Consolidation Duality

Lyanna Starborn

Darth Fauste - Sith Lord of the Starborn Sect
May 10, 2024
Galactic Credits
Darth Fauste founded the Starborn Sect on the principles of knowledge, cooperation, and strength in solidarity. It began with Tali’ra Korr, a woman that would later become a trusted personal bodyguard. They began to rapidly evolve from there as she gathered likeminded Force users to her cause. They became the outliers of the Sith Empire, a small step above the Marauders. Only their strength kept them safe from the machinations of many a rival Sith Lord.

They spent most of their time scavenging through the entire galaxy in search for ancient texts, holocrons, or artifacts. Anyone that served the Starborn Sect had the right to access them aboard the Machiavellian. While the Sith Lord kept the more powerful artifacts and comprehensive texts in her throne room, the vast majority were kept archived in the bowels of the battleship. Learning was encouraged.

It eventually occurred to Fauste that she was knowingly handicapping herself by restricting herself and her followers to the Dark side of the Force. Once she had come to that realization, the decision came easily. Fauste passed down the mandate to begin researching both sides of the Force. While not as abundant, the Starborn Sect possessed a small collection of Jedi texts, holocrons, and artifacts. Enough to start the process.

Lyanna, as Fauste was known to a select few, spearheaded the research herself. It was difficult at first. Everyone had to essentially start over and relearn everything. Where as the Dark required passion and aggression, the Light required calm and tranquility. Progress was slow going at first. There was no one right answer.

Everyone had a different approach.

Fauste had discovered a path of her own through the teachings of the Echani.

Stemming from childhood, training in hand to hand combat allowed her to find inner peace. It became her own version of meditation. Connecting to the Light left her feeling refreshed and in a good mood. The first major goal was to learn Force Healing, a coveted technique for any Force user. While it was possible with the Dark, it often exacted a heavy toll from the user.

The first step to achieving that was to master the mentality. To achieve the same state of mind she had during practice on command. Easier said than done as she had discovered.


Deep in the heart of the Machiavellian, in the room holding the Throne of Fauste, Lyanna worked through several forms. Her normally pale skin had a light red twinge with a light sheen of sweat. She was panting softly, though her face carried a tranquil quality. Gone was the passion that so often drove her in the pursuit of knowledge.

Instead sat a calm sea, flat waters as far as the eye could see.

Light bubbled forth all around her, trailing across her skin like a long lost lover. It was so natural in the way that it filled her and left a deep well of positivity. Fauste felt utterly fascinated. No, she was downright infatuated. It was almost like being in the Academy once more. Learning to use the Force for the first time.

Lyanna slowed, focusing on her state of mind.


Eventually, she stopped.

It did not change abruptly.

Basking in the Light, she memorized everything she felt in that moment. It was ruined as her own passion made itself known. Rearing up as she learned to use a new facet of the Force. Nevertheless, a bright smile lit up the room around her. It was a small success in the grand scheme of things. Nearly negligible in the long run. Progress was nice though.

Lyanna sucked in a breath.

“Perhaps it is the memory imbedded in the training itself? I can scarcely recall a time more peaceful than my childhood.” Her gaze turned to the only other occupant of her throne room. “What say you, Tali?
Tali’ra Korr observed her master with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. The flickering light of the room contrasted sharply with her red and black skin, accentuating the depth of her emotions. She had always admired Fauste's relentless pursuit of knowledge, but this new path puzzled her.

"Master," she began, her voice carrying the cautious respect she had cultivated over years of apprenticeship, "It is... peculiar, to say the least. The concept of finding peace through combat—it's not an easy idea to grasp for one steeped in the ways of the Dark Side."

Tali’ra paused, her mind racing through the countless hours she had spent honing her skills in the brutal, passion-fueled training that the Sith demanded. "The Echani's approach is fascinating, but it seems almost contradictory. We have always been taught that passion is our strength. Yet here, you're suggesting that tranquility can unlock the same, if not greater, power."

Her lekku twitched slightly, betraying her internal conflict. "Still, if it is the memory embedded in the training, then perhaps the state of mind you achieve during combat is tied to something deeper than the act itself. It could be that the peace you found as a child is manifesting through your movements. A bridge between past tranquility and present aggression."

