Approved Flagship - The Shadow Eclipse

Marcus Aumont

King Of Vampires
Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
The Shadow Eclipse.jpeg
**Shadow Eclipse Fleet Profile:**

**Fleet Name:** Shadow Eclipse Fleet

**Commander:** Darth Malvus

**Purpose:** The Shadow Eclipse Fleet serves as the flagship fleet of The Obsidian Court, under the direct command of Darth Malvus. It is a symbol of Sith power and dominance, tasked with enforcing the will of The Obsidian Court, conducting military operations, and projecting force across the galaxy.


1. **Flagship: The Shadow Eclipse**
- **Class:** Dreadnought
- **Role:** Command and Control, Heavy Assault
- **Description:** The Shadow Eclipse is a massive dreadnought, heavily armored and armed with advanced weaponry. It serves as Darth Malvus's command center, coordinating fleet maneuvers, and leading the fleet into battle.

2. **Capital Ships:**
- **Dark Star Destroyers:** Several Imperial-class Star Destroyers modified with Sith technologies and dark side enhancements. They serve as the backbone of the fleet, providing firepower, hangar space, and command capabilities.
- **Dreadnoughts:** Heavy warships equipped with turbolasers, ion cannons, and gravity well projectors. They excel in prolonged engagements and planetary bombardments.

3. **Strike Craft:**
- **Sith Interceptors:** Fast and agile starfighters piloted by elite Sith pilots. They excel in dogfights, reconnaissance, and surgical strikes against enemy capital ships.
- **Darkside Bombers:** Heavy assault craft armed with proton torpedoes, concussion missiles, and ion bombs. They are used for precision strikes against enemy installations and ground targets.

4. **Specialized Vessels:**
- **Sith Infiltrators:** Stealthy vessels used for infiltration, reconnaissance, and covert operations. They can slip past enemy defenses and gather intelligence or conduct sabotage missions.
- **Dark Side Enclave Ships:** Mobile command centers equipped with laboratories, meditation chambers, and dark side artifacts. They serve as hubs for Sith rituals, experimentation, and training.

- Advanced Sith technology and dark side enhancements.
- Coordination and strategy under the leadership of Darth Malvus.
- Diverse fleet composition for various mission types.
- Fear and intimidation factor instilled by the flagship, Shadow Eclipse.

- Reliance on Sith powers and dark side artifacts may be a double-edged sword.
- Vulnerable to coordinated attacks targeting key command and control systems.
- Potential internal power struggles or conflicts among ambitious Sith commanders.

**Operational History:**
The Shadow Eclipse Fleet has a history of successful military campaigns, conquests, and engagements under Darth Malvus's command. It has been instrumental in expanding the influence of The Obsidian Court, crushing opposition, and enforcing Sith dominance in key sectors of the galaxy.

**Future Objectives:**
The Shadow Eclipse Fleet continues to spearhead The Obsidian Court's ambitions, including expanding territory, confronting rivals, and furthering Darth Malvus's dark agenda. It remains a formidable force, feared by enemies and respected by allies within the Sith Empire.
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