Approved Commander Xeros Thrax


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

- Name: Xeros Thrax

- Role: To serve as one of two Fleet Commanders in the Migrant Fleet, under the direct command of Darth Fauste.


- Physical Description:
Xeros Thrax is an older gentleman in his early sixties. He has a commanding presence with a tall, broad-shouldered build. His hair is silver and receding, and he sports a neatly trimmed beard that adds to his distinguished appearance. His eyes are a piercing steel gray, reflecting a lifetime of experience and authority. He typically wears a high-ranking military uniform adorned with various insignias and medals that signify his status and achievements. His attire is always immaculate, emphasizing his attention to detail and discipline.

- Equipment:
- Commander's Uniform: A distinguished uniform with various medals and insignias denoting his rank and accomplishments.
- Commlink: A secure communication device allowing him to coordinate with other fleet members and Darth Fauste directly.
- Holo-Projector: A portable device used for tactical planning and briefings, allowing him to display and manipulate holographic maps and schematics.
- Blaster Pistol: A standard-issue sidearm carried for personal defense, though he rarely uses it.


- History:
Xeros Thrax hails from a long line of military leaders and has served in various capacities throughout his career. He joined the Migrant Fleet after a distinguished tenure in several high-profile military operations. His strategic acumen and unwavering loyalty earned him a position as one of the Fleet Commanders. His tenure has been marked by effective leadership and successful management of the fleet’s operations, which has brought him to the attention of Darth Fauste. His experience and tactical mind have made him a trusted asset to the Sith Lord.

- Motivations:
Xeros Thrax is driven by a sense of duty and a desire to uphold the efficiency and discipline of the Migrant Fleet. His primary goal is to ensure the smooth operation and success of the fleet’s missions. He also seeks to maintain his reputation as a competent and reliable leader. His loyalty to Darth Fauste is unwavering, and he is motivated by a deep respect for her authority and vision. His greatest fear is failure or any action that might jeopardize the fleet or his standing.


- Traits:
Xeros is disciplined, pragmatic, and authoritative. He is known for his calm demeanor and decisive nature, which helps him manage the complexities of fleet operations. His leadership style is characterized by strict adherence to protocols and a focus on strategic efficiency. Despite his stern exterior, he has a deep sense of honor and commitment to his role.

- Interactions:
Xeros interacts with his subordinates and peers with a mix of respect and expectation. He maintains a professional distance from those he commands, but his leadership is respected and often admired. With Darth Fauste, he shares a relationship of mutual respect and deference, acting on her directives with unwavering commitment. His interactions with other high-ranking members of the Migrant Fleet are characterized by clear communication and a focus on shared objectives.


- Skills:
- Strategic Planning: Expert in military strategy and tactics, capable of devising complex operational plans.
- Leadership: Proven leadership skills, adept at managing large teams and coordinating complex operations.
- Crisis Management: Skilled at handling high-pressure situations and making quick, effective decisions.
- Tactical Communication: Proficient in using advanced communication and holo-projector systems for fleet coordination.

- Weaknesses:
- Lack of Flexibility: His strict adherence to protocols can sometimes limit his ability to adapt to unexpected changes.
- Physical Limitations: Age has affected his physical stamina and agility, though he remains sharp mentally.
- Dependence on Protocol: His reliance on established procedures can occasionally hinder innovative or unconventional solutions.

Role in the Story/Quest:

- Involvement:
Xeros Thrax plays a key role in coordinating fleet operations and ensuring that Darth Fauste’s strategic goals are met. His decisions and leadership significantly impact the success of the fleet's missions and any associated quests or objectives. He might be involved in planning major operations, responding to threats, or managing internal fleet conflicts.

- Impact:
Xeros’ leadership and strategic decisions can directly affect the outcomes of major plot events, influencing the balance of power within the Migrant Fleet and the broader context of the conflict. His role as a trusted commander under Darth Fauste makes him a pivotal character in ensuring the effectiveness and loyalty of the fleet.


- Allies:
- Darth Fauste: His direct superior, to whom he is fiercely loyal.
- Migrant Fleet Command: Other high-ranking officers and members of the fleet who work closely with him.

- Enemies/Rivals:
- Opponents of the Migrant Fleet: Any factions or individuals that threaten the fleet’s operations or goals.
- Rivals within the Fleet: Potential internal competitors or dissenters challenging his authority or methods.

Xeros Thrax may be involved in various missions such as:
- Fleet Operations: Leading or coordinating major fleet maneuvers, strategic offensives, or defensive operations.
- Crisis Response: Addressing emergencies or unexpected threats to the fleet’s safety or objectives.
- Strategic Negotiations: Engaging in negotiations or alliances that impact the fleet’s standing or objectives within the broader conflict.
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