She took a step closer, her eyes narrowing slightly as she pondered further. "I wonder, though, if this method can be replicated by others. Not everyone has your childhood or your specific experiences. If we are to learn and teach this technique, there must be a way to translate it into something more universal."

Tali’ra's expression softened, showing a rare glimpse of vulnerability. "I admit, the idea of drawing upon the Light is... enticing. To heal without the toll, to find peace amidst the chaos—we could achieve so much more. But I fear the path may be too difficult for many. Still, I am willing to try, to learn."

She met Fauste's gaze, determination shining through her eyes. "Guide me, Master. Show me how to bridge this chasm between the Light and the Dark. If anyone can master this duality, it is you."
Tali’ra Korr.

The student that every master desired but so rarely received. Dutiful to a fault, Tali’ra never failed to put everything she had into her training. It left a heady feeling in the Sith Lord’s chest, prompting the Echani to smile brilliantly at her. Lyanna had no doubt that her apprentice would impress her with results in time. After all, Tali’ra did not condone failure of her own making. Truthfully her apprentice could benefit from relaxing more every now and then.


Lyanna motioned for the Twi’lek to copy her as she began to once again move through the forms of the Echani martial arts. It had proven beneficial that the Sith Lord insisted on all of her followers learning the techniques of her people. As her student followed in her steps, Fauste tried not to lose herself this time. Instead she focused on the memories of her childhood. The warmth of a home cooked meal, the love of a mother’s embrace, anything that could bring her peace.

All at once, the Light answered in kind.

It swam all around her. As natural as the waxing and waning tides of the sea. Even in the dark void of space, it strongly reminded her of nature itself. Lyanna felt a strong compulsion to visit her homeworld in the near future. To glimpse the seas of Eshan in the flesh and bask in the warm air by the equator. Truly the Light was a beautiful facet of the Force.

All the while, Fauste kept an eye on her apprentice. Gauging the Twi’lek’s own progress. Her comment from earlier had merit, the Sith Lord’s experiences unique to her. Lyanna weighed her words. “Indeed. As you move, I want you to focus on memories that bring a sense of peace to you. I can not speak for you on this matter so it may be whatever you believe it to be. Tell me if that makes a difference.”

Awaiting a response, Lyanna continued to bask in the positivity of the Light. Her inner scholar hard at work taking note of everything in the meantime. This was less of a lesson and more trial and error to see what worked the best. There was no one that the silver haired woman trusted to help her on this matter more than her own apprentice.

Truly, they were cut from the same cloth. They were both passionate women with a thirst for knowledge. Lyanna considered it something of an honor to call Tali’ra her student. Not that she would openly tell the Twi’lek that. All of that pride would do more harm than good, she wagered.
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Tali’ra’s mind raced as she watched her master move through the forms with a grace that seemed almost supernatural. She mirrored Lyanna’s movements, each step a deliberate echo of the Sith Lord’s own, her red and black skin glistening as she concentrated deeply. The trust and respect she felt from her master filled her with a rare warmth, and she found herself wanting to meet—and exceed—Fauste’s expectations.

"Memories that bring a sense of peace," she repeated softly, her voice thoughtful. Her life had been one of harsh training and constant vigilance, yet she knew there were moments, however fleeting, where she had felt a semblance of calm.

As she moved, Tali’ra closed her eyes, allowing her mind to drift to those rare, precious memories. The scent of her mother’s cooking, the sound of her siblings’ laughter, the gentle touch of her father’s hand on her head as he told her stories of their ancestors. These were the fragments of peace she clung to in her darkest moments.

To her surprise, she felt a shift within her. The usual fierce passion she wielded so expertly seemed to soften, replaced by a subtle, calming warmth. She continued to move through the forms, feeling the Light beginning to respond, not as forcefully as it did for Lyanna, but enough to notice a difference.

"It’s... working, Master," she said, her voice tinged with awe. "I can feel it. It’s not as strong as what you experience, but there’s a change. A sense of tranquility I’ve never felt before during training."

She paused, her eyes still closed, as she let the sensation wash over her. "It’s difficult, though. Keeping those peaceful memories in focus while moving is... challenging. But I see now why you insist on this approach. There’s a power here, a balance, that’s unlike anything I’ve felt through the Dark Side."

Tali’ra opened her eyes, meeting Fauste’s gaze with a newfound determination. "I will master this, Master. I will learn to bridge the gap between the Light and the Dark, just as you have. Thank you for guiding me on this path. I understand now that true power lies in mastering both sides of the Force."

