Approved EotBL - Force Psychometry

Kaelen Jorr

Maverick of the Jedi Order
Sep 7, 2024
Galactic Credits
Discipline Name: Force Psychometry

Affiliation: Jedi Order, Independent Force Users

Discipline Description:
Force Psychometry, also known as "Touch Echo," is a rare and unique Force ability that allows a user to perceive the memories, emotions, and experiences associated with an object or location by touching it. This ability enables the practitioner to read residual psychic imprints left by significant events, people, or energies connected to the object. Due to its unpredictable and potentially overwhelming nature, it is seldom taught or widely practiced within the Jedi Order.

Primary Abilities:

1. Memory Reading
- Description: The ability to touch an object or location and perceive visions or sensory impressions of past events associated with it. The clarity and detail of these impressions depend on the strength of the emotional or psychic residue and the user's sensitivity.
- Usage: Commonly used for investigation, detective work, and uncovering hidden or lost information. Practitioners may use it to gain insight into the history of an item or understand the fate of individuals connected to it.

2. Empathic Resonance
- Description: Allows the practitioner to experience the emotions of the person or event connected to the object, such as fear, anger, love, or joy. This ability can provide deeper context and understanding but may also expose the user to intense or dangerous feelings.
- Usage: Used to empathize with or understand the motivations of individuals, decipher emotional states, or resolve conflicts. Also employed to gain insight into a person's true intentions or psychological state.

Training and Mastery:

- Training Requirements:
Training in Force Psychometry requires a strong affinity for the Force and emotional intelligence. Practitioners must develop meditation techniques to control and filter the flood of memories and emotions they encounter. Training begins with harmless or mundane objects to build familiarity and control. Mentorship is crucial, as more experienced users can guide novices in managing overwhelming experiences.

- Mastery Level:
- Apprentice: Learns basic methods to sense vague impressions from objects.
- Knight: Can perceive specific memories and emotions with clarity, filtering relevant information from chaotic impressions.
- Master: Achieves exceptional precision in reading the most minute details of past events and controlling the intensity of emotional feedback, even in highly charged or traumatic situations.

Philosophy and Ethics:
Practitioners of Force Psychometry are expected to approach this ability with caution and respect for privacy. The Jedi Code discourages the use of this power to invade the privacy of others or for personal gain. It is considered ethically neutral but can easily lead to dangerous or dark side tendencies if used without care or for malicious intent.

Notable Practitioners:
- Selura Naal: A Jedi Master of the Enclave of the Burning Light who specialized in Force Psychometry to uncover hidden truths and recover lost artifacts. She was known for her deep empathy and ability to read even the faintest of echoes.
- Kaelen Jorr: A Jedi Knight trained by Selura Naal, who utilized Force Psychometry to gain insights into his opponents and understand the history of important objects. He has used this ability to great effect in his explorations and battles.
- Vima-Da-Boda: An ancient Jedi who used this ability to locate lost artifacts and historical relics.

History and Origins:
Force Psychometry has ancient origins, believed to have been discovered by early Jedi explorers and scholars. While it has occasionally surfaced among Jedi or other Force-sensitive individuals, it has never been part of standard Jedi training due to its unpredictable nature. The ability requires natural aptitude, often appearing in those with heightened sensitivity to emotions or empathy. It remains a tool of investigation for those few who possess the gift.

Usage in Combat or Practice:
While not directly useful in combat, Force Psychometry is invaluable for investigations, intelligence gathering, and artifact retrieval. It allows practitioners to track targets, solve mysteries, or locate objects of significance by reading their histories. In some rare cases, users have used the emotional resonance from objects to predict an opponent’s moves or gain insight into their weaknesses.

Variants or Branches:
- Dark Psychometry: A forbidden variant that involves focusing on negative emotions such as pain, fear, or hatred to extract information or break the will of an opponent. This practice is associated with the dark side and can have corruptive effects on the user.
- Enhanced Echo Reading: A specialized form allowing the user to tap into deeper layers of an object's history, accessing memories and experiences over vast periods. This variant requires exceptional skill and control.
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