Approved Cha Kale System


Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits
(Creation Website)
  • Planet Name: Esthorhiel (Es - tor - ee - ehl)
  • Demonym: Esthorhds (Es - tor - ds)
  • Region: Outer Rim Territories, 3 hexes below Lamaredd
  • System Name: Cha Kale System
  • System Features: The Cha Kale System consists of 1 Sun ( Solair ), 2 planets ( Esthorhiel and Teostra ), Esthorhiel has two moons called ( Zamani, Utajiri ), Teostra has no moons Esthorhiel has an asteroid belt circling its orbit.

Solair is a red giant that provides the entire system with light.
Most of the people in this system fear the presence of the sun as they are night-dwelling creatures. Its light shines bright and it covers the system with a ruby glow.

Esthorhiel was initially the only inhabited planet in the Cha Kale System and to this day it remains the "capital" planet.
The surface is split into three landmasses but 5 countries claim the lands. Most of the inhabitants of Esthorhiel are highly religious towards the darkness. Esthorhds build their towns so that the wealthy and powerful live on top and the poor and weak live underneath them. Esthorhiel has a gothic-like architecture which also reflects on their society and behaviours. Esthorhiel has beautiful landscapes that mesmerize all who regard it, vast forests, flat plains, gloomy swamps, snowy tundras, lifeless deserts, and bottomless oceans stretch over this planet.

The maze that is the Kuzunguka asteroid belt was of no importance to the Esthorhds until the arrival of foreign races.
Now the belt of asteroids forms a natural protective ring around Esthoriel with makes approaching the planet incredibly difficult for larger ships or fleets.

Teostra is an uninhabited planet with heat levels reaching more than 2,000 Celcius.
Teostra is the first orbital planet in the system, its close location causes intense temperatures to melt and burn the surface of the planet. Because of its extreme heat, Teostra never had a native species. The lack of direct rays of sunlight hitting the planet made it tolerable for life to be established by the Nuru and Kuonja. However, because of the rotation of the planet, the dark side of Teostra eventually was enlightened and all who were on the surface were vanquished. The Esthorhds learned from prior experiences and built their habitats deep under the surfaces, additionally, this is where they encountered rare resources that they began mining. Eventually, Teostra also served as a prison planet for Esthorhds who were deemed criminals.

The first and closest moon to Esthorhiel, The Kuonja who first came across it named it after one of their first rulers, Zamani.
Zamani serves as a military outpost, a spaceport for the ships of the Royal Fleet, and as a religious point of interest. This base was erected as the first defence of Esthorhiel against foreign invaders. The moon has a type II atmosphere meaning the Kuonja and Nuru can survive in the atmosphere and inhabit the moon. Unlike Esthorhiel tensions on the moon are low as the inhabitants understand they work for the greater good. Moreover, because of the belief that this moon represents their god, many see this moon as a place of peace and religion.

The second and furthest moon of Esthorhiel was dubbed the name Utajiri.
As the inhabitants of Ethorhiel do not allow factories on their home planet because of cultural beliefs, they ventured out to their moon and terraformed the moon into a factory where all their weapons, starships, and technology are developed. The heavy smoke that comes from the machinery has completely blocked the view of the sky, therefore workers on the moon rarely behold the sun. The moon is mainly inhabited by Kuonja who man the factories and keep everything intact. The Nuru do not approve of the moon's factories therefore they stay away from Utjiri.