She took a deep breath, the peaceful memories still lingering in her mind. "I won’t let you down. Together, we will uncover the full potential of this duality. I promise you that."

Tali’ra resumed her training with renewed vigor, her mind and body working in harmony as she strived to achieve the balance that Fauste had shown her. The path was arduous, but with her master by her side, she knew she could succeed.
“I have no doubt that you will exceed my expectations, my young apprentice.”

Lyanna tried to move the Force as she desired, subconsciously attempting to bend it to her will. The energy defied her at every turn and the Dark grew in strength. Dismayed, the Sith Lord pondered on her pivotal mistake. Perhaps the Light could not be moved the same way as the Dark? It made sense. Utilizing the Dark side meant bending the Force to the user’s will, forcing it to comply in a manner that it did not wish to. Utilizing the Light surely meant the opposite.

This time, Fauste attempted to guide the Light instead. Beckoning it to move along the path that she desired. It was more willing this time around and followed her command, relishing in the soft approach like a loving pet. She immediately regretted that analogy. No, it was something far more. The words seemed to escape her in that moment.

To be of the Light, one must guide. To be of the Dark, one must subjugate.

It was almost poetic.

Lyanna continued the exercise, coiling the energy around her limbs as she moved. It felt extraordinary. While no better than a Youngling in the Light, she felt a great sense of accomplishment wash over her. Asking Tali’ra to sit in on one of her experiments had proven to be a breakthrough. One that she had sorely needed.

“You have my thanks, Tali,” the Sith Lord stated. The gratitude more than evident on her face. “You opened my eyes to what I was overlooking this entire time. It might have taken me so much longer to find the answer on my own. Instead I can spend my time refining the process.”

Curiosity pushed toward the forefront of her thoughts.

Do the Jedi feel like this the entire time? So tranquil. So utterly delightful. It was almost enough to make her envious. Almost. Instead she felt a newfound respect for her enemy, though she still strongly disagreed with their beliefs. In that aspect, she proved herself a devout Sith Lord. She felt no compulsion to use her gifts for the betterment of the galaxy.

No, she would much rather use this to further the interests of the Starborn Sect. Propel them ever onward toward the secrets of the Force. The attainment of knowledge that no one alive could rightfully claim as their own. Darth Fauste let out a breezy giggle at the inner dialogue. Not once had she stopped going through the motions, droplets of sweat beading up on her brow.

“We must exercise caution using such abilities in the company of other Sith factions. They might yet use it as their excuse to wage war on us.”

One thing that stood out in the Starborn’s archives were the lack of Sith that utilized the Light. It was almost as if someone had erased them from history. Having learned of past monarchs, such a thing came as no surprise. Even still. Surely some record had survived such a purging. If it had, she had no such luck in tracking it down. And she had tried.

By the Force, the entire Sect had tried.

Failure had made for an uncomfortable realization. Her own faction might face annihilation if they were to reveal that they were tampering with the Light. Considering the power imbalance in the galaxy, they could ill afford a conflict on multiple fronts. They would need to stick to the Dark whenever they dealt with rival factions. Perhaps even against the Jedi.

While the Jedi and Sith hated each other, the opposing sides had worked together on a number of occasions. Lyanna felt no interest in becoming such an occasion. It would behoove the Sith Lord and the Starborn Sect to keep the experimentation under wraps. Lyanna stumbled mid transfer but caught herself by throwing her leg in front of her. The Force slowly dissipated as she found her inner peace disturbed by the casual mistake.

Lyanna cursed.

Instead of resuming, she turned her attention once more to her apprentice. Fauste felt her breath escape her at the captivating scene before her. Tali’ra danced through the forms of the Echani martial arts, a tranquil expression on her face. It was so unlike the passionate young woman that she had known for so long. Pride bubbled up from underneath. Unbidden, a memory came to mind.

The day she took the Twi’lek under her wing.

It had been in the midst of autumn that fateful afternoon. Curiosity had driven her to the Academy in search of a student of her own. Few stood out to her. Up and down the hallways had she roamed, a woman on a quest. Indeed she had no inclination to leave without an apprentice. Yet she craved a pupil that mirrored her in her youth, a Force sensitive with a thirst for knowledge. Only after hours of looking had she found the Twi’lek practicing on her own.

