Work In Progress Black Riders


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Black Riders
Credits: Header,
Consolidation Thread: NA
Unit Description: The Black Riders are units of cavaliers clad in black scale armour and flumboyant decorative feathers on their helmets or saddles. Their mounts are usually lightly armoured and well-preserved.

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: High 3 (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Gear:
        • Scaled Iron Armour
        • Leather undergarment
        • Chainmail Underlayer
    • Speed: Average 2 (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
    • Melee: Average 2 (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Weaponry:
        • Cavalry sword, scimitar or rapier.
        • War-pick or flail
        • Dagger
    • Ranged: Average 2 (Choose between: NA, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Weaponry:
        • Cavalry flintlock or matchlock carabine or Crossbow
        • Blackpowder hand grenades
        • Caltrips
    • Morale: Average 2 (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
    • Size: Average (13-25 Members) (Choose between: Low (4-12 members), Average (13-25 members), High (26-50 members), Very High (51-75 members), Extreme (76-100 members))
    • Number: Provincial: Can be recruited from the following provinces:
        • Oldenn
        • Wesalla
        • Ponthois
        • Dijaur
        • Remnor
        • Veneurres
        • Langued
        • Salara
        • Malas
        • Valaria
      • Recruitment & Replenishment: The Black Riders are highly trainned mercenary cavaliers who take pride in their trade. They pick squires and soldiers to be trainned in their ways and after a long and usually painful initiation, they embrace them in their ranks. Part of the trainning, of course, includes the accumulation of enough wealth to purchase the specialist and sophisticated gear being used by the Black Riders.
  • TvM Requirement:
    • Crossbow Variant: 3v1
    • Matchlock Variant: 4v1
    • Flintlock Variant: 5v1

- Hit and Run experts: These riders can gallop against an enemy unit, cast a volley of fire from their carabines, crossows or pistollas, and then pull back to reload, effectivelly reducing the chances of a melee engagement.
- Fast moving. These riders have lightly geared horses, bred specifically to achieve high speeds, to allow the riders to withdraw from enemy forces.

(Write two, or more, notable flaws the unit has, which impact their performance in the field.)

Historical Information
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