Guide Faction Creation Template

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Marcus Aumont

King Of Vampires
Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
Faction Name: [Enter Faction Name]
Leader/Leadership Council: [Name(s) of Faction Leader(s) or Leadership Council]
Alignment/Ideology: [Any Faction they are under, or sphere of influence. Are they Imperial Faction? Jedi Enclave? Cult? Independent System? A Corporation?]
- [Brief description of the faction's primary purpose, goals, or objectives]
- [Key beliefs, principles, or values that guide the faction's actions]

Membership: [How big is the organization? How can a character become a member?]

**Territory/Base of Operations:** [Is the faction based on a Location or stuff?]

**Key Figures/Notable Members:**
- [List of notable individuals within the faction, such as leaders, advisors, champions, etc.]

**Allies:** [List of allied factions, groups, or organizations]
**Enemies:** [List of rival factions, enemies, or adversaries]

- [Description of the faction's strengths, advantages, or resources]
- [Special abilities, technologies, or magic unique to the faction]

- [Description of the faction's weaknesses, vulnerabilities, or limitations]
- [Challenges or obstacles the faction faces]

- [Current goals or objectives the faction is pursuing]
- [Long-term ambitions or aspirations of the faction]

- [Brief overview of the faction's history, origins, and major events]
- [Founding members or historical leaders]

**Culture and Society:**
- [Social structure, government, leadership style, and hierarchy]
- [Cultural values, beliefs, traditions, and customs]

- [Overview of the faction's technological advancements, scientific achievements, or magical prowess]
- [Notable inventions, artifacts, or spells used by the faction]

**Military/Combat Forces:**
- [Description of the faction's military capabilities, strategies, and tactics]
- [Types of units, vehicles, weapons, or equipment used by the faction]

**Relations with Other Factions:**
- [Overview of the faction's relations, alliances, conflicts, and diplomacy with other factions]

**Economy and Resources:**
- [Description of economic activities, trade routes, resources, and industries within the faction]

**Current Status:**
- [Dominant influence or control within the setting or region]
- [Recent developments, events, or conflicts affecting the faction]

**Role in the Universe/Setting:**
- [Description of the faction's role, contributions, and impact on the wider universe or setting]
- [Reputation, renown, or infamy of the faction within the setting]


Feel free to customize and expand upon this template based on the specific faction you want to create a profile for, adding more details, sections, or categories as needed.
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