Approved Organization Enclave of the Burning Light

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Kaelen Jorr

Maverick of the Jedi Order
Sep 7, 2024
Galactic Credits

Faction Name: Enclave of the Burning Light

Leader/Leadership Council:
- Council of Flamekeepers:
- Flamekeeper of Passion: Master Selura Naal (Mirialan, founder of the Enclave)
- Flamekeeper of Courage: Jedi Knight Kaelen Jorr (Mirialan, the Maverick)
- Flamekeeper of Wisdom: Master Vintara Fel (Cerean, a former Jedi Consular)
- Flamekeeper of Balance: Master Jarek Morn (Human, former Jedi Watchman)
- Flamekeeper of Justice: Knight Verith Tael (Zabrak, a passionate defender of the weak)

- Jedi Enclave (Independent)
- Ideology: Embrace emotions, balance between light and dark, personal autonomy, and pragmatism.

- To create a Jedi path that accepts emotions as a strength rather than a weakness.
- To maintain the balance between the light and dark sides of the Force while protecting the innocent and maintaining justice.
- To provide a sanctuary for Jedi and Force-sensitive beings who seek a different path from the traditional Jedi Order.

- Size: Small, around one hundred (100) members, including Jedi Knights, Padawans, and non-Jedi Companions.
- Recruitment: Open to Jedi and Force-sensitive individuals who feel constrained by the orthodox Jedi Code, as well as non-Jedi who align with their beliefs. They accept initiates of all ages, welcoming those who may not have found acceptance in the traditional Jedi Order.

Territory/Base of Operations:
- Base: The ancient Jedi ruins on Ossus, centered around a partially restored temple that serves as their primary base of operations. They maintain a hidden satellite base on a small moon within the Outer Rim for covert missions and training.

Key Figures/Notable Members:
- Selura Naal: Founder and leader of the Enclave, a former Jedi Master known for her radical views on embracing emotions.
- Kaelen Jorr: The Maverick, a passionate young Jedi Knight who symbolizes the Enclave's ethos of emotional mastery.
- Vintara Fel: A wise and cautious Cerean Jedi who serves as a spiritual guide for the Enclave.
- Jarek Morn: A seasoned human Jedi Watchman who provides balance between the more radical members.
- Verith Tael: A Zabrak Jedi Knight known for his dedication to justice and his fiery temperament.

- Some members of the Jedi Order sympathetic to their cause.
- Various independent worlds and groups that align with their mission of justice and balance.
- Certain Rebel cells who value their support against Sith forces and Imperial tyranny.

- The Sith Empire, due to their philosophical opposition and military confrontations.
- Traditionalist factions within the Jedi Order who view them as dangerously unorthodox.
- Various crime syndicates and dark-side cults they actively oppose.

- Emotional Mastery: Unique ability to harness emotions like passion, love, and righteous anger, allowing for unpredictable strategies and combat prowess.
- Adaptability: Pragmatic and flexible approach, able to adapt to different situations and make quick decisions.
- Close-Knit Community: Strong bonds and loyalty among members, fostering trust and resilience.
- Force Nexus Access: Their base on Ossus is built around a natural Force Nexus, enhancing their Force abilities and meditation practices.

- Isolation: Their independent nature isolates them from the main Jedi Order's resources and support.
- Philosophical Division: Their unorthodox beliefs make them a target of suspicion or hostility from both Jedi and Sith.
- Small Numbers: They lack the large-scale military presence or backing of the traditional Jedi Order.
- Internal Struggles: The balance between emotional control and indulgence can be difficult, leading to potential conflicts or inner turmoil among members.

- Current Goals:
- Protect Force-sensitive beings who feel marginalized or threatened.
- Investigate and thwart Sith activities, especially those manipulating emotions and dark-side energies.
- Spread their doctrine to attract like-minded individuals and expand their influence.

- Long-term Ambitions:
- To change the Jedi Order’s stance on emotions and promote a new philosophy of balance.
- To ensure a future where Jedi can embrace their full emotional spectrum without falling to the dark side.

- Founded by Selura Naal after she left the Jedi Order, feeling constrained by its dogmatic detachment and rigid Code. Inspired by her experiences and those of like-minded Jedi, she established the Enclave of the Burning Light on Ossus, a planet with rich Jedi history but largely abandoned.
- Over time, other Jedi who resonated with her vision joined, and the Enclave grew, maintaining a tenuous but important link to the Jedi Order while forging their own path.

Culture and Society:
- Leadership Style: Council of Flamekeepers governs with collaborative decision-making, valuing all members' opinions.
- Values: Passion, loyalty, justice, emotional awareness, and a balance between light and dark.
- Customs: Rituals involve embracing personal emotional journeys, meditations on the Force's duality, and open discussions about moral dilemmas and personal growth.

- Technological Focus: Advanced lightsaber crafting with unique designs tailored to personal style.
- Artifacts: Utilize ancient Jedi artifacts found on Ossus, enhancing meditation and Force control.
- Experimental Force Techniques: Techniques that blend light and dark side energies for non-destructive purposes, like enhanced healing and defense.

Military/Combat Forces:
- Combat Capabilities: Emphasizes versatile, guerilla-style tactics, often employing small, agile units for surgical strikes or covert operations.
- Units: Composed of Jedi Knights (Flames), Sentinels, and non-Jedi Companions who act as scouts, diplomats, and tech specialists.
- Weapons/Equipment: Modified lightsabers, light armor, and utility belts for various missions.

Relations with Other Factions:
- Positive Relations: Some sympathetic Jedi and independent systems.
- Conflicted Relations: The main Jedi Order (mixed reception); allied Rebel cells (depends on local politics).
- Hostile Relations: The Sith Empire, various dark-side cults, and crime syndicates.

Economy and Resources:
- Resource Acquisition: Relies on donations from sympathizers, trading rare artifacts and information, and salvaging.
- Self-Sufficiency: The Enclave emphasizes resourcefulness, encouraging members to be self-reliant and to contribute to maintaining their base and fleet.

Current Status:
- Dominant Influence: Limited but growing; operates mostly in the Outer Rim territories.
- Recent Developments: Expanding influence by conducting missions that aid local populations and demonstrate their strength and moral clarity.

Role in the Universe/Setting:
- Role: Acts as a wildcard faction, unpredictable but valuable in galactic conflicts. Serves as both ally and rival to various factions, depending on the situation.
- Reputation: Viewed as a controversial but intriguing group of Jedi radicals, respected for their skills but distrusted for their unconventional beliefs.
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