Approved Agate Handmaidens


Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

UNIT NAME: Agate Handmaidens

UNIT TYPE: Support Infantry

AFFILIATION: The Cha Kale System


FUNCTION: To flesh out the armies of Esthorhiel​

  • Primary Weapon: Scatter gun
  • Secondary Weapons: N/A
  • Armor/Protection: N/A
Force users of the Kuonjan race, all of them are female and trained to use their sorcery and rituals to support the rulers of Esthorhiel. They have perfected the arts of mind and body possession allowing them to control others around them instead of entering combat themselves. These witches are often found in the palace, as protectors of the noble families, a plethora of these Force users become teachers to the younger Kuonja who seek mastery in the force. More notable Kuonjan nobles have had this unit of sisters as bodyguards. The Agate Handmaidens are seen as a beacon for the religion of Esthorhiel, and their blood is almost holy for the populace of their home planet. In addition to their incredible force mastery, the sisters always carry a Scatter gun on them should a haist in combat be needed, it is hidden underneath their massive robes and can often be overseen by the common eyes.

  • VIP: They never come alone, and any member of the Kuonjan race would through away their life without an afterthought to keep the Handmaidens alive
  • The Force: An astounding ability to wield, and their mastery of it makes these women formidable opponents.
  • Protection: They wear no armour or other sort of protective layer, their long robes also are not the most tactical piece of clothing to wear during combat.
  • Endurance: Although the members of this unit are specially trained to fight using the Force, they can not do so for an unlimited amount of time, as using these skills drains the user and the longer a battle goes on the emptier the power reserves go.


A tale told through aeons is that of the Three Sisters. Once upon a time, there was only light and fire, and the Kuonjans suffered under the torment of their relentless Sun. But in the darkest moments, three Witches emerged as pillars of power, guiding their kin with the message that hope was not lost. These three witches possessed immense magical abilities and unparalleled wisdom. Together, they brought solace and strength to their people, forging a path through the searing trials they faced.

The legacy of these powerful women reached its zenith when they went on to serve the first King of Esthorhiel as both wives and warriors. Their union with the king was not only a melding of hearts but also a strategic alliance that fortified the kingdom against its enemies. As both queens and champions, they led armies to victory and enacted laws that ensured the prosperity and safety of their subjects. The children born of this great fusion inherited their parents' formidable traits, going on to achieve unparalleled greatness and etch their names into the annals of Kuonjan history.

These descendants became renowned leaders, scholars, and heroes, each contributing to the flourishing of their civilization. The hope and resilience inscribed into the populace by the Three Sisters are remembered today through the establishment of the Agate Handmaidens. This esteemed order stands as a modern symbol of prosperity, power, and the enduring spirit of the Kuonjans. The Agate Handmaidens continue to embody the virtues of the Three Sisters, ensuring that the legacy of the long-dead witches endures through the ages, inspiring future generations to persevere and triumph against all odds.
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