Today was a mirror image, only the expression differing.

Lyanna smiled fondly at the memory.

“You have come a long way, Tali. You should be proud of the woman you’ve become. I know that I am.”
Tali’ra’s movements were fluid, each motion a seamless blend of strength and grace as she mirrored her master’s forms. The tranquil expression on her face belied the intense focus she maintained. Hearing Lyanna’s words, a mixture of pride and determination welled up within her.

“Thank you, Master,” she responded, her voice soft but filled with resolve. “Your guidance has been the cornerstone of my growth. I would not be the woman I am today without your relentless pursuit of knowledge and your unwavering belief in me.”

She continued the forms, her mind now a delicate balance of calm and concentration. The Light’s gentle warmth was a stark contrast to the fiery passion of the Dark, yet she found herself drawn to its soothing embrace. It was a challenge, to say the least, to maintain this balance, but Tali’ra relished the opportunity to push her limits.

“As for caution,” Tali’ra continued, “I agree wholeheartedly. The Sith factions are not known for their tolerance of anything that deviates from their strict doctrines. Our experiments with the Light must remain a closely guarded secret. The risk of exposure is too great. We cannot afford to become targets of their ire, especially when we are on the verge of such a significant breakthrough.”

She paused, a thoughtful look crossing her face. “It’s curious, isn’t it? That there are no records of Sith utilizing the Light in the Starborn archives. It’s as if they were deliberately erased, their existence wiped from history. It makes me wonder just how far others have gone to suppress this knowledge. But that will not deter us. We will uncover these secrets, no matter how deeply they are buried.”

Tali’ra’s movements slowed as she turned her full attention to Lyanna, a deep respect evident in her gaze. “You have shown me a new path, one that blends the best of both the Light and the Dark. I am honored to be a part of this journey with you. Together, we will push the boundaries of what it means to be a Sith. We will redefine the very essence of the Force.”

With a graceful bow, she added, “And as for your trust in me, Master, I will not disappoint. I will continue to strive for excellence, to be worthy of the faith you have placed in me. We are on the cusp of something extraordinary, and I am ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.”

Rising from her bow, Tali’ra resumed her training, each movement a testament to her dedication and the profound impact her master had on her. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with danger and intrigue, but with Lyanna by her side, Tali’ra knew they would prevail.
Lyanna made a mental note to investigate further into the matter. Locating evidence that the Sith had once used the Light would help give the Starborn credibility in the long run. There would, of course, always be the naysayers. Those of the Sith Empire that believed in a puritan stance. They would never accept one of their own using the Light. Darth Malvus came to mind.

However, the vast majority might feel more accepting if they had some form of history to stand upon. Under that context, the small desire to track down evidence became a readily apparent necessity. One that could no longer be pushed aside. Huffing, the Sith Lord plopped unceremoniously onto the ground. Reaching out, she beckoned the Force to drag a water bottle across the floor into her waiting hand. She used her other hand to unscrew cap and take a few cooling sips.

Satisfied, she recapped the bottle and set it aside. Lyanna proceeded to tap a button on her wristband. It opened a comm channel to the bridge of the Machiavellian. She brought it close to her face. “Notify our operatives across the Sector to start looking into any evidence of Light Sith. Let them know that it takes priority over their current assignments.”

The bridge personnel responded with affirmation.

Lyanna sighed, allowing the communication to drop. She motioned for Tali’ra to join her on the ground and take a break. They had been hard at work for… the silver haired woman paused, checking the time. Two hours. They had spent the last two hours working on just building a foundation with which to access the Light. While nowhere close to finished, the Sith Lord could see that they were on the right track. It was simply a matter of time.

Her gaze turned to her apprentice.

“We shall take a moment to breathe, Tali. There is no point in working ourselves to the bone,” the Dark Lord began. “We only risk hurting ourselves if we practice while we are not at one hundred percent. In the meantime, allow us to speak of the theoretical.”

Fauste considered her next words.

“It would seem to me that the Light is tied to inner peace, a balance if you will. The catalyst would also seem to vary from person to person. For me it is the memories of my mother and my childhood on Eshan. If I am not being too forward, what served as the catalyst for your own progress?” Lyanna would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious.
Tali’ra settled onto the ground beside her master, feeling the strain of the intense training session begin to ebb away. The break was welcome, and she appreciated Lyanna’s wisdom in knowing when to pause. As she listened to her master’s musings and the questions posed, Tali’ra took a moment to gather her thoughts, reflecting on the experiences that had brought her this far.

