Work In Progress Dark Crusade [WIP]


Dark Lord
May 11, 2024
Galactic Credits

Faction Name: Dark Crusade
Leader/Leadership Council: @Eosfor
Alignment/Ideology: A Marauder Cult dedicated to the purging of the "False Sith" and their own ascension through complete devotion to the Dark Side.
- To purge the Sith they view as False, and cause a rebirth of the more barbaric and aggressive Sith culture as it once was in the antiquity.

Membership: The Dark Crusade is known to attract from pirates and outlaws seeking to pillage along with the weight of the Marauder Fleet, all the way to deranged and corrupt Force Adepts and warlords who share the Cult's believes, or find benefit in allying themselves with the Crusade's cause.

Territory/Base of Operations: Fleet-Based

Key Figures/Notable Members:
- @Eosfor [Faction Leader]
[Open to additional figures among the horde]

- Knights of Pantheon [Unofficial]
- Obsidian Court
- Starborn Sect

- Driven by Rage. The Dark Crusade has huge numbers and blind zealotry that allow its leaders enough momentum to bulldoze across the stars.
- Masters of Lightning Warfare. Being predominantly Fleet-Based, the Dark Crusade can engage targets from across the galaxy, preserving isolated supply depots and mobile headquarters to allow them to capitalize on their momentum.

- Horde of Malice. While supposedly united, the Dark Crusade is an amalgamation of many individual factions with little to no common grounds, which creates a fragile balance among the Dark Crusade's ranks that, upon a serious blow, can easily cause division among them.
- No Neutrality Policy. The expression "If you are not with us, you are against us" holds most true in the Dark Crusade. Should a faction is not aligned with the Dark Crusade, is considered fair game for any among the horde's warlords or splinter fleets, which causes significant renown across the galaxy and lack of stable borders.

After gathering assets and renown through conquests and conflicts across the Colonies and Expansion territories, the Sith warlords of House Kata and the Halcyon Order begun turning more and more aggressive towards the Sith regime of the Reconstituted Sith Empire. After years, and a whole new Sith breed that was loyal to the Kata more than they were to the decadent Empire. After the final act of betrayal and the illegal campaign of the fleet to the Outer Rim, which resulted in many Imperial worlds being raided for supplies, @Eosfor declared his final fall into heresy, as he rallied dark cultists and Sith Marauders to his side, vowing to see the Sith reborn through ashes and blood. And so, the Dark Crusade had begun...

- @Eosfor
- @Lord Pestilence

Culture and Society:
- Deeply divided and warlike, the Dark Crusade is a collection of warlords, pirate fleets and cultists who find a vaguely defined common cause under the black banners of the Crusade.
- With no legal system in place, the Dark Crusade operates with strong emphasis on Might Makes Right mentality, which may stretch far and wide, depending on the situation.

- The Dark Crusade is quick to hoard resources which are rather rapidly depleted due to the rather bad managerial capabilities of its leaders and the little to no effort in maintaining supply lines and a living industry.

Military/Combat Forces:
- For the most part, the Dark Crusade's war machine consists of cultists and underworld or pirate elements who attach themselves to the horde for the potential spoils and glory, while the inner circles of the Crusade are reserved for the most zealous of Sith, who are found at the top of the chaotic hierarchy that binds the horde together.
- [Types of units, vehicles, weapons, or equipment used by the faction]

Relations with Other Factions:
- [Overview of the faction's relations, alliances, conflicts, and diplomacy with other factions]

**Economy and Resources:**
- [Description of economic activities, trade routes, resources, and industries within the faction]

**Current Status:**
- [Dominant influence or control within the setting or region]
- [Recent developments, events, or conflicts affecting the faction]

**Role in the Universe/Setting:**
- [Description of the faction's role, contributions, and impact on the wider universe or setting]
- [Reputation, renown, or infamy of the faction within the setting]
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