Character Charles Castex

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits
Full Name: Charles Castex
Name: Charles
Surname(s): Castex
Age: 39
Title(s): Grand Admiral of Pottuan, Advisor to Queen Noemi, Duke of Naurbonne
Nickname(s): The Kraken
Sex: Male
Eye Color: Yellowish

Hair Color: Black

Skin Tone: Pale

Height: 6'7

Weight: 210

Brief Description: A tall pale man Charles hides his facial features behind a cloth, or sometimes leather mask with kraken-esque decorations spreading out from where his mouth would be. He does this to hide away a severe injury that almost stole his life from when he was younger. The wound inflicting both a lasting physical and psychological damage as he is not likely to allow people to peek under the mask.

When speaking he tends to do so with a bit of a silver tongue that belies his appearance. Making sure that he gives away very quickly why was given the job he has, but being careful not to do anymore than that. One would almost think that he enjoys the air of mystery that his covered face brings to him, and you would be half right. Having people ask about what it looks like… is better than nothing right.
Magic Affinity: None

Sailor: Having lived his life on the seas, working on one boat or another for his father Charles has grown intimately familiar with ships and their inner workings, as well as the day-to-day needs that a crew might need while out at sea.

Naval Tactician: When it comes to situations that involve the use of ships on the high seas in combat situation he has started to develop a keen high for the patterns and mechanisms that are involved with getting the desired outcome out of any situation.


• Wine and Women- When it comes to getting paid Charles never has been much about the money, but he certainly seems to enjoy the wine and woman that comes along with it. Even better if one of those are free, at least on his tab.

• Puzzle of Battle- To Charles every single battle is a new puzzle to solve even those which are only exercises to learn to coordinate the troops. It is during these times that he finds joy, especially when it involves risk as real battle does… always trying to out smart the enemy to the further the goals of the state.

• The Smell of Sea- Spending as much time as he did around the docks and ocean when he was younger, and then on ships as he got older there is nothing better than the simple pleasures of the coast. True it is only better when your out on a ship, but there is just something about walking along the edge of the ocean and staring off in the distance.

• Comfort of Home- Watching tournaments, the peaceful air, the taste of good wine, that is always there. It has certainly endeared Charles to his new homeland even if he has not been there that long and he finds himself drawn even more to it every single day.


• The Face Behind The Mask- He doesn't like people to see what he looks like behind the mask, and the heavy wounds and scars that cover his features giving him a grotesque appearance. He even avoids looking at it himself in the mirror anytime he could help it.

• The Loss of Home- Given how much he has come to enjoy his new home, Charles doesn't exactly like the idea of its potential. So the fact that it could be wiped away by an incorrect choice in war is always in the back of his mind. Leaving him a bit protective of it… at least as much as he can be from his position… and this shows by his very actions and extreme attention to detail.

• Failure In Battle- Charles fears the failure of his own leadership in battle, not so much for his own sake but for those around him. Because if he fails then that means more of those under his command will die, and it means that the goals of the state will not be achieved. This just increases the chance that everything that he cares about could fall apart around him and so in a compounding worry that weighs heavy on his mind.

• Fire- Not exactly all fires per say, but he does tend to get lost staring at it, as it takes him back to the moment that he was disfigured. It is even worse if it catches him by surprise or if the situation is like the one that inflicted the scars that cover his features. Usually though he is able to keep his fear in check in order to command, but it is always something that gnaws at the back of his mind.


• Man Of The People- In his hometown Charles was known to be a person who always gave back a large portion of anything he made including generous donations to the church. Now in his current position he is able to do more for the 'little guy' as he has no need for the money. Keeping only enough for him to live modestly, as well as entertain himself as he normally enjoys.

• Servant of the State- He is well known as a loyal servant of the royal family, and as such has plans within plans on how he can use his position as an Admiral to keep everything together. Not so much for himself, but for the people to continue to live a peaceful life under its rule, and for allow for the current royal family in charge to flourish in power and survive in famine.

• Skilled in Tactics- This could be at a simple board game, or something as complex as how ships should form up in a battle. Charles has always had an eye for it as he has grown including spotting what he called the center point of a battle field… the place where the winner or loser would be decided. Allowing him to make sure that he got his forces there in time. Though this is not always easy with ships, it is the fact he could make it work under such conditions that made him better for his job.

• Not A Bad Fighter- To have survived as long as he has Charles had to be able to fight to defend any ship he was on if it was boarded as well as do the same to the enemy. One does not reach the rank that he has within learning a few skills along the way. Sure it left him with scars on his body, but that is the price you pay when you want to learn the lessons of combat at sea.


• Loyalty Is A Weakness- His loyalty while being a strength is also a weakness in that he can be held hostage to his loyalty to the royal family, which at this time is the La Croix in is his eyes. In both an emotional and physical sense, because any blackmail would affect him do his over-work and methodical nature when it comes to his protective ways. Charles is the first that would take an arrow, and the first that would lose his head in a coup, making this a double edge sword.

• Stand-Offish- He has never liked large social gathering, especially those that nobles tend to host as entertainment. A combination of the indulgence involved, his own physical appearance, coupled with being used to the wide open spaces around the sea leaves him feeling closed in. He only attends as he must given his job, but until this point has not been an experience he found very pleasant. This even extends to other parts of his life outside of sailing… as the wounds from the way he looks seem to infect everything.

• Disfigured- Sadly appearance is something that matters in the world, and it can effect the way someone looks at themselves. This is the way for Charles whose face and his upper body, though a horrible accident involving fire and a sinking ship almost killed him as a teenager. He barely survived, and the wounds left on his features, becomes something that it was best just to hide so as not to disturb anyone…

• Works To Hard- True this can be a bonus, but Charles has a tendency to take things to an extreme. Working to the point that his aids will find him slumped over his desk, because he worked until he couldn't stay up no more. There have been many times it was bad for his health, because the compounding nights of little sleep eventually had their toil, but in the end he says it will be worth it for the good of the state.

Biography: Will do some other time
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