Approved Edition 2: H.U.S.K

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits


UNIT NAME: Edition-2: H.U.S.K

UNIT TYPE: Heavy Infantry

AFFILIATION: Rul Tondar / Whatever faction he works for


FUNCTION: To flesh out Rul Tondars roster of units​

  • Primary Weapon: Arm Cannon (Laser Cannon)
  • Secondary Weapons: Internal Explosives
  • Armor/Protection: Reinforced Platting integrated into the body

H.U.S.K are poor souls, whose bodies have been forfeited to the cruel world of science. Bodies which have been so heavily modified to make these creatures survive being living weapons. Their right arms have been surgically replaced with large heavy laser cannons, in addition to smaller explosives being placed within their modified bodies in case of an overwhelming situation. Although the explosive range is little more than the personal area of the H.U.S.K it can still show potential. Like most of Rul Tondar#s creations, these abominations have no sense of self and, are little more than heavy armoured flesh droids created for battle. The H.U.S.K's bodies house power cells to fuel the laser cannons, which can be recharged at a charging station, yet the fuel often outlives the wielder only to be reused in a different model. Their minds have been overtaken by droid chips which take control of the entire body and all its functions. Some say the souls of those humans are still alive and have been forced into the back seat of their bodies, dammed to an eternal casket that is their own flesh.

  • Fearless: The fear response was removed from the brains of these modified soldiers, giving them a ride-or-die mentality
  • Firepower: Having a laser cannon as an arm has the potential for incredible firepower, as these weapons are commonly mounted on vehicles, not on humans
  • Size: The incredible mechanism attached to these pieces of flesh weighs a large amount, not only does this slow down these troops in their movement, it also quickly drains them of energy, and in worst cases kills them after a single use.
  • Mindless: These beings can not think for themselves and will only do what is asked of them, without a competent leader these tools of war have little use.


Little is more entertaining than watching the poor carry their heavy bags around all day. The weight that rests on their shoulders is little to the harsh life of a noble, of course, the lesser folk would not understand this. Rul Tondar hated little more than the common folk, and as such their torture came naturally to him. Project H.U.S.K relied on a terrible scheme that told civilians on poorer planets about a stable job and the power to stand up for themselves. Lured in with false promises of power and freedom, those who signed up for the program were imprisoned and one by one turned through extravagant and insanely painful operations into these beautiful killing machines called H.U.S.K. The program is still on campaign and recruits keep unknowingly fueling Rul Tondar's armies with more flesh.
@TheThird i really start liking that Rul guy.... reminds me of the KYIs. But more efficient.
In essence, servitors with big boom sticks. Approved from my side and craving the dark day my toons face em in the field!

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