Approved Ensign Tali’ra Korr


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Name: Tali’ra Korr

Role: Tali’ra is one of two personal bodyguards for the Sith Lord of the Starborn Sect.

Tali’ra has smooth and unblemished red skin. Her lekku are roughly two feet in length and curve backwards, running down far enough to touch her shoulders. She appears to be in her early twenties. Her attire consists of a form-fitting black armor that covers the torso and shoulders, with some gray and blue accents. She also has a utility belt around her waist.

- Lightsaber: Tali'ra Korr wields a crimson-bladed lightsaber crafted with a sleek, tapered hilt, exuding an aura of elegance and power. The hilt is adorned with intricate Sith engravings, featuring dark symbols that resonate with her allegiance to the Sith. The crimson blade emits a menacing glow, reflecting her mastery of the dark side of the Force. Its construction may incorporate rare materials or advanced technology, enhancing its durability and effectiveness in combat.

- Blaster Pistol: Tali'ra Korr's blaster pistol is a compact yet formidable weapon, perfectly suited for her role as a Sith Acolyte and bodyguard to Darth Fauste. The pistol features a matte-black finish, blending seamlessly with her dark attire. Custom modifications adorn the weapon, enhancing its accuracy, firepower, and versatility in combat situations. These enhancements may include a precision targeting system, a high-capacity energy cell, and a rapid-fire mechanism, allowing Tali'ra to dispatch her enemies with lethal efficiency.

- History: Tali'ra Korr's journey began on the vibrant world of Ryloth, where she was born into a family of humble origins. From a young age, Tali'ra displayed an innate connection to the Force, catching the attention of Sith recruiters who scoured the galaxy for promising talents. At the age of eight, she was whisked away from her home and brought to Korriban, the ancient Sith stronghold, to undergo rigorous training in the dark side of the Force.

Under the guidance of various Sith masters, Tali'ra honed her skills in combat, manipulation, and the esoteric arts of the Sith. Her thirst for knowledge and ambition set her apart, propelling her swiftly through the ranks of the Sith hierarchy. However, Tali'ra's hunger for understanding surpassed mere thirst for power; she sought to unravel the deepest mysteries of the Force.

It was during her training on Korriban that Tali'ra crossed paths with Darth Fauste, a visionary Sith Lord who had founded the enigmatic Starborn Sect. Fauste recognized Tali'ra's potential and took her under her wing, nurturing her intellect and guiding her on a path of enlightenment. Tali'ra found herself drawn to Fauste's teachings, which emphasized the pursuit of knowledge and understanding as the true path to power.

As Tali'ra rose in prominence within the Starborn Sect, she became not only Fauste's protege but also her most trusted confidante and bodyguard. Together, they embarked on a quest for ancient relics and lost lore, seeking to unlock the secrets of the Force and reshape the galaxy according to their vision. Tali'ra's loyalty to Fauste was unwavering, driven not by blind devotion but by a shared thirst for knowledge and enlightenment.

However, their path was fraught with challenges and adversaries. As they delved deeper into the mysteries of the Force, they attracted the attention of rival Sith Lords and clandestine organizations, all vying for control of the secrets they sought to uncover. Tali'ra's resolve would be tested as she faced betrayal, temptation, and the shadows of her own past, all while navigating the treacherous currents of Sith politics and ancient rivalries.

Through it all, Tali'ra remained steadfast in her commitment to Darth Fauste and the Starborn Sect, driven by a burning desire to unlock the true potential of the Force and reshape the galaxy in their image. As she walked the razor's edge between light and dark, Tali'ra Korr emerged as a formidable force to be reckoned with, a Twi'lek Sith Acolyte whose thirst for knowledge knew no bounds.
- Motivations: Tali'ra Korr's motivations, goals, desires, and fears are intricately woven into the fabric of her identity as a Sith Acolyte and her relationship with Darth Fauste. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Tali'ra seeks to unravel the deepest mysteries of the Force, believing that true power lies not only in mastering its dark aspects but also in enlightenment and understanding. Her loyalty and admiration for Darth Fauste serve as guiding lights on her journey, as she yearns for recognition within the Sith Order and validation of her worthiness as Fauste's protege. Yet, beneath her ambition lies a longing for acceptance and intimacy, a desire to connect with others in a world consumed by power struggles and betrayal. Tali'ra's goals are clear: to ascend to the pinnacle of Sith mastery, to uncover the hidden truths of the Force, and to aid Darth Fauste in the realization of their shared vision for the galaxy. However, lurking beneath her outward confidence are deep-seated fears of failure and inadequacy, of betrayal and abandonment, and of losing herself to the darkness that threatens to consume her soul. Through it all, Tali'ra navigates the treacherous waters of Sith politics and personal ambition, driven by a burning desire to carve out her own destiny amidst the chaos of the galaxy.