  • Location: Precise location here
  • Major Imports: N/A, the Esthorhds do not buy from other systems or planets however, Food and ores of all sorts (Copper, Iron, Argentite), are resources that are stolen from neighbouring systems and mined from Esthorhiel's neighbour planet Teostra.
  • Major Exports: N/A, Residents of the Cha Kale System don't share their resources with others as they are needed for them selves.
  • Unexploited Resources: N/A, Esthorhiel although a very naturalistic planet was harvested for its resources for hundreds of years, this left no resource untouched and few were even fully depleted.
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Esthorhiel is a Temperate planet with exceptions to the extreme north and south. The more northern regions tend to stay colder and dry for longer periods, whilst the south climate can often be humid and hot.
  • Primary Terrain: There are three landmasses on these are forests, barren fields, plains, mountain ranges, swamps, and large deserts. The most dominant terrain is the ocean as it encompasses around 65% of the planet
  • Atmosphere: Type I
  • Capital City: Thoril Castle, Esthorhiel wages many wars for various reasons but most wars are fought to claim the title of the capital city. The kingdom that gains that title of capital has the political power to rule over the rest.
  • Planetary Features:
Forgotten ruins - Ruins of houses, smaller towns, and towers dot the landscape of Esthorhiel. These ruins are long forgotten and no longer have any use to the people except shelter for adventurers from the occasional rain. Some elders say that treasures can be found in these ruins but those are just myths to encourage exploration to the youth.

Underground ruins - Before the creation of the great cities of Esthorhiel, the natives lived in large underground cave systems, these caves are now uninhabited and mostly forgotten.

Ancient churches - Churches are holy monuments to the people and warriors therefore churches are not destroyed during wars. Old churches in forgotten or old areas are however abandoned by the priest as they move on to find a new place of prayer. These churches are a rare sight but can nevertheless often appear in the most beautiful of places uniting with the nature surrounding them.

Battlefields / Graves - Because of Esthorhiel's history and culture of war one can find the remnants of battles in many places. These battlefields second as open graves as victors of wars rarely give their enemies burials. Often the bodies of the fallen have been striped for all their belongings and all that remains are their rotting bones.

Bonfires - The fire and sun play a large part in Esthorhiel's culture and so to always accompany adventurers on their travels Kings of the past have established bonfires through all of Esthorhiel, these bonfires can be used as resting places and a safe place from the danger of the wilderness.

Ocean - 65% of the planet is made of water, Esthorhds have not explored much of the deep sea, so it remains a secret what lies in the dark. The ocean's surfaces can be rough and cold but also beautifully refreshing in the summer.
  • Major Locations:
Dinheim is the most northern city in all of Esthorhiel. Its gothic-styled architecture gives the city a dark and mysterious aura.
Inhabitants of Dinheim are used to the extreme temperatures as it snows all year round. Dinheim belongs to the continent of Astorus and its people are known to be brutal and cold-hearted even compared to the rest of the war-mongering people of Esthorhiel. Because of the geographical position of Dinheim, it sees less sunlight than all other parts of Esthorhiel, this has transferred over to the religion of the natives as they worship the pure darkness instead of the moon. The religious difference between Astorus and the other countries has made it a prime target for attacks by other nations. In recent years Astorus and Thoril have allied because of their mutual dislike for Carim, it was also these two nations who caused the downfall and destruction of Carim and its capital city Ciaran. Dinehim strives economically and military-wise because of the alliance with Thoril and its relative closeness to Cinra the trade capital. Few inhabitants of Dinheim go beyond its countries borders as they fear religious prosecution.

Thoril Castle is the current capital of Esthorhiel. Lothic Castle became the capital city of all of Esthorhiel after the fall of Ciaran.
The people of Thoril were a large part of the fall of Ciaran because they initiated the alliance with Astorus which lead to the largest invasion ever to be seen in the history of Esthorhiel. Thoril Castle belongs to the continent of Thoril, a landmass with vast resources plus it is the largest continent on Esthorhiel. Thoril castle has fewer churches than other cities as the inhabitants have moved away from religion and towards science. There are still a lot of religious members but these individuals recognize the importance of science more than religion. Many other cities see the lack of religion as a betrayal to their kin and for this reason, Thoril castle has been the focus of many battles but the mighty walls of Thoril castle hold and so life continued. Disregarding the hatred for the people of Lorthir many agree that Thoril castle's King and Queen have been the greatest and most successful leaders in all of Esthorhiel. The King and Queen have increased the royal army and they improved upon the overall living conditions of the system's inhabitants.

