Work in Progress Colonel Trasken Vor

Trasken Vor

Colonel of the Republic Army
Sep 17, 2024
Galactic Credits
**Profile Name:** [Trasken Vor]

**Alias/Nickname:** [Colonel Trasken Vor]

**Species:** [Human]

**Gender:** [Male]

**Age:** [45]

**Homeworld:** [Alderaan]

**Affiliation:** [Galactic Republic, Knights of Pantheon ]

**Rank/Position:** [Colonel, Spec Ops leader, Military trainer]

**Appearance:** Trasken Vor.jpg

**Personality:** [Kind, Over protective, Calm, Stubborn, Loyal, Strategic, Methodical]


Colonel Trasken Vor

Trasken is the middle child of the Vor family. Second child of a Smuggler and a Jedi. He has one older brother, Regus and a younger sister, Yavanna. He was born on Alderaan in a beautiful city with a large forest.

Early Years

Trasken was a tall and strong boy, more than average in comparison with the other children of his age. He was good at sports and fighting but his mentality was calm and protective. He was a good tactician and a clever child and very often he was receiving admiration and respect from the other children around him. They were often chose Trasken as the leader on sport teams and their team was usually winning. Trasken was protective over his friends and especially his sister Yavanna. Maybe too protective over her sometimes and for that the two siblings were fighting often. Regus, on one of his visits from the Jedi Academy to their hometown, had asked Trasken to take care of their sister because he couldn’t do that himself due to his absence. Trasken kept that in mind and he performed his duty as a good soldier.

Adult Years

Trasken grew up and became a man with the same mentality. He was a natural leader and a very good athlete. From his adolescence he was curious about weapons and this curiosity became passion. As an adult he knew too many things about weapons and how to use them. His duty as protector of his younger sister had come to an end because Yavanna had proved to anyone that she could protect herself better than anyone. Regus had become already a Jedi knight and Trasken was the last one of the three who had to decide for his future. His hero was always Regus. A Jedi knight. A guardian of the Galaxy who sacrificed his youth to protect the weak. With this in mind and his passion for the weapons, he decided to join the Republic army and create a career as a military man. He traveled to Coruscant and he joined the Republic military academy and started basic training.

Military Career

After the training finished, he was sent for his first assignment as a privateer. The mission was on planet Ord Mantel and the squad had to oppose the separatists on the planet. The mission turned bad and they were trapped. One explosion killed their commander and everyone was ready to fight till death when suddenly a Republic spec ops squad appeared and saved the day. Back on the camp, Trasken was frustrated by himself and his performance on the mission but also very impressed by the spec ops squad. The decision was easy. He would leave the Republic tactical army and he would join the Republic spec ops forces. The next day he resigned the tactical army and he made the preparation for the next level of his career. He got assigned on Corellia for training as a commando of the Republic. The training kept him in the training center for around 4 years. During these years, Trasken became stronger, faster and took some skills on weapon usage and tactics. He was respected by his comrades and commanders and everyday he was developing new skills. He became a survival and a killing machine for the Republic spec ops. After the commando training came the next assignment. His squad was sent on the planet Balmorra where the Republic army was fighting continuously against the Imperial army. The Empire had sent forces on the planet leaded by Sith Lords to take control of the planet and keep the war factories working for their behalf. The Republic had to stop the production and protect the Balmorrians from the enemies. Trasken got assigned on a spec ops squad and their role was to sabotage specific targets and save trapped republic troops. The missions were in success and Trasken helped his squad with great efficiency. Soon he promoted from privateer into sergeant and he was operating in small squads with two or three commandos. They never failed on any mission. After a couple of years, and Trasken’s proven success in addition with leading and tactical skills he got promoted into Lieutenant and he was trusted with larger squads of five or six people. The new Lieutenant got assigned on a different planet to accomplish new missions. This time he returned as a commander of a spec ops unit on the planet Ord Mantel. There he had to help the Republic army turning the tide of conflict into their side. On his first mission he had to rescue a Republic squad from a difficult situation just like the one he was many years ago as a Republic soldier. The mission was once more successful. He saved around ten Republic soldiers from the separatists and destroyed the separatist command center. Some of the soldiers he rescued, were badly injured and they all returned safely back to the base. Trasken and his squad got awarded with medals of honor. Among the soldiers they rescued, there was a female Mirialan soldier who had got impressed by the spec ops skills and efficiency and just like Trasken, she resigned from the tactical Republic army to join the Special Forces. Trasken’s missions were many in the next years and he got promoted again into the rank of Captain. As a Captain he had larger squads to command and new commandos arrived to serve under him. One of them was the Mirialan he had saved on Ord Mantel. Her name was Artemia Scarletson. Artemia reminded Trasken himself so many years ago when he was just a soldier. For that, Captain Trasken chose her to be the rear gunner on his own personal squad. After a while, the war against Zakuul started.

Career’s end

On these dark times when the Republic suffered great loses, the Republic army fought hard. Before their final condition, they gathered every available force they had. Trasken got promoted again into Major to command bigger part of the Republic army and fortify their power. Five years of war against a superior army gave him experience, awards and bonds between him and his comrades. However, the battles were hard and every mission was so uncertain that they looked like suicidal missions. Many soldiers died on these battles and Trasken lost some from his squad as well. The grief fortified his anger and his efficiency. On their last mission though, the squad got trapped and many commandos died. Major Trasken was badly injured like Artemia. Their condition was grave but they got saved on the last moment when a Jedi Master appeared. He was Master Regus Vor. Regus took his brother and the remaining alive soldiers and transferred them on the nearest medical center. Doctors there made anything they could to reverse Trasken’s condition but he could not walk at all. His nervous system was damaged and Trasken could not feel his legs. The Republic military command decided to demobilize him because he could not serve on his condition. They awarded him with the rank of Colonel and now he had to face a life away from combat in the middle of war.

The next step

Trasken got very soon depressed. He couldn’t walk. He couldn’t fight and he was feeling completely useless. In the meantime, due to the Alliance Commander’s actions, Zakuul fall. The war had ended and the Republic was trying to recover from their wounds. Trasken had traveled to his hometown on Alderaan to stay there. His depression wasn’t allowing him to go out of his house nor to occupied with something else that would make him feel useful again. The condition changed when Regus came to visit him on Alderaan. The Jedi Master took his brother and transferred to his secret lab where he healed the damage on the nervous system. Trasken was now able again to walk. He returned back on Alderaan where he started exercising again and going for hunting. Soon his physical condition was back and we started going out enjoying his retirement. One day, the Mirialan, Artemia came to visit him and they talked about the past in the army and the life after. Both had so many stories to remember. They discussed their concerns about the war against the new Sith Empire and the condition of the Republic citizens. The crime is rising and someone has to oppose it. The Republic has a war to take care of and the citizens are not protected. They both agreed that they want to do something about that.

Colonel Trasken will make some decisions about his future and his role on the galaxy outside of the Republic Army.

**Skills/Abilities:** [Weapons expert, Well exercised, Increased stamina and strength, Highly trained sniper, Knowledge of field medicine]

**Equipment/Gear:** [Scope improved Sniper rifle, Blaster cannon, vibroknife, pulse grenades, demolition explosives, portable ray shield, portable turrets (x2), Cortosis made Spec Ops armor in khaki and brown color with a khaki beret, Republic trooper armor in blue and white color]

**Ship/Vehicle:** [no personal vehicles]

**Goals/Objectives:** [Participate in any Spec Ops mission given by his superiors, protect and assist his siblings]
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