Approved Ahch-To System

Lyanna Starborn

Darth Fauste - Sith Lord of the Starborn Sect
May 10, 2024
Galactic Credits
Star System Name: Ahch-To System

Star Type: Binary Twin Yellow Dwarfs

Star Name: Ashla and Bendu

1. Planet Name: Ahch-To
- Type: Ocean Planet
- Orbital Position: First Planet
- Size: Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Ninety-Six (18,196) km - Diameter
- Atmosphere: Ahch-To's atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen and oxygen, making it breathable for humans and other sentient species. The air is cool and moist, often filled with a salty tang from the vast surrounding oceans.

The planet experiences frequent and sudden shifts in weather conditions, ranging from heavy rains and mist to clear skies, driven by the oceanic climate and the interactions between its two suns. The atmosphere supports diverse ecosystems, with thriving marine life in its oceans and hardy vegetation on its rocky islands. High humidity and persistent winds are common, especially near the coastlines, which are often battered by waves and sea spray.

The presence of thick cloud cover is frequent, contributing to the island’s misty and mysterious ambiance, while the dual suns can cause unique lighting effects during the day. Overall, the conditions on Ahch-To are rugged and unpredictable, reinforcing its remote and isolated nature.
- Climate: Ahch-To has a cool, oceanic climate dominated by expansive seas and a few scattered islands. The planet lacks distinct climate zones, as the environment is largely uniform due to its extensive water coverage. The coastal areas, which make up much of the landmass, experience temperate conditions with mild to cool temperatures ranging from 45°F to 65°F (7°C to 18°C) throughout the year.

Weather patterns on Ahch-To are highly variable, with frequent rain showers, mist, and strong winds common across the islands. The planet is prone to sudden changes in weather, including storms that bring heavy rain and occasional lightning. Cloud cover is often thick, creating overcast skies, though clear, sunny days occasionally break through, offering brief glimpses of its dual suns.

Overall, Ahch-To's climate is mild but unpredictable, with constantly shifting weather patterns that lend an air of mystery and seclusion to its rugged, rocky terrain.
- Terrain: Ahch-To's terrain is dominated by vast, churning oceans that cover most of the planet's surface, with only a few scattered islands rising above the water. These islands are rocky and rugged, featuring steep cliffs, craggy shorelines, and numerous sea caves. The landscape is marked by sharp, weathered stone formations and towering sea stacks, carved by constant waves and wind over millennia.

The islands are covered in a mix of hardy grasses, mosses, and small, resilient plants adapted to the wet and windy conditions. Freshwater springs and small streams are fed by frequent rainfall, sustaining the sparse vegetation and small animal populations.

There are no deserts or large plains; instead, the terrain is characterized by its maritime features—coastal bluffs, tide pools, and narrow beaches of dark, weathered sand or pebbles. The combination of oceanic expanse and rugged island landscapes gives Ahch-To a secluded, almost mystical feel, in keeping with its role as a hidden sanctuary for the first Jedi Temple.
- Moons: Kyber

Asteroid Belts/Rings: Calm Belt - a faint ring that encompasses the planet Ahch-To and the twin suns, Ashla and Bendu. It was formed from a collision between two celestial bodies in the system before the formation of Ahch-To’s planetary core.

Natural Satellites:
- Moon Name: Kyber
- Type: It is a small, rocky moon orbiting Ahch-To. Its surface is composed mainly of dark, metallic-rich rock with patches of reflective minerals that glint under the light of the system's dual suns. The moon's terrain is rugged and uneven, featuring craters from ancient impacts and a scattering of jagged mountain ranges. Sparse deposits of ice can be found in shaded craters and crevices, hinting at the presence of frozen water beneath the surface.

Kyber's thin atmosphere consists mostly of trace gases, and it lacks sufficient pressure to support life. Its surface is marked by ancient lava flows, suggesting a volcanic past, now dormant for millennia. Occasionally, Kyber casts a faint shadow over Ahch-To, causing brief dimming effects and creating rare celestial alignments, adding to the mystical aura surrounding the planet and its connection to the Force.
- Orbit: Kyber orbits Ahch-To at a distance of approximately thirty thousand (30,000) kilometers (about 18,640 miles) from the planet's surface. Its orbital period is roughly twenty-seven (27) Earth days. This relatively close orbit and longer period create a regular and predictable pattern of lunar phases, influencing the planet's tides and contributing to the celestial dynamics of the system.
- Features:
- The Shattered Crater: A massive impact crater on Kyber’s surface, with steep, jagged walls and a central peak. It's a prominent landmark, visible from Ahch-To and often used as a reference point for celestial observations.