Londo was the first city to be constructed on Esthorhiel. It is the oldest monument and most beloved by the people.
This ancient city is to this day the religious capital for the worshipers of the moon God. Londo is part of the continent of Lohron which is on the other side of Thoril. Londo has good relations with all nations except Astorus because of their religious differences. Because Londo counts as the capital of religion often other countries donate resources and troops to the city in hopes of gaining their approval regarding political standing. In current years Londo has removed itself from the other nations as Carim lays in ruin, Astorus is its religious rival, and Thoril being a mostly atheist country. Inhabitants of Londo often become church members or crusaders who fight for their religion in any war the church demands. The city was built to rise up into the sky as the architects belives that would make it easier to communicate with the gods. Londo consists of many consecutive churches built surrounding the king's royal palace, at the topmost area of the city is where the king, his family, and only his most praised followers pray to the Gods. To pray in that area of Londo is considered a blessing and only a few people can say they have that blessing.

Cinra is the only non-gothic-styled city in all of Esthorhiel.
Cinra also serves as the neutral ground for all nations as it is the combined spaceport for all inhabitants of Esthorhiel. The city of Cinra is on the island continent that was not given a name because the inhabitants of the other continents do not care for this area because of its lack of resources. Cinra is mainly inhabited by the Busara who do not care for the waring countries over the ocean. Cinra was established not too long ago as the Busara stayed nomadic tribes for most of their history. The importance of Cinra was recognized by the other countries as it serves as a spaceport that enables the people of Esthorhiel to reach out into the stars. This city is a place of peace and the knowledge and the inhabiting Busara work hard to further contribute to Cinra's growth. Cinra is a spaceport/city and mostly inhabitant by the Busara, royal fleet, and some merchants.

Ciaran, once the capital city of Esthorhiel, now nothing but ruins.
This one beloved city was the hub for all things political, inhabitants would often worry more about their social image than for their own country. Ciaran belonged to the continent of Carim. Ciaran was given the title of the capital city because the old rulers of Esthorhiel gave up their power to the continent of Carim. The reason that Ciaran was chosen was that Londo the old capital claimed Ciaran to be the truest to their God and that the inhabitants had good intentions with the power however this was proven to be terribly wrong. The royals of Ciaran abused their power, they made sure the poor stayed poor and the rich became richer. Little to no work was done to help the system grow and the King and Queen even ordered the royal fleet to be downsized so to save money and resources. The actions of this country were terrible and so people began plotting against Ciaran. Ciaran did not remain the capital of Esthorhiel for long, as its fall came with an invasion from its neighbouring countries Thoril and Astorus. Lohron remained unbiased in the fight because of its prior connection with Ciaran. During the invasion, countless lives were lost and lands were destroyed, the invaders burned the fields and cut down the forests leaving the continent in destruction and chaos. Currently, the inhabitants of Ciaran are trying their best to rebuild but because of constant raiding from its northern neighbours, the task is harder than expected.

Home of Giants, the final resting place for all who have proven themselves worthy to their God.
This temple stands in the middle of a desert encircled by mountains it's almost as hard to wonder here as it is to cross the High wall of Lohron. The temple was built long ago as a resting place for old priests and religious followers that were on the brink of death. Once an Esthord reaches his or her later stages of life he becomes weak and is no longer suitable to live in societies that depend on hard work from everyone, therefor they are sent here. The journey to the Home of Giants begins with a boat from the harbour of Lohron therefrom they sail to the southern part of the unnamed desert island. There a small port was built which made it possible to dock for smaller boats such as the ones used to transport the old. The journey continues through the desert, accompanied by bonfires and the howling of the desert winds. Once the desert has been crossed the old will have reached their resting place, The home of Giants, where they will be able to write down all their knowledge into books and spend time with others of their age.

