Message Battle Plans for The Kings Consideration

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits
Screenshot 2023-08-02 091806.png

To Your Esteemed Highness,

As you can see above I have laid out plans for a multi-prong attack which bypasses the areas that according to Foma’s information are the most heavily defended. These areas are open ground and will give our calvary a tactical advantage and if we move quickly I believe that we can secure a river crossing at Limrac. It is held by a contingent from Straggas army who care nothing for the locals… and they have somehow captured a small cache of gunpowder… giving them the means to blow the bridge if they figure out how to use it… which I wouldn’t put it pass them to figure out.

If we can take the bridge we can continue on to take the rest of the province with one part of the army while the other encircles and heads back to both take Osran with the assistance of the force that should capture Mustire early in the fighting. There job will also be to link up with the naval landing force that I believe Almet should bring ashore against both Waford and Vatrantow. With the force from Vatrantow being the one that marches inland for the meet up… and if they can move quickly enough then they should help with the taking of Devchair… as again… this area is open ground and a prefect place for the use of our heavy calvary units.

We do not expect the use of any gunpower based troops such as those we have began training in ‘pike and shot technique’. Nor do I foresee, based on Foma’s spies… any major magical enemies unless they have hidden themselves well from the old man. A request has been made by Orako that we give ourselves time to prepare and strike on the full moon to give her a battlefield to test her new Clockwork Werewolf Armor… a little gift from Vethony no doubt. I believe this could work to our advantage your highness… as her attacking as an armor juggernaunt should provide the quick breakthrough this plan requires.


Your Loyal Granddaughter and Faithful Servant Marie Ulfbitenn,
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Dear niece,

Your work has been most fruitful, and the plan laid under advisement.
The Marauder infestation in the South-West has been growing significantly, and it is no wonder, why many of the locals have chosen to side with them, instead of facing their many tendrils of iron.
Your information regarding the possession of gunpowder by the Marauders in the province has already been cross-referenced. A caravan containing war supplies from Osran has been captured, and it is my belief, the barbarians have already figured a way to use the weaponry in the field.
This, however, is not a worrying change of tides. Arrangements have already been made, for artillery to be brought to the province via the sea, after our forces manage to capture Waford and Delin. The latter, has already entered negotiations with our agents, while the former, may require a more convincing method to capitulate...

The moors in the Northern part of the province shall deny us from moving any large contingent of armour, or artillery. It is my belief, that the main force must be brought via Waford, from which the advance shall be on dry land, while the Northmost contingents will be tasked in guarding the border, rather than pushing in to the Marauder-held territories.
Our mobilization has not gone unnoticed. Only few weeks ago, an agent of the barbarians was caught by a patrol along the border, not too far from the encampments.

As the barbarians, regardless how uncivilized, have proven knowledgeable of warfare, the Northern contingents will advance up to Limrac and Orsan, which will be the key-elements of our vanguard. To engage them, the enemy must make crossing of the river, which our light troops can harrass and delay, for our main force to advance from Waford, upriver, and deploy along the Southern banks.

This campaign will be a foundation for our future expendition deeper in barbarian lands. The supply lines along the river, from Waford to Limrac, must be secured, as this will serve as the main frontier, and barrier for our homeland.
Orako, is a special case, my dear. It is my ambition, that she will provide for the necessary vanguard to counter the many evils the barbarians have brewed, and shall no doubt, attempt to cast upon us...
I shall be in close correspondance with Orako, and see to the familiarization of her with our tactics, for the better performance in the field.

With faith,

Harrul Ulfbitenn, King of Eirlun
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