Approved EotBL - Fold Space

Kaelen Jorr

Maverick of the Jedi Order
Sep 7, 2024
Galactic Credits
Discipline Name: Fold Space

Affiliation: Independent Force Tradition (Aing-Tii Monks); Enclave of the Burning Light

Discipline Description:
Fold Space is a highly advanced and obscure Force discipline that allows the user to manipulate the fabric of space itself, enabling them to teleport themselves, others, or objects over short to moderate distances. Unlike other Force abilities, Fold Space requires an intricate understanding of the Force's relationship with time and space, making it exceptionally rare and difficult to master. Practitioners must be able to visualize their destination with absolute clarity, as any error in concentration can lead to catastrophic results.

Primary Abilities:

1. Spatial Teleportation
- Description: The ability to instantly transport oneself, others, or objects from one point in space to another by folding space, effectively bypassing physical distance. Range is generally limited to a few kilometers, though experienced practitioners can extend this range to interstellar distances under specific conditions.
- Usage: Used for quick escapes, surprise attacks, and covert movement. Often employed to navigate challenging terrain, avoid capture, or access secured locations.

2. Object Displacement
- Description: The ability to relocate objects, such as weapons, tools, or items, without direct contact by manipulating space around them. The effectiveness and range of this ability depend on the practitioner's focus and control over the Force.
- Usage: Commonly used to retrieve lost or needed objects quickly, disarm opponents, or rearrange items in tactical situations without physical movement.

Training and Mastery:

- Training Requirements:
Learning Fold Space requires intensive meditation and concentration exercises to enhance spatial awareness and Force sensitivity. A practitioner must also study the philosophy of the Aing-Tii monks, which emphasizes a non-linear understanding of time and space. Training often begins with small objects and gradually moves to larger targets or self-teleportation. Emotional discipline and mental clarity are crucial, as doubts or distractions can lead to severe consequences.

- Mastery Level:
- Apprentice: Learns basic theory and begins initial practice with small objects.
- Knight: Can teleport short distances or move medium-sized objects with relative confidence.
- Master: Achieves precise control over teleportation, capable of moving across large distances or transporting multiple objects/people simultaneously.

Philosophy and Ethics:
Fold Space is grounded in a deep philosophical understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. Practitioners view the manipulation of space as a reflection of the Force's binding nature, seeing each use of the ability as a ripple that affects the broader universe. The discipline is considered ethically neutral but can lean towards light or dark based on the user's intentions. It requires significant restraint and responsibility, as misuse or recklessness could result in unintended harm.

Notable Practitioners:
- Aing-Tii Monks: Original practitioners of Fold Space, using it to navigate the dangerous Kathol Rift and maintain secrecy.
- Selura Naal: A Jedi Master who learned Fold Space from the Aing-Tii monks and taught it to her Padawan, Kaelen Jorr.
- Kaelen Jorr: A Jedi Knight of the Enclave of the Burning Light, who utilizes Fold Space for tactical advantages in battle and exploration.

History and Origins:
Fold Space originated with the Aing-Tii monks, a mysterious species residing in the Kathol Rift. They developed this ability to navigate their hazardous home region and to maintain their isolation from the broader galaxy. Jedi Master Selura Naal encountered the Aing-Tii monks during her travels, learning the discipline and passing it to her Padawan, Kaelen Jorr. While a few Jedi have experimented with Fold Space, it remains outside the traditional teachings of the Jedi Order due to its potential dangers and complexity.

Usage in Combat or Practice:
Fold Space can be utilized in combat to outmaneuver opponents, deliver surprise attacks, or avoid detection. It allows for swift repositioning on the battlefield, retrieval of important items, and the ability to escape from otherwise inescapable situations. In practice, it is also used for exploration, reconnaissance, and diplomatic missions where stealth or rapid movement is required.

Variants or Branches:
- Spatial Melding: An advanced variant allowing a master to temporarily phase themselves or objects partially out of sync with regular space, becoming intangible or hidden from detection.
- Mass Displacement: An experimental technique focusing on moving multiple entities or larger objects, requiring intense concentration and a heightened level of mastery over Fold Space.
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