High Wall of Lohron, Is a natural barrier diving Thoril and Lohron.
Lohron claims these mountains as part of its territory and because no battles can be held there no one else laid claim to the High Wall of Lohron. Passage through the treacherous terrain is impossible for armies because of narrow walkways, extreme temperature, and snowstorms making the visibility very low. The mountain range is barely crossed even by travellers because it remains extremely deadly. Few people can call themselves lucky enough to survive the deadly High wall of Lohron.

The Barrier was built in the early years of Esthorhiel.
The natives of Carim built the Barrier to protect themselves from the constant invasions of the Astorus armies. Ever since the Barrier stands taller than most mountains, yet this does not stop the crossing of the wall. Some inhabitants have dug holes under the wall as secret passages for smuggling and easy passage, however, the people of Carim build small forts along the foot of the wall trying to stop the individuals from crossing. Although the Barrier is great protection from land invasions, it was not able to be of use during the fall of Carim, where Astorus and Thoril invaded by transporting all its units through the sea. Nowadays there are merely guards patrolling the Barrier because of Carims fall from power.

  • Native Species: Kuonja, Busara, Mpira wa Manyoya
  • Immigrated Species: N/A
  • Population: Moderate, Constant waring between nations caused the deaths of many inhabitants however the deaths are countered by the quick breeding cycles of the natives
  • Demographics: The Planet is 90% inhabited by the Kuonja and their brethren the Nuru, there are, however, fewer Nuru than there are Kuonja. 10% of the planet's inhabitants are Busara. Now and then other races come to the planet out of curiosity but none of them ever make Esthorhiel their permanent home because natives often dislike outsiders and treat them harshly. The Nuru see themself as superior to the Kuonja and most other races because of their biological advancement of having wings, they say that it was a gift from the moon God so that The Nuru could fly closer to their God.
  • Primary Languages: Ulimi is the main language and all natives speak it. After reaching technology levels that allowed the Esthorhds to reach space travel some Esthorhds started learning galactic basic and brought this language back home with them, eventually leading to the immigration of galactic basic as a language.
  • Culture: The inhabitants of Esthorhiel are a religious bunch, there are two main religions for the people. The people of Astorus believe in the embrace of darkness. They call themself many names some of these include The Followers of Darkness, The Dark Ones, and the Engulfed. This religion does not believe in a God so to say and more in the presence of darkness. The followers of darkness believe that because of a lifetime of sins that their race committed, they should be punished and therefore this religion indulges in self-harm and death. Whilst the religion of the moon believes that they will be reborn after death as beautiful creatures of the sky, the followers of darkness believe that after death they are sent to serve their dark rulers in the afterlife in preparation for the armageddon. Then there is the opposite religion and the more dominant one, the worshipping of the moon and. These religious members are called the Followers of the Sky or the Kindled Ones. This religion focuses on proving themselves to their God so that they can be embraced by the flame and be reborn as beautiful creations of the sky. The people of Esthorhiel live in a very hive-like structure of society, citizens are expected to work hard and contribute to the kingdom they are part of. Inhabitants that are shown to be weak or are not contributing to their people's lives positively are shunned and often killed as they are seen as a waste of space and resources. Because of the religious and physical push towards staying away from light, the Esthohrds live life during the night and sleep during the day. Most of the cultural behaviour is based on Kuonja culture as the other races of Esthorhiel are low in numbers and have yet to make a significant cultural impact on the world.

    Arts, sports, and all sorts of free time activities are rare on Esthorhiel for the common folk as they are busy working, however, this is different for the higher ranking members of society like High priests, Kings, Queens, and Generals. Sports on Esthorhiel consist of hunting, sparring, and wrestling, these sports are considered normal in the Esthorhiel culture.

