Work in Progress Darth Eosfor, The Arch-Traitor


Dark Lord
May 11, 2024
Galactic Credits

Basic Information
  • Name: @Eosfor
  • Alias/Nickname:
    • Darth Nargal
    • Brenna Hildron
    • Naefas Kata
    • Dhefion
    • The Defiler
    • The Fallen
    • The Black Guardian of Defiance
    • The Bringer of Light
    • Lord Dreadheart of Inferno
    • Red Lord of Pantheon
    • Master of Shadows
    • Dark Lord of Halcyon
    • Conqueror of Andreddha
    • Seeker of the Dawn
    • Master of Deception
    • High Lord of Maraan
    • Dark Hand of the Shroud
  • Species: Human Cyborg
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 102
  • Homeworld: Dromund Kaas
  • Affiliation: Dark Crusade, Shadow Creed
  • Appearance: Clad in alchemised armour adorned with cultist glyphs and chains from which limbs of fallen enemies hang, Eosfor is a hulking figure.
  • Personality: Ruthless and corrupt by the Dark Side's influence, he revels in bloodletting and does not value life, or its preservation, in any way.

Alot of stuff.

Equipment/Gear: [Describe any weapons, armor, or gear your character typically carries]

Ship/Vehicle: He is almost always onboard his flagship, The Shadows Avenger, residing in the depths of the massive vessel's intestines, where the Sith Sanctum is, in his personal quarters where his body undergoes ritualistic maintenance through the use of foul sorcery.

Goals/Objectives: Bring down the old Reconstituted Sith Empire and reforge the Sith to his twisted idea of a Dark Side Cult.
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