights of the station, even her own bodyguards—everything fell away, leaving her in a vast sea of darkness, with only the crystal’s voice echoing in her mind.

"You seek power," the voice whispered. "But power is not easily won. We have seen your kind before. Jedi, Sith... all consumed by their need to control us. We are the Force’s children, not yours."

Fauste’s eyes narrowed. "You forget who I am. I am no mere Sith, bound by the dogma of the Dark Side. I respect your power—and I will not be consumed by it. You will serve me, or you will be broken."

The voice laughed, a low, hollow sound. "You misunderstand. We do not serve. We endure. But we can guide those who listen."

The dark sea around her began to shift, and Fauste saw visions—images of Jedi and Sith across history, each one seeking to harness the power of the kyber crystals for their own ends. Battles raged across ancient worlds, lightsabers clashed, and the Force flowed through each warrior. But time and time again, the crystals resisted full control, their true potential remaining just out of reach.

Fauste felt the weight of these visions pressing down on her, but she did not falter. She had faced challenges far greater than this. "Guide me, then," she said softly. "Show me what I must do to unlock your full power."

The voice shifted, growing softer, almost reverent. "You must attune to us—not through domination, but through understanding. You walk a path between light and dark. Only by embracing both will you unlock the full potential of the kyber. Bend not just to the Dark Side, but the Light as well. Balance... is the key."

With those final words, the vision faded, and Fauste was back in the refinery. She felt a renewed sense of clarity, her connection to the kyber crystals now deeper than before. The surges of energy that had once lashed out were now calm, humming in harmony with the station’s systems.

Tali'ra stepped forward cautiously, her eyes on her master. "What happened?"

Fauste turned to her, a small smile on her lips. "The kyber crystals have taught me something valuable. They are more than just a resource—they are living conduits of the Force. To truly control them, I must embrace both the Light and the Dark."

Sariah tilted her head, confused. "But, Master, you are a Sith. The Dark Side is our way."

Fauste nodded, her eyes gleaming. "Yes, but I am not bound by the Sith’s limitations. I will walk a path between both sides of the Force, using the wisdom of the Light to fuel the power of the Dark. Only then will I be able to wield the kyber's true potential."

Tali’ra and Sariah exchanged uncertain glances, but neither questioned her further. They had learned long ago that Fauste’s methods, though unconventional, always led to success.

As they returned to the command post, Fauste looked out once more at the refinery. The kyber crystals would be processed, refined, and distributed to the galaxy—but now, she had a deeper understanding of their potential. With this newfound knowledge, she would reshape the galactic balance of power.

The refinery would not just be a source of wealth and weapons; it would be the key to Fauste’s ultimate vision—a new order where balance in the Force would fuel her rule.

And with the Starborn Sect and the Migrant Fleet at her command, no one would be able to stop her from achieving it.
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