    A normal day for a male Esthorhd civilian would consist of working most of the day on either construction, farming, hunting/fishing, selling goods at the market, and for some lower-level civilians, cleaning and begging. Afterwards, they would return to their clan home. A clan can consist of 200 - 300 Kuonja. A normal day for a soldier would consist of patroling, sparring, keeping the law, and when war comes to his kingdom, fighting. A regular day for priests can vary a lot depending on their regions and the number of followers their church has. For instance, the Pope of Londo would prepare his morning sermon for his King and Queen. Afterwards, the priest would have a meeting with his high priests. The following hours the Pope prepares for his sermons for the evening as these are often considered the most important because in the following hours the sun will rise covering the city in sunlight which the residents dread. After the evening sermons, the Pope would retreat to his chambers where he prays for his followers' safety. Lower ranks of priests have a similar day but adjusted accordingly to their rank.

    The women in the Esthorhiel society are regarded with high respect as they are the Mothers of all. Because of a genetic factor in the Kuonja, there is a lower chance of a girl being born during birth than for a male. Female Kuonja are taken after birth to a location undisclosed to the public where they are trained in the arts of force usage, after years of training they are sent back into the world where they then assist their Kings with their problems, some women are sent to clans with no Mothers, there the women remain and go through the ritual of giving birth which is a highly religious and important part of Esthorhiel's culture. Other trained women go to the military where they are called Witches, these troops are highly valued and feared for their force prowess.

    An important factor of Esthorhiel's culture is the fact that the brethren of Kuonja called Nuru, are considered superior because of their wings and the fact that they have a higher percentage of giving birth to females, All Nuru that are born as women are considered to be as important as kings. Female Nuru often become Queens or Mothers of powerful clans. The Nuru often dominate the Kuonja because of their belief and biological superiority. Some Kuonja grow up to become Queens but none ever become kings, at the moment all Kings and Queens are Nuru highborn.

    Esthorhds are people of war, they practically live for it. Throughout their whole existence, the people of Esthorhiel have been waging war against each other, sometimes because they wanted to gain something but occasionally they just wanted to fight and test their steel. In other worlds war brings hopelessness and grief, in Esthorhiel war brings a time of happiness and celebration, a time to prove one's self on the battlefield, all who want to fight are allowed to go into battle no matter who they are for during war all are equal. The course of the war is where simple farmers can truly shine for their kingdom. Children are taught that they should fight for their King and queen and that if they die on the battlefield their God will embrace them with the warmth of the moon. Often when Esthorhds retreat from the battle they do not feel hatred for their opponents they see them as brothers for they have shared a battlefield and this is a great honour.
  • Government: Feudalism, every country has a King and Queen who are of equal power, and under them come the nobles, knights, and peasants. The only exceptions are priests who are held in high regard by all people and this gives them much power.
  • Affiliation: N/A (Might change in the future)
  • Wealth: Medium, Although Esthorhiel is a war-torn planet it can gather a sustainable amount of resources from its own sources such as mines factories, and farms, a considerable amount of Ethorhiels wealth also comes from skirmishing neighbouring systems for their wealth.
  • Stability: Medium, The people of Esthorhiel are almost always in conflict with each other over who gains the title of capital, who gets more resources, and other simple reasons. These conflicts, however, do not impact outsiders visiting the planet unless they try to get involved. The Esthorhds are not the most welcoming people in the galaxy but as long as all rules are obeyed and respect is shown they will not be aggressive to guests of their planet. On the other hand, if one gets lost and somehow gets his or herself into the slums or lower areas of the cities there is no guarantee that they will make it up again in one piece.
  • Freedom & Oppression: The people of Esthorhiel are free but there is a sense of control over the civilians. Inhabitants are expected to work hard and be useful to their society in any way possible even if it means death. However, this is normal for the Kuonja as it is part of their culture to give their lives to the King and Queen of their country. The current King and Queen of Thoril castle / the whole system, are good rulers and care for their people, life has been greatly improved by removing many of the slums and giving food to the weak. A cultural habit that has been kept for thousands of years is the rule that only high-ranking church officials are allowed to extinguish a fire. Breaking this rule will be punished by death except if one lives in Astorus where this ritual has slowly faded from society.
  • Military: Esthorhiel has vast military power in the system. The military of Esthorhiel is split into two parts, the royal fleet which consists of soldiers from all countries, this army works for the benefit of all Esthorhiel but it is commanded by the King of the current capital. The royal fleet consists of foot soldiers bearing technological weapons such as plasters, the royal fleet also has a vast amount of space-faring navy. The Royal fleet is only used to fight or protect against outsiders. However, there are individual armies that work with their correlating country. These individual armies work to further the power of their country and are only used to fight other countries on Esthorhiel. The armies are not equipped with any modern technology as the Kuonja prefer to fight with less technological weapons as there is more honour. Each country has a considered amount of soldiers but these numbers are nothing compared to the enormous size of the Royal fleet.