- The Obsidian Ridges: A series of dark, rocky mountain ranges formed by ancient volcanic activity. These ridges are composed of shiny, black volcanic rock, giving them a striking appearance against the moon’s surface.

- The Frozen Basin: A large, icy depression located in the moon's southern hemisphere. This basin contains a significant deposit of frozen water and occasionally forms a mist that extends into space.

- The Crystal Caves: A network of subterranean caverns lined with luminescent crystals. These caves are a source of natural light and offer a unique visual spectacle, with glowing mineral veins that illuminate the darkened interiors.

- The Twilight Zone: A region near the moon’s terminator where light and shadow create dramatic contrasts. This area is known for its striking visual effects and is a focal point for observational studies.

Artificial Structures:
- Space Stations: The Migrant Fleet’s space stations around Ahch-To are designed to support their extensive operations and accommodate their large population. The Central Command Hub serves as the fleet’s nerve center, featuring advanced control systems for coordinating movements, strategic planning, and interstellar communications. It includes a large central dome with command and control rooms, surrounded by multiple docking bays for fleet ships. The Research and Development Facility focuses on scientific exploration and technological advancement, equipped with laboratories and workshops to study Ahch-To’s unique aspects and develop new technologies, supported by extensive data storage and processing capabilities. To house the fleet’s inhabitants, the Habitation Module provides residential areas, recreational facilities, and social spaces, with a modular design that allows for flexibility and expansion.
- Orbital Platforms: The Migrant Fleet’s orbital platforms are crucial for maintaining security and operational efficiency. The Maintenance and Repair Dock is equipped with large bays and advanced tools for the upkeep and repair of ships and equipment, featuring automated repair systems and specialized facilities for intensive maintenance. The Defense Platform is strategically positioned to offer maximum coverage and protect the fleet and the planet from potential threats. It includes energy shields, weaponry, and surveillance systems for early detection of any approaching dangers. These platforms ensure the fleet’s readiness and safety while they maintain their headquarters in the ruins of the first Jedi Temple on Ahch-To.

- Nebulae: In the vicinity of the Ahch-To system, there is a prominent nebula known as the Crimson Veil Nebula. This vast, colorful cloud of interstellar gas and dust is located several light-years from the system, casting a diffuse, reddish glow that can sometimes be seen from Ahch-To. The nebula’s rich hues are due to the ionization of hydrogen gas by nearby young, hot stars, creating a vibrant backdrop against the darkness of space. Additionally, there are several scattered gas clouds that contribute to the system's cosmic splendor, occasionally drifting through the outer reaches of Ahch-To's orbit. These clouds add a shimmering, ethereal quality to the system, enhancing its mystical and serene ambiance. The interaction of these nebulae and gas clouds with the light from Ahch-To’s dual suns occasionally creates dramatic visual effects, such as radiant auroras and striking contrasts in the sky, enriching the system's celestial landscape.

Historical Significance:
- Colonization/Exploration: Before the arrival of the Migrant Fleet and the Starborn Sect, the Ahch-To system had fallen into obscurity and was considered a forgotten star system. Its historical significance as the site of the first Jedi Temple had faded from memory, and it was largely unknown to most spacefaring civilizations. The system's remote location and the secrecy surrounding its ancient temple contributed to its isolation.

During this time, Ahch-To was largely untouched by galactic events, and its unique celestial and mystical features remained undisturbed. The ruins of the Jedi Temple, overgrown and eroded by centuries of neglect, lay dormant, holding the remnants of its ancient legacy. The system's natural phenomena, such as its dual suns and the nearby Crimson Veil Nebula, continued to operate quietly in the background, unnoticed by the broader galaxy.

The rediscovery of Ahch-To by the Migrant Fleet and the Starborn Sect marks a significant turning point, bringing the once-forgotten system back into the spotlight. Their arrival has reignited interest in the system's historical and strategic importance, setting the stage for renewed exploration.
- Conflicts/Battles: N/A
- Discoveries: First Jedi Temple

Current Status:
- Dominant Faction/Power: Starborn Sect - Migrant Fleet
- Economic Activity: N/A
- Political Situation: Ahch-To remains solely under the control of the Starborn Sect and the Migrant Fleet. The exact location of the Ahch-To system in the Unknown Regions is a closely guarded secret.
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