Work In Progress Fenrir-Dire Wolf-NPC

Nov 28, 2023
Galactic Credits
Name: Fenrir
Credits: Ghost- Dire Wolf Game of Thrones
Consolidation Thread: NA
Appearance: Dire Wolf Puppy a little larger than the size of a Husky with a notched ear.


Character: Growls and is distrustful of anyone but Vyona who is training her. With Vyona shows a rare side of playfulness


  • Main Stats
    • Armour: Low-No armor so far Vyona is still training
      • Gear: Teeth
    • Speed: High-A Dire Wolf is fast and can lope for a fast stretches and a long time.
    • Melee: Average- Can fight and savage a warrior.
      • Weaponry: Teeth and claws.
    • Ranged: NA
      • Weaponry: NA
    • Morale: Very High- Won’t leave Vyona’s side until death.
    • Magic: Average-Shares a mental bond and instincts with Vyona even some mental communication.
  • TvM Requirement: 4v1
  • Affiliation: Vyona of the Wolf Clan. The Gladiators.

Spoiler: Point Cost Chart

Loyal- Since the bonding Fenrir is Vyona’s shadow and will only reluctantly stay behind when told to.

Intelligent- Smarter than regular wolves Dire Wolves have the capacity to understand language with the person they’ve bonded with at first simple then developed.

Young- Fenrir still needs to grow, eventually she’ll be the size of a shaggy pony but right now she’s merely a very young wolf with a lot to learn.

Animal- Despite her intelligence she’s still an animal and can’t speak out loud engange in conversations, she can only communicate with Vyona, she also can't hold tools or weapons.

Historical Information
When Vyona started recruiting for her Gladiator Company she noticed a young Dire Wolf pup in a cage cowering. Vyona’s people respected Dire Wolves and bought it and freed it creating a saced bond with her as she did so. Since then they’ve been marked as companions for life.
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