  • Technology: Esthorhiel is up to Galactic Standard when it comes to technology. Looking at Esthorhiel one might think they are still in the early years of technology, but one could not be any more wrong. The gothic-style architecture is of cultural roots. Most technologies were developed by the Busara who do not believe in the religions of the others and their primitive vulture of war.

Esthorhiel started as a primitive planet filled with cave-dwelling races that had little knowledge. The Esthorhds of the past grew with time and eventually started splitting up into different parts of the world, these different tribes would eventually grow into what know are the five major countries.

Soon came another evolution in the family tree of the Esthorhds, the first Nuru were birthed and seen as descendants of their God because of their ability to fly. The Nuru were treated with great care and became the midpoint of Esthorhiel. This built the path to the extreme superiority complex most Nuru have nowadays. Moreover, the people crowned the Nuru as their religious leaders and would build monuments for them, this obsession eventually leads to the construction of Londo, the oldest city in Esthorhiel. The construction took ninety-six years as the technology was limited and so were the builders. The Nuru realized they could not reproduce as fast as the Kuonja and feared that eventually, they would no longer be the ruling force of this planet. During the early years of Londo Nuru priests initiated what historians call the "Nigth of a Thousand Tears".

This historic event occurred during one dreadful night a few months after finishing the construction of the magical city of Londo. Particular loyal servants of the Nuru were chosen to keep alive and the rest were not spared from their deadly plan. Following one of the nightly prayers, food was handed out to the bulk of the people of Londo, however, shortly after all who ate from the food were found dead, poisoned. The surviving Kuonja did not see this event for what it truly was, a genocide but they saw it as a sign from their God that they were the chosen citizens of Londo and the rest were not worthy. Soon after other not-so-developed tribes heard of the event and started fearing the Nuru's power.

This was also the moment in which the Busara separated themselves from the rest of the world and retreated to the desert island where they would continue to exist as wandering tribes, inventing and learning.

What followed were years of oppression towards the Kuonja and the crowing of Londo as the capital city of all Esthorhiel. Those who denied the Nuru their power were stricken down and shown off as an example of what happens to "non-believers". Other cities now also started their construction and soo all countries had a major city which they could call their domain. Countries started enforcing their borders on their neighbours and naturally, conflicts began arising between nations but no major war was started. Religion was on an all-time low as the Kuonja feared their rulers and their God more than they believed in them. The Nuru was striving to expand their power but lacked the resources. Hundreds of years passed without any major occurrences. During this time the political system of Esthorhiel was established and Kings and Queens were chosen amongst the Nuru overlords.

After many hundred years passed and countries established themselves, and armies were thirsty for blood. The first country to ever start was Astorus, the northern people were tired of their peaceful boring lives. The armies were assembled and soon they marched southwards to the Kingdom of Carim. No one could have foreseen this and so no preparation were made by the defending forces, the invasion came to an end almost as fast as it started. Carim's soldiers were unorganized and weak, but Carim was always a political kingdom and so they had connections. On the thirty-first day of the invasion, the armies of Astorus had almost fought their way to Ciaran the nation's primary city. However, the northern armies were intercepted by the crusaders of Londo and its powerful battle witches (Force-users). Ciaran's armies together with Londo's forces pushed back the invaders, and majorly damaged the Astorus military power. After the first taste of war was given to the people of Esthorhiel it spread like cancer over the world. The following years were packed with the constant sounds of war, there were no longer allies just winners and losers.

