Work In Progress Diablo(Prototype Stage)

Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits

Ship Name: Diablo
Type: Dreadnought (Prototype)
Purpose: Warship
Consolidation Thread: One will be required as this ship will have a story
Architect: Alice Carndous
Description: The Diablo at this point is more of a fortress sitting in the drydock than a ship that could fight at sea. Yes it can float, but it isn't going anywhere. It has a design unlike any other of its class, with an elongated hull, and places for various cannons around the the ship so that it can defend the harbor. There is plenty of parts of the ship that look like they are still under construction like what we would recognize today as a command tower. These parts however are areas that Alice has yet to fully solve how she wants to impliment along with a proper gun battery, which weapons she wants to use, better armor, propulsion, and fire control systems, as well as communication and places that her flying machines that she wants to build can take off and land. Truly Diablo is meant to be the flagship of any fleet the royal family builds... one small problem... the funding and equipment is just not there to realize the dream

  • Main Stats
    • Defence: Very High
      • Defensive Elements: Dread can you help me and give me advice on what this means
    • Offence: Average
      • Offensive Elements: Dread do you have any suggestions that will fit the setting as I am more of the ham wild type
    • Durability: Extreme
    • Scarcity: Unique, as Diablo is one of a kind, first in her class, and Alice's ultimate creation
  • TvM Requirement: 4.5v2 (I use the .5 to show it is a prototype ship that is not meant to be used in combat, pve, or pvp until the faction it is with goes to T5 in the future to access the full tech for the ship. At the moment it is just a land mark built with things shipped in from outside trade while Pottun was still a High Kingdom)
Spoiler: Point Allocation Chart
Points SpentRequirements
9-12Consolidation Thread (15+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
13-16Consolidation Thread (20+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)


1. Superior Armor- Diablo's armor is second to none in her class, especially for a nation of Pottun's level thanks to her creator Alice. Most of it was shipped from nations with access to better metals before things feel apart and the brilliant mind of the young woman went to work creation a ship that may never see action due to the fortunes of the kingdom it was created for.

2. Ahead of the Curve- The Diablo is a national treasure and is a well looked after... paper weight as some would say. However due to its creator, there are certain design features that it has which no other ship like it does. The biggest one being the start of a landing deck for Alice's flying machines that she plan's to build in the future and is currently working on to help in the royal families expansions.


1. Sitting Duck- The Diablo can't move or leave dry dock leaving it completely helpless to attacks from the air or long range fire.

2. One of a Kind- The only one of its class, and the tie up in resources that went into her before Pottun feel to pieces means that the loss of the ship even if it isn't usable would be a blow to national prestige

3. Bad Offense- The Weapons are not the equal of the defense of the Diablo given they are being provided by what is left by the High Kingdom of Pottun.

Historical Information

The Diablo is the brain child of Alice Carndous, the prodigy of House Bel'yea and advisor to High Queen Noemi. It is a combination of all her ideas put into one, and is something that she plans to build on as super weapon for the fleet of the royal family. Oh and not just as a one off... no... she plans to eventually make it into the new battle standard to allow the royal family to rule the waves. Many of her smaller inventions are meant to both improve the lives of the people of Vethony, increase the power of the army, but they are puzzle pieces. All creating a grand design that was started many years ago.

It was back after she proved her first few inventions to the Queen, and got herself put under Noemi's protection. In those days it was just drawings on paper, but as she gained more freedom and funding, it grew into a ship and a hull that sat in the harbor in Vethony. Some of the parts and materials had to be shipped from other nations, but never the same ones and not to much at once. Always keeping the different hands guessing was Alice's plan.

The one thing that she didn't see coming as she was so focused on her baby was the High Kingdom falling apart at the seams and the retreat to Vethony itself. Secretly she patted herself on the back for choosing an incubator for her child that the royal family would run to when they where in trouble. That kept the ship nice and safe instead of being abandoned because it had no legs or arms to swim. Oh, but it would one day... she just had to nature her ideas and care for them... yes soon Diablo would rule the waves.
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@Alice now, I have been reviewing this awhile, and i got the following comments:

1. Description: Says it all! I would strongly suggest to consider this vessel being in drydock and not have any combat capabilities as of yet. During drydock, aka, under construction, that you mentioned, or right after sea trials, the ship is yet to reach her final form. What you can do is keep it as a WIP, and write a story around it either in threads, in subs, or in a combination. What i mean by that, is going to be much clearer in my followups.
2. Defensive Elements: If this is meant to be a superweapon of sorts, you can go wild. Double hull, reinforced rigging, fortified railings etc
3. Offensive Elements: This is where i believe magic happens. You can have alice create weaponry, such as cannons, weird guns, ram even, and submit them as elite gear, and then put them on this. Gives cool insentive for some threading with alice, and can also benefit this design. Otherwise you limit this ship having classic age of sail cannons, which i believe will be a meh, given the concept around diablo.
4. TvM is 5v1. The fact it is still under construction, aka, unusable for its fundamental purpose (war) you can always use it as terrain piece. So long its not operational, it will not be an issue as far as ruling is concerned.

5. Strengths. To say "this is the best there is" is an overstatement, given the volatility of the setting. "this is *meant* to be the best" is better phrasing. Given that 5v0 factions exist. In our case, just because its Pottaun, you are lucky, cause they are 4v2-3v3 but bare in mind, it is better to play safe.
The landing gear. This will be an issue, cause there are other 5v0 nations who can support this type of tech. So to call dibs would be an awkward thing to do. What you can do, is *sub* these flying machines, and then get in the offensive elements a bullet with the landing gear there.

6. Weaknesses. Feels like only the One of a Kind weakness is true. All others are circumstantial and will be changed, as soon as you put some proper gear on this baby. Again, i suggest you keep it a WIP, and slowly plug gear onboard, as you go.
Further to this, do consider, how many tons of provisions you must keep onboard, plus the ammunition. The fact it requires frequent supply and ALOT of maintenance, is most certainly a weakness she will be having.
Bad Offense is something alice needs to see to asap! You cant roll around with a dreadnought and have HMS Victory's guns to show for xD
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