- Traits: While she exudes an aura of confidence and determination, there is an underlying intensity and focus to her demeanor that hints at the depths of her ambition and thirst for knowledge. Tali'ra's attitude is marked by a blend of loyalty and pragmatism, as she remains steadfast in her devotion to Darth Fauste and the Starborn Sect while carefully navigating the political machinations of the Sith Order. Despite her outward confidence, Tali'ra's temperament can be tempered by moments of introspection and vulnerability, as she grapples with the weight of her responsibilities and the shadows of her past. Beneath her stoic facade lies a passionate and driven individual, driven by a burning desire to leave her mark on the galaxy and unlock the secrets of the Force.
- Interactions: Tali’ra Korr's interactions with others are characterized by a calculated blend of charm, manipulation, and loyalty, reflecting her adeptness at navigating the intricate web of Sith politics and personal relationships. In her dealings with allies and adversaries alike, Tali'ra exudes an air of confidence and poise, using her charisma and intellect to sway others to her cause. She forms alliances based on mutual benefit, forging alliances with those who can further her own goals and ambitions within the Sith hierarchy.

However, beneath her diplomatic facade lies a shrewd and calculating mind, always assessing the strengths and weaknesses of those around her. Tali'ra is not afraid to resort to manipulation and deceit to achieve her objectives, using her wit and cunning to outmaneuver her rivals and secure her position within the Sith Order.

Despite her penchant for manipulation, Tali'ra is not without genuine connections and relationships. Her loyalty to Darth Fauste runs deep, and she shares a playful flirtation with her mentor that belies the seriousness of their shared mission. Their dynamic is characterized by a mix of camaraderie, mutual respect, and a hint of romantic tension, adding depth and complexity to their partnership.

However, Tali'ra's relationships are not without their conflicts and challenges. She navigates the treacherous waters of Sith politics with caution, wary of betrayal and deceit from those who seek to undermine her ambitions. Yet, through it all, Tali'ra remains resolute in her commitment to Darth Fauste and the Starborn Sect, forging alliances and confronting conflicts with a steely determination that belies her true strength of character.

- Skills: Tali'ra Korr possesses a formidable array of skills, abilities, and expertise that make her a formidable Sith Acolyte and a valuable asset to Darth Fauste and the Starborn Sect. In combat, Tali'ra is a master of lightsaber combat, wielding her crimson-bladed weapon with precision and finesse. Her agility and speed allow her to outmaneuver opponents, while her mastery of the dark side of the Force grants her enhanced strength and resilience in battle.

Beyond her prowess in combat, Tali'ra is a skilled manipulator and strategist, adept at navigating the intricate web of Sith politics and personal rivalries. Her sharp intellect and keen intuition make her a formidable opponent in negotiations and diplomatic maneuvers, while her ability to inspire loyalty and devotion in others earns her the respect and admiration of allies and followers alike.

Tali'ra's expertise extends beyond the battlefield and the political arena; she is also a skilled researcher and scholar, with a deep understanding of ancient lore and esoteric knowledge. Her thirst for knowledge drives her to uncover the hidden truths of the Force, delving into forbidden texts and arcane rituals in her quest for enlightenment and power.

Overall, Tali'ra Korr's skills, abilities, and expertise make her a force to be reckoned with in the galaxy, as she navigates the perilous currents of Sith intrigue and ancient mysteries with unwavering determination and resolve.
- Weaknesses:
Despite her formidable skills and abilities, Tali'ra Korr is not without her weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and limitations. One of her primary vulnerabilities lies in her unwavering loyalty to Darth Fauste and the Starborn Sect, which can be exploited by enemies seeking to undermine her or manipulate her for their own ends. Her deep emotional connection to Fauste also leaves her susceptible to feelings of betrayal or abandonment, should their relationship be tested or strained.

Additionally, Tali'ra's relentless pursuit of knowledge and power can sometimes blind her to the ethical implications of her actions, leading her to justify morally questionable decisions in the name of her ambitions. This moral ambiguity can alienate potential allies and sow seeds of discord within her own ranks, making her vulnerable to betrayal or dissent from within.

Furthermore, Tali'ra's past traumas and insecurities serve as emotional scars that can be exploited by her enemies, particularly those who seek to undermine her confidence or manipulate her through psychological means. Her fear of failure and inadequacy, rooted in the loss of her family and the ever-present specter of betrayal within the Sith Order, can be a source of weakness if left unchecked.

Lastly, Tali'ra's reliance on the dark side of the Force carries inherent risks, as it can consume her soul and corrupt her spirit if she succumbs to its temptations. Her constant struggle to maintain control over her emotions and desires leaves her vulnerable to the lure of the dark side, posing a threat not only to herself but also to those around her if she were to lose control. Despite her strength and resilience, Tali'ra Korr's weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and limitations serve as reminders of her humanity amidst the darkness of the Sith Order.

- Allies: Starborn Sect, Lyanna Starborn - Darth Fauste, Lieutenant Sariah Voss, Advisor Elysia Ren
- Enemies/Rivals: Obsidian Court, Darth Malvus
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