Work In Progress Belyea Military: Halberdier Regiment

Jul 25, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Halberdier Regiment
Consolidation Thread: NA
Unit Description: The Halberdiers are chain-cloaked troops that serve as vanguard to the armies of the Merelais nobility. They deploy in regiments of 100 troops.

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Gear:
        • Spangenhelm, or Kettle Helm
        • Hauberk, Tailored Chainmail Armour, or Breastplate
    • Speed: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
    • Melee: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Weaponry:
        • Halberd, Spear, or Pike
        • Longsword
        • Dagger
    • Ranged: (Choose between: NA, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Weaponry: (Write the ranged weapons or abilities the unit uses here, either in the form of list or few sentances. If this unit has no Ranged weapons available, you can put NA.)
    • Morale: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
    • Size: (Choose between: Low (4-12 members), Average (13-25 members), High (26-50 members), Very High (51-75 members), Extreme (76-100 members))
    • Number: (Choose how many of this type of units exist: Unique, Semi-Unique (Just a handful), Provincial, Regional, Global)
      • Recruitment & Replenishment: (Where can this type of unit be recruited from? Are they able to train additional troops? Are they only raised from specific provinces or Countries?)
  • TvM Requirement: (This attribute shows the necessary TvM score required for a faction to recruit such type of units, and for the unit itself to justify its gear.)

Depending the points spent across the Main Stats of a Submission, the requirements for creation change. The more elite a Unit is, the higher the requirements for a Consolidation Thread in which the existence of the unit is addressed and introduced in a narrative manner.
Points SpentRequirements
16-25Consolidation Thread (15+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
26-30Consolidation Thread (20+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
31-33Consolidation Thread (30+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)

  • Sophisticated formations. Can use sophisticated formations that allow the regiment to counter infantry and cavalry attacks
  • Perfect vanguard

  • Slow moving. Due to the thickness and size of the formations, the Halberdiers move rather slow in the battlefield.
  • No shields. For the sake of the heavy equipment carried, the troops are unable to keep shields, making them vulnerable to ranged projectiles.

Historical Information

The Caligonian Dynasty was spreading across Erova, with its armies fighting numerous cultures and rebels across its domain. With the great split of the Empire, the Kingdom of Pottaun required a strong infantry force with which to counter the increasingly dreadful cavalry of their eastern counterpart.

This solution was found in the Halberdier Regiments. Although not solely equipped with Halberds, instead, becoming a highly trained infantry branch, capable of operating with numerous weapons, such as spears, pikes or halberds, it allowed the Merelais nobility to field them in huge numbers, forming protective barriers to their elite units and cavalry, while preserving large bulworks of long spearheads, that kept the armoured units away from the formation.

It wasn't until 909 AWH, when the Pike and Missile tactic was conceived, allowing the frontline pikemen to host sporadic troops of crossbowmen, who's task was to pick targets from the enemy front, further increasing their losses in the process.
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