Approved Erovan Spearmen


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Erovan Spearmen

Consolidation Thread: NA
Unit Description: This is a generic Spearmen unit which can be used by anyone across the world of Terra Firma.

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: Low
      • Leather or linen outfit
      • Wooden Shield
    • Speed: Average
    • Melee: Average
      • Weaponry:
        • Spear, pitchfork or any other long and hard object which can be used for penetrating the enemy from a distance of two to three paces.
        • Dagger, hatchet, or skinning knife.
    • Ranged: NA
    • Morale: Average
    • Size: High (26-50 members)
    • Number: Global
      • Recruitment & Replenishment: These troops are almost exclusively levied from the general population of settlement, or drafted unskilled troops from bands or tribes.
  • TvM Requirement: 2vx
- Spearwall. The troops can form a cohesive spearwall that can prove rather deadly against an unarmoured cavalry charge.
- Bulwark. The spearmen are perfect units to have at the vanguard to soak in enemy charges, or ranged fire.

- Cheap Equipment. Although can be deployed in sizeable units, the overall gear of these troops is not anything to behold and are oftentimes plagued by lack of unity.
- Untrainned. The spearmen are not trainned troops, and by far not professionals. Therefore, they can usually perform only the most basic of manuveurs without collapsing their cohesion.


Historical Information
Practiced since the antediluvian times, drafting of peasants, citizens, or poor fellows was always a common practice to face an outsider threat, or simply bolster one's forces. Whether these poor blokes were invited, paid, or simply forced to fill the ranks, depends highly on where the unit was raised, when, and by whom, and varies greatly from place to place around Terra Firma. After the emergence of mounted units, especially cavalry, the need to come up with infantry that could repulse or at least grind down such units gave rise and preserved the spearmen formations throughout millennia.
Some countries tend to supply drafted troops with standardized equipment which can vary from wooden plank roundshields, to thatch sparabara, from bamboo sticks cut diagonally to iron point spears, and from randomly drafted peasants with pitch forks to unitized military with standard issue clothing.
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