This time was called the Area of war and historians date this to be the origin for the cultural appropriation for war in Esthorhiel. Many wars were waged for reasons like religion, conquering land, gaining resources, or in the case of Astorus fighting for the pleasure of it. Ten thousand years into the creation of Esthorhiel and the people were still at war with each other and it seemed like there was no stopping. Technologies had advanced, war machines created defences upgraded and militaries increased. Wars became more about strategizing than about who had more soldiers. Londo still the religious capital gave up its title of capital city because of its political involvement with Carim. Londo was promised a steady stream of soldiers and resources in exchange for the title but little did they realize that this would be the start of a new and more frightening area.

Carim started out being a more active capital than Londo, they used their power to colonize the desert island beneath them, establish the Home of Giants. Taxes were input for each kingdom and had to be paid for the right of being alive. The King of Ciaran was a Nuru and so he used his power to establish a law reducing the amount of breeding for the Kuonja. In the beginning, this did not impact the race as much as the Nuru would have liked but as the waring continued their numbers were not replenishing, and slowly but steady they were dwindling. Realizing what was happening all Nations but Carim stopped their attacks on each other. A truce was called between all the nations and all agreed. A council of Kings was established, they would meet in Londo to discuss the future of Esthorhiel because for thousands of years their technological progress was minimal.

During this time a new religion emerged from the shadows, The followers of the darkness or The Engulfed believed in the salvation of darkness and that all must be punished for the sins they committed in the past. The religion came from the north and stayed there as the rest of the world did not relate with their thoughts. However, what started as a small church in Dinheim soon became the only religion in Astorus.

Many agree that nothing good came under the control of Ciaran's King, but some argue that the establishment of the council and later on the Royal fleet were the best things to happen in history. The Royal fleet was established to be a neutral army guarding the overall peace of Esthorhiel. In the following thousand years, its role would be changed to guardians of the planet. Esthorhiel made great advancements in the field of space travel and advanced weaponry. Space ships were built and tested, fixed, and improved again and soon The Kuonja were colonizing the moons and Teostra. This all happened about a hundred years before the downfall of Carim.

The abolishment of the law that limited the breeding of the Kuonja was celebrated and so the nations could go back to waring without fearing the extinction of a race. People were happy and all seems to be going well. Once again the King of Ciaran who was of Nuru blood feared his existence because of the Kuonja. The king ordered a large-scale execution of sorts by poisoning his city's water supply, thankfully other Nuru were no longer as xenophobic as they used to be and they uncovered his plot. This incident reminded people of the Night of a Thousand Tears but, this time the Kuonja were not going to let themselves be pushed around, all over Carim the Kuonja rebelled against their King, they refused to work until a new King that was a Kuonja was crowned King of Ciaran. Months passed and nothing changed, the protests got more violent and nothing could stop their numbers, the King was losing control of his land. Carim was ripe for the picking and so Astorus and Thoril allied themselves together as a unified army to end the regime of Ciaran.

The Fall of Carim was the largest invasion in all known Esthorhiel history, Astorus and Thoril had the largest armies, the most destruction was caused and the people killed. The armies marched from north to south, then east to west killing all in its path, Kuonja or Nurur they did not care. In the eyes of the invaders, the people of Carim were scum who only worked for themselves. Carim stood no chance and battle after battle its forces grew smaller. Soon the whole might of the invasion stood at the doorsteps of Ciaran the Capital of all Esthorhiel. The siege did not take long as Astorus had a variety of siege machines used to slowly break apart the walls of the city. The city streets filled with blood and that night the sky was red.

After the fall of Carim Thoril Castle was appointed Capital city of Eshtorhiel as the people of Astorus did not want such responsibilities. And to this day Thoril Castle has been the capital of Eshtorhiel
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