Character Darth Imperius Anathema


Eternal Valor
May 18, 2024
Galactic Credits

General Information
Name: Darth Imperius Anathema
Alias: Lion of Panatha, Devastator of Vaal
Species: Epicanthix
Gender: Male
Age: 51
Homeworld: Panatha
Affiliation: New Empire, Apotheosis
Rank/Position: Executor, Dark Lord of the Sith

Titanic is the best word to describe the first impression most people would have for the Epicanthix. Imperius stands at two meters and twenty-five centimers tall, heavily built with muscles. His rather pure physical presence is amplified by a dark plate armour, mended and yet scarred from battles uncounted, a seemingly crude and yet masterfully crafted piece of protection which has accompanied him through many battles and duels.
Only the upper half of his face is ever visible, the lower concealed behind a respirator unit. What is visible is dominated by the effects of the Dark side. Sickly, corrupted skin, cracked and woven with veins, bloodshot eyes burning with red fire and intricate red tattoos which run along his shaven scalp.
Imperius' voice is remarkably clear and extraordinary in its way of delivering his determination and conviction, it is powerful and reaches everyone it is meant to. There is no doubt, no hesitation in his tone, yet there is no arrogance or hint of screaming.
Those attuned to the Force will immediately notice his presence. He is not hiding it, or attempting to, he carries it with the same conviction as his voice carries effortlessly across a battlefield. Imagine a light, so pure that it can burn out your eyes with its serene and flawless purity - now reverse it. A black hole, the pull of its temptations of power so strong, its emotions running so hot into a bottomless abyss of hate, wrath and ruthless ambition.

Personality [Describe your character's personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, quirks, etc.]

Background/History [Provide a brief background story or history for your character, including any significant events or experiences]

I. The Dark Side
Imperius Anathema has an exceptional command over the Dark side of the Force, though is neither a Sorcerer nor an Alchemist. His entire studies are devoted to mastering the core Force powers and bringing them to bear against his enemies.
Sith Lightning - Imperius is incredibly skilled to produce lethal streams of Lightning in an instant, ranging from mere shock to a destructive Force Storm.
Telekinesis - Another basic Force power the Dark Lord has refined to near-perfection. Imperius frequently makes use of various offensive techniques, basic pushes and pulls to rippling waves and the feared Repulse.
Barrier & Tutaminis - The proficiency in defensive techniques is mandatory to Imperius, his use of Barrier has been noted to stop a large variety of onslaughts already.
Body Augmentation - An imposing physique, thanks to a rather intense workout and diet routine, is sometimes not sufficient. The Executor is proficient to amplify both his strength and speed through the Force, to increase his already terrifying physical abilities.

II. Combat
The Lightsaber - Life and dedication of a Sith Warrior do not come without the Lightsaber. The Dark Lord has mastered multiple Lightsaber Forms, centered around the core focus of dueling.
Makashi (Form II) - Imperius has mastered the duelling Form of Lightsaber combat in a rather unique approach. Incorporating certain aspects of Soresu, he is using Makashi in a quite defensive manner. A tactic used to evaluate his enemies while making sure to maintaining direction and path of the fight.
Djem So (Form V) - In perfect conjuntion with his mentality, Djem So is utilized once the opportunity opens and to relenetlessly overpower and enemy through pure force and power. His forward momentum can only be described as crushing, the bladework as lethal and precise.
Juyo-Kos (Form VII) - Amplified through experience and a technical mastery, reinforced by a mind devoted to combat and the mastering of passion, Imperius utilizes Juyo when he has to overcome the opponent with determined, unrelenting force of will.

Unarmed Combat - Growing up in a martial and gladitorial family and environment, the now Dark Lord learned from an early age to defend himself even without weapons.
Teräs Käsi - Though acquired later in his life, Teräs Käsi has been the mainstay of his unarmed prowess and ability. Its mental approach very much suiting the Dark Lord with his views and goals.
Echani Martial Arts - Imperius's gladiator master-at-arms was a veteran Echani and taught the young boy for many years in art of her people. It was well suited for the rather spectatorial gladiator pits and the young Epicanthix could master his developing body to bring down his adversaries.

III. Miscellaneous
Languages - Imperius knows many languages, both in spoken and written form. This includes traditional Imperial based languages, such as Sith, ur-Kittât, Dashadi and Chiss, but also extends to Mando'a, Huttese, Epicanth, Arkanian, Tusken, Khaleesh and Echani, with several more on a semi-fluent or read-only skill level.

History of the Force - A student not only of history but of all history and culture related to the Force and the organisations, cults and order using and embracing it, Imperius is incredibly knowledgeable in various aspects, philosophies, approaches and ideals which center around the Force. This is not limited to Dark side teachings, but all teachings, be they Dark, Light or gray in nature.

Warfare - The Executor is not a stranger to war, neither as a combatant, nor as a commander. He is known for tactical brilliance both when maneuvering fleets or armies or when commanding a special forces squad himself. He is well versed to use active, reactive, offensive or defensive tactics alike, using brute force or cunning and deception.

Equipment/Gear [Describe any weapons, armor, or gear your character typically carries]
Imperius Plate Armour
Imperius Crossguard Lightsaber
Darth Agema's Lightsaber
Darth Anathema's Holocron


The Dark King
A heavily modified Centurion-class Battlecruiser with various Harrower-class elements and Isotope-5 enhancements.
Name: Dark King
Class: Star Destroyer
Role: Command, Ship of the Line
Description: WIP

Let the Galaxy Burn - Darth Anathema believes in one singular divider between a natural state of order and an artificial state of order: fire. The fire of chaos, anarchy and war. Only who goes through these successfully, who endures and embraces the purest of conflicts, masters the deepest of emotions and understands that only disorder is natural, those are the ones with the right to reign, because might makes right.

Rule of Conquest - Defined by Anathema himself, the Rule of Conquest is a Sith ideology which centers around the goal to conquer. Not limited to planets or enemies, but to fears, complacency, stagnation and flimsy titles, he seeks to unite those that share his vision because it is the only goal worth uniting for. There is no benefit in bureaucracy, corruption needs to be eradicated, no Sith may seat themselves at a desk to command or rule - only those who act, who do, who achieve - who triumph, are Sith. All others are in chains of orders, Empires and dogmas of dead fools.

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