"Thank you, Master," she began, her voice steady and thoughtful. "I agree, it’s crucial that we pace ourselves. The journey we’ve embarked on is not one that can be rushed."

She took a deep breath, allowing herself to relax fully. "As for the catalyst of my progress, it’s... multifaceted. Growing up, I didn’t have a peaceful life. But there were moments, fragments of time, that I clung to for solace. My family was my anchor. The scent of my mother’s cooking, the sound of my siblings’ laughter, and the touch of my father’s hand as he told me stories of our ancestors—these are the memories that bring me peace."

Tali’ra paused, her gaze distant as she recalled those precious moments. "I think it’s the sense of belonging, the unconditional love and warmth that I felt in those fleeting instances, that helps me connect to the Light. It’s as if those memories remind me of a part of myself that’s untouched by the darkness we wield so often."

Her eyes refocused on Lyanna, a soft smile playing on her lips. "It’s strange, isn’t it? That something so personal and seemingly insignificant can have such a profound impact. But it makes sense. The Light, as you said, is about inner peace and balance. And for me, those memories are the embodiment of that tranquility."

Tali’ra leaned back, looking up at the ceiling as she continued. "I believe that every Sith who attempts this path will need to find their own catalyst. Something that resonates deeply within them, beyond the reach of the Dark Side’s influence. It’s a deeply personal journey, one that requires introspection and honesty."

She turned her head to meet Lyanna’s gaze. "Your insight into the nature of the Light is invaluable, Master. We are indeed on the right track. And with your leadership, I am confident that we will uncover the secrets we seek. The evidence of Light Sith, the balance between the Light and the Dark—it’s all within our grasp."

Tali’ra’s expression grew more resolute. "I will continue to refine my connection to the Light, to explore the depths of this new facet of the Force. And together, we will ensure that the Starborn Sect not only survives but thrives, paving the way for a new understanding of the Force."

She reached out, placing a hand gently on Lyanna’s arm. "Thank you for your trust and guidance, Master. I am honored to be on this journey with you. We will make history together, and the legacy of the Starborn Sect will be one of unparalleled wisdom and power."

With that, Tali’ra leaned back again, allowing herself to rest fully, knowing that the path ahead, though arduous, was one she was ready to walk with her master by her side.
They would make history indeed.

Lyanna took a moment to rise to her feet and cross the room, retrieving her journal. Humming, she sifted through the leatherback tomb to an empty page near the middle. The very conversation the pair had just discussed went down on paper along with any theoretical details that she could muster. It was important that she write everything down. As much as she would have liked to possess eidetic memory, it was not to be.

Finished, the Sith Lord closed the journal and set it aside.

It was time to continue.

Lyanna moved toward the center of the room once more. She seamlessly transitioned from a walk into the first few forms of the martial art. Elation filled her as she felt the Light return like a long lost friend. The energy was almost warm to the touch as it surrounded her, a presence that whispered sweet nothings in her ear. Her face belied her inner peace, a wide smile adorning her lips. It was difficult to pull herself out of that mentality.

Analyzing the Force, she realized that it had answered quicker than in previous attempts.

It was like exercising a muscle.

The more she accessed the Light, the easier it would become. Tying that into maintaining her own inner peace… the path ahead laid bare. Fauste offered the energy a trail to follow. It answered happily and coiled around her limbs, enhancing her prowess by at least twofold. Her motion began to gradually speed up until she was a veritable whirlwind.

While in her early fifties, Fauste had inherited the lifespan of her paternal species. Shi’ido were known to live upwards of five hundred years. Exceptional members were even known to see a respectable seven hundred. Being a Hybrid steeped in Force energy, her aging had slowed considerably enough that she might have a comparable lifespan. She could remain active far longer than an Echani of similar age.

It took roughly half an hour before she began to slow, forty-five minutes before she finally stopped. Her breath came in short yet heavy pants as she pulled in as much oxygen as she could. Sweat poured down her face, forcing her to wipe the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand. Fauste looked to her apprentice and motioned her with a nod. “Take the rest of the night off, Tali. We’ll pick up where we left off tomorrow. Fourteen hundred sharp.”

Finished, Lyanna grabbed her belongings and left the room.
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