Character Foma Kuznetsov

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits

Full Name: Foma Kuznetsov
Name: Foma
Surname(s): Kuznetsov
Age: 65
Title(s): Advisor to House Vestvinfol, Spymaster for Vestvinfol
Nickname(s): The Knowledgeable, The Apothecary
Sex: Male
  • Appearance: Rather weak physique, although tall posture, Foma has long black beard and hair that hide most of his facial characteristics.
  • Personality: Being distrustful of almost everyone, he is extremely unable to follow any form of etiquette, or perform a social interaction without becoming paranoid in a disturbingly visible level. Due to his inability to accept people around him, he has fully committed his trust on his wives.
  • Foma is usually doing everything to avoid any form of physical contest, more so, a fight. He will rather stand from a safe distance, attempting to manipulate the events around him so that at the very end, he will be able to spectate without the situation growing dire enough for him to do the fighting. He will not hesitate using his magics to enhance his champions, or worse, minions, or harm the enemy long before the confrontation commences....
Magic Affinity: Strong (May go Extreme later)
  • Deep Magic
    • Infernalism
    • Necromancy
  • Hedge Magic
    • Chaos
      • Enchantment
    • Mind
      • Fear
      • Suggestion

  • Skilled Mage. Foma is a very capable magic adept
  • Married. Although many would view marriage as a burden, for Foma is quite... quite the opposite. Married to Molzhe and Starshaya, twin sisters of the Mountain Tribes around Vestvinfol Barony, in Dunwyn, he has found an absolute loyalty towards them, as they are the muscle before any difficulty.

  • Weakling. Foma can effectively withstand no form of physical contest.
  • Antisocial. Foma has tremendously hard time existing around other people. Being isolated for years, he is unable to follow any etiquette for long, as his fear of Man only pushes him to act rather strange.
Foma was a creature of knowledge. Ever since his young age, he was attracted to books and libraries and storytellers like few others. Having grown up in Ruskolund, Foma Kuznetsov was spawn of a wealthy family, who quickly took advantage of the boy's evident high intelligence. For years, young Foma studied the many arts of science, law, customs and languages from Ruskolund all the way to Ostermania.

His journeys as an envoy will bring him closer to the occult, as he will stumble upon many societies that made use of the by many forbidden art of sorcery and arcana. It wouldn't be long until Foma was proven a rather capable Magic Sensitive, and from there, Foma would seek for the many secrets of Magic that were left shattered throughout the eons across the North Sea and beyond.

After decades of exploration, Foma will find himself in Dunwyn Province, where he will follow the trail of ancient Druidic worship, hosted by the House Trangaal, in Suthra. During a journey to the Western regions, the escort will be attacked by a marauding warband of the Mountain Tribes. Many of the Trangaal knights will be killed, while Foma found himself captured. Taken to the Mountains over Vestvinfol, Foma will become a slave for the barbarian tribe. Horrified by the inability to defend himself in any way imaginable, Foma will grow fearful of almost everyone around him.

The years that followed, Foma will meet two women in the tribe. Characterized by their impressive build, and their fighting prowess, while they appeared to never speak, by many presumed mutes, the two twins will be addressed as Younger and Elder. Although oftentimes thrown in fight pits for the entertainment of the tribesmen, Foma saw their frustration and harsh treatment, outside of these fights. War beasts, rather than individuals, they were. It was Foma who tended to them, after the bloody pit fights, offering his skills in medicine and herbalism, to treat their wounds and comfort them in their pain.

Molzhe and Starshaya, he called them. The three grew close, as the years passed, until finally, Foma plotted a scheme that saw his master killed by the twins, claiming Foma as their man, according to the tribal laws of the Mountain people. With his magics and their fighting prowess, the three climbed the leadership ladder in rapid pace. From a mere slave, Foma became the mind behind the tribe, while the twins his loyal enforcers and wives.

When the Baroness of Vestvinfol, Sylvia Ulfbitenn appeared in the Mountain Tribes, she will challenge the twins in a ritualistic duel, for control over the tribe. The fighting was brutal, with the twins actually proving a more than worthy rival to the Baroness' fighting skill. Alas, her unnatural powers and her vampiric nature proved superior than the twins' arcane enchantments Foma had crafted.

When the duel was over, the twins rested on the ground bleeding to their deaths. Foma was in shock and consumed by the terror of what would befall him afterwards. To his surprise, Sylvia did not pursue any further violence. Instead, she took the twins away, vowing to Foma that they would be returned...

Indeed, some two months after her usurping of the tribe, Sylvia returned along with Molzhe and Starshaya, who appeared to have been risen again. Foma, either out of sheer fear, or gratitude, accepted Sylvia's rule, in exchange for his life. The three will reside in a distant tower, in the Mountains over Heithhenn, isolating themselves completely from the Tribes, as Foma dedicated himself to his perpetual studies...

Although quite distant and very protective of himself, at start, Foma will become an advisor to the Baroness, and to an extent, to House Ulfbitenn at large, as both her, and Harrul Ulfbitenn sough his advise on matters of state as well as war, with Harrul's rapid modernization of Laighin being attributed, to some extent, to Foma's innovative managerial propositions that Harrul resulted in adopting...

Seeing the value put to his opinion and wisdom, Foma will slowly become aware of his influence to the Red Court, becoming eventually a stable figure for House Ulfbitenn's councils.
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