Character Aubin Belyea-Le Lieur

Jul 25, 2023
Galactic Credits

Full Name: Aubin Belyea-Le Lieur
Name: Aubin
Surname(s): Belyea-Le Lieur
Born: 902 AWH
Title(s): Crown Prince of Pottaun (claimed)
Nickname(s): “Runt of Le Lieur” (formerly) “Protector of Belyea”
Sex: Male
Appearance: Aubin keeps his black hair long. Pulled back away from his face in some manner. He hit a late growth spurt to reach his current height of 5 feet 10 inches tall and is starting to fill out the frame with muscles due to heavy focus on training. His piercing blue eyes have always been judged his most flattering feature by the girls of the court of Vethonny.
Magic Affinity: None
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Aubin is the first son of the High King and Queen of Pottaun. He was trained in all the social sciences that came with being royal-born, however he held little favor with his father for most of his childhood. He was always small for his age until a growth spurt in his seventeenth year. As a result Aubin was bested in most physical competitions and his father denied him the chance to become a knight as was Aubin’s deepest dream. He would only embarrass the family in tournament or on a battlefield was always the statement given to young Aubin. He learned to ride, he learned the tactics of war, but when it came to any martial training Aubin was constantly denied this. Aubin also received extensive training on how to manage the House.

Just when Aubin started to change the expectations of his physical potential, the High King finally gave in and allowed Aubin to begin the training to become a knight. Aubin has now taken upon himself to be the shield for House Belyea. As part of this task Aubin was dispatched to the Brython Isles where he participated in the war effort of Eirlun to gain lands on the neighboring islands. As a result Aubin has become a part of the Duchy of Suthra and endeared himself to the Duchess Sylvia.
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