Character Christopher Cain Fontenot

Christopher C. Fontenot

Guildmaster of the Ladies in Waiting
Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits
Full Name: Christopher Cain Fontenot
Name: Christopher
Surname(s): Fontenot
Age: Twenty-Six (26), Born 896 AWH
Title(s): Guildmaster of the Ladies in Waiting, Head of the Fontenot Family, Grandmaster Magician, Head Researcher
Nickname(s): Chris, Cain
Sex: Male
Appearance: Image Above
Magic Affinity: Extreme
  • Fire Magic - Christopher stands at the top of the food chain, a living flame caged within a mortal frame. Only a God or Spirit can be said to surpass him.
  • Magic Knowledge - Scion of the Fontenot, Christopher possesses an in depth knowledge of the mystical arts. He is capable of numerous spells and rituals, though they will always pale in comparison to his fire magic.
  • Eye of the Mind - Christopher possesses a heightened capacity for observation, refined through training, discipline and experience. A danger-avoidance ability that utilizes the intelligence collected up to the current time as the basis in order to predict the opponent's activity and change the current situation.
  • Brute Force - Christopher defenses, magical or physical, can be overcome with enough brute strength. He does have several tricks up his sleeve to mitigate this weakness.
  • Need for Secrecy - The Ladies in Waiting operate as a Merchant Guild. They keep a tight lid on their anomalous endeavors, forcing them to operate in the shadows. As the HoF, this’ doubly important for Christopher.
  • Zealous Attitude - Christopher tackles his responsibility to the family with a single-minded zeal, almost to the exclusion of all else. The day to day runnings of the Guild are left to underlings and trusted companions.
Biography: Christopher’s family can trace their lineage back to the Age of the Gods. They have kept a meticulous record of everything that has transpired from their founder all the way down to his father; Davis M. Fontenot. They were a family of Magi, dedicated to the hunt and neutralization of anomalies. Creatures that were a natural byproduct of a world laden with mystical energy. Christopher was meant to become the greatest hunter the family had seen in generations. Gifted with an aptitude that rivaled the original Fontenot.

They quickly deduced that he had a natural inclination toward fire-based magic. With the mighty resources of the Fontenot family and the Ladies in Waiting pooled together, Christopher received training from the best in the field. Specialists that pushed the boundaries of magic. All of which culminated in the ultimate betrayal. Christopher led a rebellion against his father, eventually succeeding in overthrowing him.

As the new Head of the Family, Christopher shifted the mentality from annihilation to study and research. He believed that there was much to learn from them. The more dangerous variety, those that could not be contained, were put to death. He ironically fulfilled the expectations of his family while remaining his own person in this pursuit. Among the few that he deemed as too dangerous, the Abhartach found themselves at the top of his list.

It was an emotional decision brought about by the death of his fiance, a woman of Eirish descent.

His ultimate goal is to reach the Root, a large metaphysical library from which all things are born. The cradle of godhood and the spark that ignited reality itself. With the power of a God, he seeks to revive the love of his life.
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